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Values and Public Policy, 37: 436.
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Islamic Struggle in Syria, The, 26: 548-49.
Abernathy, Glenn
The Right of Assembly and Association, 4: 223-24.
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Criminal Churchmen in the Age of Edward III: The Case of Bishop Thomas de Lisle, 39: 805-06.
Abraham, Gary L.
Max Weber and the Jewish Question: A Study of the Social Outlook of His Sociology, 36: 858.
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Freedom and the Court: Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States, 9: 396-97.
Justices and Presidents: A Political History of, Appointments to the Supreme Court, 17: 530-32; 29: 345-46.
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Perpetual Dilemma: Jewish Religion in the Jewish State, 21: 349-51.
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The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups U.S. Foreign Policy, 45: 184-85.
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Preachers Present Arms: The Role of the AmericanChurches and Clergy in World Wars I and II with Some Observations on the War in Vietnam, 11: 527-29.
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Abu-Amr, Ziad
Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza, 39: 346-47.
Abzug, Robert H.
Cosmos Crumbling: American Reform and the Religious Imagination, 38: 178.
Ackerman, James S, Jenks, Roger L. Alan Wilkin, and Edward B. Jenkinson
Teaching the Old Testament in English Classes, 16: 340-41.
Acton, Lord
Acuerdos Concordatarios Espanoles y la Revision del Concordato Italiano, Los, 25: 349-51.
Essays on Church and State, 11: 521-23.
Adams, James Luther
Growing Church Lobby in Washington,The, 13: 358-59.
Prophethood of All Believers, The, 30: 569-70.
Voluntary Associations, 30: 569-70.
Adeney, David H.
China: The Church’s Long March, 30: 345-46.
Adeney, Frances S.
Christian Women in Indonesia: A Narrative Study of Gender and Religion, 46: 134-35.
Adler, H. G.
The Jews in Germany: From the Enlightenment to National Socialism, 13: 539-41.
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The Plurality of Religion and the Unity of Faith, 33: 619-20.
Adolph, Walter
Die katholische Kirche im Deutschland Adolf Hit/ers, 20: 356.
Kardinal Preysing und zwei Diktaturen: Sein Widerstand gegen die totalitiire Macht, 17: 524-26.
Agu, Charles Chikezie
Secularization in Igboland: Socio-Religious Change and Its Challenges to the Church Among the Ibo, 33: 135-36.
Ahdar, Rex
Worlds Colliding: Conservative Christians and the Law, 45: 172-73.
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Law and Religion, 43: 607-08.
Ahlstrom, Sidney E.
A Religious History of the American People, 15: 123-25.
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The Intellectual Origins of Egyptian Nationalism, 4: 235-36.
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The Triumph of Pastor Son, 21: 366.
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This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy, 38: 913.
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Yemenite Jewry: Origins, Culture and Literature, 31: 152.
Akenson, Donald Harman
God’s People’s: Covenant and Land in South Africa, Israel, and Ulster, 35: 896-97.
Akers, Charles W.
Called unto Liberty: A Life of Jonathan Mayhew, 1720-1706, 8: 293-94.
Divine Politician, The: Samuel Cooper and the American Revolution in Boston, 27: 345-46.
Akhavi, Shah rough
Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: Clergy-State Relations in the Panlavi Period, 23: 133-35.
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El Salvador£ Por que la Insurreccion?, 25: 348-49.
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Sons of the Fathers: The Civil Religion of the American Revolution, 21: 110-12.
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Aborto, 25: 350-51.
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The Mighty and the Almighty. Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs, 49: 779-80.
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The Spanish Inquisition and the Inquisitorial Mind, 31: 146-48.
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The KuKlux Klan in the Southwest, 8: 302-04.
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Classical Liberalism the Jewish Tradition, 45: 611-12.
Alexander, Stella
Church and State in Yugoslavia Since 1945,26: 140-41.
Alfs, Matthew
The Evocative Religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses: An Analysis of a Present-Day Phenomenon, 34: 871.
Algar, Hamid
Religion and State In Iran, 1785-1906: The Role of the Ulama in the Qajar Period, 18: 330-31.
Wahhabism: A Critical Essay, 46: 890-91.
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Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 23: 159.
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Pope Benedict XVI: A Biography of Joseph Ratzinger, 47: 883-84.
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The Social Passion: Religion and Social Reform in Canada, 1914-28,17: 322-23.
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James Madison on Religious Liberty, 30: 612.
School Prayer: The Court, the Congress, and the First Amendment, 37: 433.
Without a Prayer: Religious Expression in Public Schools, 41: 845-46.
