Boosters Meeting

January 6, 2015

OA High School – Room B142 – 7:00 p.m.


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Keith McLaughlin

Chip Basse

Debbie Basse

Pam Carroll

John Carroll

Kathleen Rockey

Scott Bamford

Larry Costello

Chris Mancini

Kevin Gottwald

Jackie Gottwald

Heather Robillard

Jarek Nikiciuk

Dan Litwack

Paul Nigro

Jennifer Starr

Lisa Healey

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OA Boosters Meeting / January 6, 2015

Middle School:

  • The Middle School jackets are in and are $67 each. We sell the jackets for what it costs us.
  • Roland will film a game for each of the two teams. Keith suggested that Roland burn CD's for each player as soon as he films the games. Larry will talk to Roland about this.
  • Coordination of the Middle School program will be handed off by Larry next year. We will need someone to take over this responsibility. Larry will help plan for tryouts but will need someone to take over from there. We will probably go down to one team next year. Larry will put together a timeline for what needs to be done.
  • If a parent has pictures from the Middle School games, please let us know and we will get them posted on the website.

High School:

  • Larry will speak with Roland about filming two Junior Varsity games. This will probably be done at the Foxboro rink.
  • Roland is hesitant about using the staging that Scott Bamford set up for filming at the Asiaf Rink. Although the angles and view are much better from this staging, Roland won't use it. This Wednesday (vs. Franklin) Larry has ECAT coming in to film the game. ECAT comes in with two video cameras so we get a couple of angles.
  • We need to plan immediately for the team and individual pictures to be done. Jamie Gibson will do this for us again this year. He has done a great job for the past couple of years and has only charged us $100 per team. Jamie posts the pictures to his website. The pictures are available for download at no charge. Larry will contact Jamie to get this arranged; this needs to be set up with the coaches as well.
  • To check out the pictures from prior years, check out Jamie's website at
  • Varsity letter jackets have been ordered and will be in at the end of January/beginning of February. Once they arrive, they will be given to the coaches for distribution.

OA Clothing:

  • Holidays sales went well.
  • There is still merchandise available. If anyone is interested in merchandise, please email Wanda at and she will be happy to help you out.

Special Events:

  • Senior Night:

Senior night will be held on Saturday, February 14th, 4:00 p.m. vs. Coyle Cassidy. We will need some volunteers for this as most of the people who have done this in the past are parents of current seniors.

We would like to do cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate again this year (and have it available to all attendees from both teams). This was a great success last year.

Both Wanda and Sue have volunteered to help out.

Lisa will contact Evelyn at Rose Hill Gardens to get the flowers.

Larry will talk to Jamie about doing pictures for this game as well.

Chip will do the banners. It was suggested that maybe the picture on the banner could be an action shot rather than the individual photo.

Chip will do the buttons for the senior parents.

  • OA Hockey Banquet:

We are trying to schedule the banquet for Monday evening, March 16th, at the Oliver Ames cafeteria. Larry will see if that date is available.

Amy Litwack has volunteered to do the end-of-season video. Please email Amy () if you have any video or photos she could use.

Last year we used Hardy Catering. We'd like to explore other options this year. Jennifer Starr has volunteered to speak with the Southeastern Regional to see if they could cater this event. Jennifer will coordinate this with Wanda.

We should plan for about 150 people.

Chip Basse and Heather Robillard are working on the yearbook. We still need baby pictures of the seniors. We'd like 3 pictures of each senior, maybe a younger picture of the player in his mite hockey uniform if possible.

Chip will prepare the email/letter to get yearbook ads. The ads defray the cost of the yearbook. We are trying to do color this year.

It was suggested that maybe there be a "tweet" page where students could leave messages for the players.

Keith will prepare the Memory Mates for each of the players and will put them together with the DVD's from Roland for an end-of-season gift for each player. The Memory Mates cost about $8.00 per picture. Keith will just need help with the names of the players.


  • Jarek has been doing a great job keeping the website updated. Thank you.
  • We do not have any pictures yet; Both Dan Litwack () and Scott Bamford () have offered to be the point people to get the photos posted. Please contact one of them if you have any pictures.


  • Back to the 80's Night!!! The Oaks Ames Memorial Hall has been reserved for Friday night, January 23rd, 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
  • Keith and his brother have obtained the one-day liquor license for this event.
  • There will be an 80's live band, cash bar, raffles and auction items. There are also sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact Kevin Gottwald () if you have an item you would like to donate or would like to be a sponsor.
  • We are looking into a caterer to do appetizers.
  • This will be a great night out and not just for hockey parents but for the entire community as well.

Next Meeting: February 3, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.

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