Be prepared to share your WHY: We are all busy, and people are not going to say “yes” to supporting your hobby. But if you tell them, for example, that you really need this business to work so you can stay home with your kids, or that you really need to pay off debt, your friends will be more likely to support you! ENVP Meloni Barkley’s friend asked her to host a jewelry party and her first thought was, “No!” However, the girl went on to say, “I am able to stay home with my 2 boys, but in order for me to continue I have to have 6 events a week,” so Meloni said, “Yes, of course I will!”
Give away the farm: Sweeten the pot if you have to! You may want to throw in a extra free product to get a “yes.”
Expect a YES!Belief has a sound! People will hear it in your voice!
Quick Minute: “Hi, Meloni! Do you have a quick minute?
My Why: “Meloni, I started my Arbonne business to help my husband so he could get rid of his second job and spend more time with our family.” Or, “I am doing this business to give my family a pay raise.” Or, “I am doing this business so I can be home with our kids.” Share your WHY in a transparent way.
Ask Favor: “In order to stay home with the kids I need to have 8 presentations this month.” Or, “In order to get my business off to a good start I am needing a few friends to help me get started.” Or, “In order for me to go to the next level in this company I need to have 8 presentations this month.” ASK: “I was wondering if you would do me a favor and be one of my 8.”
Before You Answer/Tell Benefit: “Meloni, before you answer, let me tell you that I will do all the work. I am going to give you a free product for hosting, I will bring snacks and drinks and I will give you incredible discounts on anything you may want to buy. It’s not an all-night thing. I’ll be in and out in less than 2 hours.”
Couple of Dates: This is the MOST important!! Be ready with your dates! You will be booking for later in the week or the following week! “Meloni, I have Wednesday or Friday that I am trying to fill right now. What do you think?”
- Then WAIT for response.
- If they can’t book now, try later in the month.
- If they are closed to the idea, try to schedule a one-on-one.
- If they are not open to a 1-on-1, ask if you can drop off samples.
You’ve booked the presentation. Now what?
Communicate: It is a mistake to wait until a few days before the presentation to talk to your host. Communicate early and often.
- Thank you card to host
- Share your excitement for the presentation
- Tell them to keep snacks simple
- Tell them how you will set up
Send invitations: Send the host an invite and encourage host to invite friends with the invitation you created via email, Facebook, text and phone calls.
- Coach your host to make personal phone calls to the guests telling them to save the date and that an invitation is coming.
- Coach your host to call each guest a few days after they’ve received the invitation to make sure they are coming
- Encourage host to be excited and to get a definite “yes” or “no” from each person invited.
- Lesson: Just sending an invitation without a personal phone call from the Host WILL result in no-shows, low attendance and frustration.
Give Samples: It is important for your host to have tried the products before the presentation.
- Fit Kit
- RE9 Sample with a few Genius Pads
- Sample Basket with some of your favorites: Pure Vibrance Shampoo and Conditioner, Fizz Sticks, other samples of products you love.
Encourage Early Sales: This will increase the volume of your presentation.
- Give your host a couple of catalogues and order forms, and offer a free gift if they collect $150 in sales from those who can’t attend the event.
Present the Opportunity: The #1 purpose of your presentation is to find a business partner. Your host could be that person!
- Gift your host a gift if they listen to a Discover Arbonne Call prior to their presentation. Tell them you would love for them to listen to the call to see if they could possibly be interested in the business or if they can think of any friends that might be interested.
- Don’t forget to ask the 4 questions after they listen to the call:
- What did you like best about the call? (This shows what part of Arbonne is exciting to them; listen!)
- What intrigued you most about the call? (Their answers to the first 2 questions will show you what to talk about. If they don’t mention money, don’t talk about the money. If they mention trips, talk about trips!)
- Who do you know personally that could benefit from the products, opportunity, or both? (You want them giving names here. The idea of this question is to get them thinking already about who they would share Arbonne with. This shows them, “Yes, I do know people!”
- On a scale of 1-10, with 0 being, “I never want to hear the word Arbonne again,” and 10 being, “I’m ready to start my Arbonne business,” where do you see yourself?
- 0-4 Hosting is enough for now
- 5-9 Ask if they would be interested in getting on a call with your upline or coming to a meeting to learn more.
- 10 Schedule launches and a Getting Started Training
Ask for Referrals: Our job is to build networks by meeting the friends and family members of our contacts. You will miss the opportunity to get in front of hundreds of people per year if you do not ask for referrals.
- After the presentation, ask your host for names and phone numbers of those that could not attend.
- Example of verbiage – you to the host: “Sally, are there any of your friends that could not attend that you feel would enjoy sampling Arbonne in the privacy of their home? I know people are so busy, and I would love to make things convenient for them.
- Example of verbiage – you to the referral: “Hi, Mary! This is Andrea, and I am the Arbonne Consultant from Sally’s presentation. Sally thought you would really enjoy trying our products in the privacy of your own home, and I would love to meet with you and drop off some samples for you to try.
“How elegantly you manage disappointment
will determine how quickly you will experience success.”
Robin Sharma