Booklist for the second year students of the full-time studies in English
at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Program (2014/2015)
Books marked in red are recommended for buying.
Physiology with elements of clinical physiology
1. Raff H, Levitzky M, Medical Physiology: A Systems Approach, 1st edition, Lange McGraw-Hill, 2011
2. Guyton AC, Hall JE, The Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th edition, Elsevier Saunders, 2006;
3. Seeley RR, Stephens TD, Tate P, Anatomy and Physiology, 6th edition, McGraw- Hill, 2006;
4. Purves D. et. al., Neuroscience, 3rd edition, Sinauer, 2004
1. „Pathophysiology of Disease” An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, S.J. McPhee, W. F. Ganong. International Edition 2006, fifth edition
2. Prawon D., Singer CRJ, Baglin T., Lelleyman. Oxford handbook of Clinical Haematology. Oxford University 2004.
3. Robbins & Cotran: Atlas of Pathology & Robbins Basic Patholog. W. B. Saunders Company 2006-
4. Sylvia A. Price, Lorraine M. Wilson: Pathophysiology, clinical of disease process. Mosby, sixth edotion, 2003-
Laboratory medicine
1.Marshall WJ. Bangert SK. Clinical chemistry, 6th edition 2008. Mosby. ISBN 9780723434559
2.Fraser CG. Biological variation: from principles to practice. 2001, AACC press. ISBN 1-890-88349-2
3.Fischbach F, Dunning MB . A manual of laboratory and diagnostics tests. Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 8th edition, 2010. ISBN 9781451108743
4.Guder w. Samples:from the patient to the laboratory. 2nd edition 2001. GIT Verlag ISBN 3-928-86531-5 *
5.Gaw A et al Clinical biochemistry: An illustrated colour text 4th edition 2008, Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 0-443-06932-8
6.Kellerman GM. Abnormal laboratory tests results. 2nd edition 2006, McGraw Hill Medical ISBN 9780074715864
7.Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Anderson’s electronic atlas of hematologic disorders. Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2003. ISBN 9780781726450
8. Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Anderson’s atlas of hematologic disorders. Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2003. ISBN 9780781726627
9. Brunzel Nancy A. Fundamentals of urine and body fluid analysis.Second Edition, Elsevier 2004 ISBN
10.Bayes-Genis A, Januzzi JL. NT-proBNP as a biomarker in cardiovascular diseases. Prous science 2008. *
1. Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Pfaller MA: Medical microbiology. MOSBY Elsevier, 2009
The Principles of Clinical Medicine
Basic literature in English
1. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine: Volumes 1 and 2, 18th Edition. Ed. Longo D.L., Kasper D.L., Jameson J.L., Fauci A.S., Hauser S.L., Loscalzo J. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2011.
2. Macleod’s Clinical Examination. 13th Edition. Ed Douglas G., Nicol F., Robertson C. Elsevier, 2013.
3. Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis. 1st Edition . Japp A., Robertosn C., Hennessey I. Churchill Livingstone, 2013.
Supplementary literature in English
1. Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. Ed. Bickley L.S. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013.
2. Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination. Ed. Rosalyn W. Stewart, Henry M. Seidel, Joyce E. Dains, John A. Flynn, Jane W. Ball, Barry S. Solomon. Mosby Elsevier, 2011.
Basic literature in Polish
1. Badanie kliniczne Macleod. Red. Douglas G., Nicol F., Robertson C. Elsevier Urban & Partner, 2010
2. Diagnostyka różnicowa objawów chorobowych. Red. Kokot F. Wydawnictwo lekarskie PZWL, 2007.
3. Interna Szczeklika 2013. Red. Gajewski P., Szczeklik A. Medycyna Praktyczna, 2013.
Supplementary literature in Polish
1. Diagnostyka internistyczna. Tatoń J. Czech A. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 2005.
2. Podstawy ogólnej diagnostyki klinicznej. Bolechowki F. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, 1985.
3. Badanie kliniczne. Epstein O., Perkin G.D., de Bono D.P., Cookson J. Wydanie polskie pod redakcją Skiorski M., A Czelej, 2001.
The Principles of Clinical Genetics
1. Jorde LB, Carey JC, Bamshad MJ: Medical genetics. 4th edition, Elsevier, 2010.
2. Tobias ES, Connor M, Ferguson-Smith M: Essential medical genetics. Willey-Blackwell, 2011.
3.Sudbery P, Sudbery I: Human molecular genetics. Pearson Education Limited, 2009.
4. Strachan T, Read A: Human molecular genetics. 4th edition, Garland Science, 2011.
1. Kenneth M. Murphy, Paul Travers, Mark Walpor Janeway’s Immunobiology, Garland Science available online at: (free) (free)
2. David Male, Ivan Roitt, Johathan Brostoff Immunology, Mosby.
3. Abbas, Lichtman: Basic Immunology, Sauders.
Gene Therapy
1. Giacca M: Gene Therapy. Springer-Verlag, Mediolan 2010
selected topics, coppies avilable in the Department
2. Selected lectures material available at the website of the Department