BOOK TRAILER PROJECT Multimedia / Visual Arts Competencies 1 & 2
Excellent (5-4) / Good (3-2) / Fair (2-1) / Incomplete (1-0)Use of software / - Engages with programs by experimenting and taking many creative risks
- Asks questions and shares learned information about program / - Engages with programs by experimenting and taking some creative risks
- Asks questions relating to program / - Uses programs in a very basic way, without taking many creative risks (little to no editing)
- Asks one or two questions relating to the program / - Does not engage with programs, and does not take any creative risks
- Does not ask questions or share information
Use of visuals / - Video clips or images chosen are dynamic, visually appealing
- Visuals work well with theme or narrative of project
- Visuals are edited carefully to match timing or rhythm in music / soundtrack / - Images chosen are visually appealing and appropriate for project
- Visuals work with theme or narrative of project
- Visuals are edited in an effort to match timing or rhythm in music / soundtrack / - Images chosen are somewhat visually appealing and appropriate for project
- Visuals work somewhat well with theme or narrative of project
- Visuals are somewhat edited to match timing or rhythm in music / soundtrack / - Student has not chosen any images for their project
- Any visuals used do not work have any connection to theme or narrative of project
- Video clips are not edited at all / project is incomplete
Use of audio / - Music or audio is engaging and fits well with visuals in terms of theme, energy, mood
- Audio is edited carefully to work with visuals / - Music or audio is somewhat engaging and fits with visuals in terms of theme, energy, mood
- Audio is edited to work with visuals / - Music or audio somewhat fits with visuals in terms of theme, energy, mood
- Audio is somewhat edited to work with visuals / - Music or audio is not engaging, and does not fit with visuals
- Audio is not edited / incomplete
Meets project requirements (Checklist) / - Meets 8-9 of project requirements / - Meets 6-7 of project requirements / - Meets 4-5 of project requirements / - Meets 0-3 of project requirements
Response to art / - Student is able to clearly explain and describe their project in terms of technique and subject matter
- Student responds to other student’s art by talking about the themes and techniques and asking questions / - Student is able to explain their project in terms of technique and subject matter
- Student responds to other students’ art by talking about the themes and techniques used / - Student is somewhat able to explain their project in terms of technique and subject matter
- Student responds to other students’ art by talking about what they see in terms of concept / - Student is unable to explain their project in terms of technique and subject matter
- Student does not respond to other students’ artwork by asking questions