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The Constitution and Religion: Leading Supreme Court Cases on Church and State, 42: 582-83.
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The Crescent Obscured: The United States and the Muslim World, 1776-1815, 38: 919.
Allitt, Patrick
Catholic Converts: British and American Intellectuals Turn to Rome, 40: 904-05.
Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America: 1950-1985, 36: 862.
Religion in America Since 1945: A History, 46: 900-01.
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Nationalism and Antisemitism in Modern Europe, 1815-1945, 34: 146-48.
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Anti-Semitism Through the Ages, 32: 427-28.
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UFO Cults and the New Millennium, 42: 395-97.
Alonso, Harriet Hyman
Growing up Abolitionist: The Story of the Garrison Children, 46: 415-16.
Peace as a Women’s Issue: A History of the U.S. Movement for World Peace and Women’s Rights, 37: 159.
Alpert, Rebecca T.
Voices of the Religious Left: A Contemporary Sourcebook, 43: 616-18.
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The Literary Guide to the Bible, 30: 611-12.
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Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, 36: 599-600.
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Protestantism and Repression: A Brazilian Case Study, 29: 137-38.
Theology of Human Hope, A, 18: 358-59.
Alvis, Robert E.
Religion and the Rise of Nationalism: A Profile of an East-CentralEuropeanCity, 48: 466-67.
Alwall, Jonas
Muslim Rights and Plights: The Religious Liberty Situation of a Minority in Sweden, 43: 811.
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Geschichte des Protestantismus in Russland,5: 272-73.
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Religion in the Public Schools: The Report ofthe Commission on Religion In the Public
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Between Hammer and Sickle, 11: 561.
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Baptist Battles: Social Change and Religious Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, 34: 624-25.
Bible Believers: Fundamentalists in the Modern World, 30: 613.
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Healing of Nations, The: The Promise and Limits of Political Forgiveness, 48: 205.
International Ethics: Concepts, Theories, and Cases in Global Politics, 2nd ed., 49: 769-70.
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The American Moralist: On Law, Ethics, and Government, 35: 407-08.
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Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s, 36: 183-84.
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Imputed Rights, An Essay in Christian Social Theory, 14: 507-08.
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The Christian and Social Concern, 18: 132-34.
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Studies in Philippine Church History, 13: 350-51.
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Philosophy of the United States: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, 47: 642-43.
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Morality and Religion in Liberal Democratic Societies, 35: 904-05.
Anderson, Irvine H.
Biblical Interpretation and Middle East Policy: The Promised Land, America and Israel, 1917-2002, 49: 565-66.
Anderson, John B.
Between Two Worlds: A Congressman’s Choice, 14: 350-51.
Anderson, Margaret Lavinia
Windthorst: A Political Biography, 25: 165-66.
Anderson, Norman
Issues of Life and Death: Abortion, Birth Control, Capital Punishment, Euthanasia, 21: 154-55.
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Religion and Spirituality in the Public School Curriculum, 47: 891-92.
Andrews, James F.
The Citizen Christian, 11: 537-39.
Angell, Stephen W. and Anthony B. Pinn
Social Protest Thought in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 42: 589-90.
An-Na’im, Abdullahi Ahmed
Proselytization and Communal Self-Determination in Africa, 43: 353-55.
Toward an Islamic Reformation: Civil Liberties, Human Rights, and International Law, 33: 806-07.
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Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Making of a Mind, 27: 348-49.
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Religion Under the State Constitutions, 8: 465-67.
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Freedom from Federal Establishment: FormatIon and Early History of the First Amendment Religion Clauses, 8: 461-63.
Antoine, Charles
Church and Power in Brazil, 16: 541-43.
Antonides, Harry
Stones for Bread: The Social Gospel and Its Contemporary Legacy, 29: 152-53.
Antoun, Richard T.
Understanding Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Movements, 44: 572-73.
Apostolidis, Paul
Stations of the Cross: Adorno and Christian Right Radio, 43: 371-72.
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Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East, 40: 174-75.
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The Urgency ofMarxist-Christian Dialogue,14: 159.
Araujo, Robert John, S.J. and John A. Lucal, S.J.
Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace: The Vatican and International Organizations from the Early Years to the League of Nations, 47: 883-84.
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Religion in the Middle East: Three Religions in Concord and Conflict, 11: 348.
Arendt, Hannah
The Jew As Pariah: Jewish Identity and Politics in the Modern Age, 22: 165.
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L’Eglise et les projets d’avenir du peuple canadien-franrais, 21: 148.
Arias, Bishop David
Spanish Cross in Georgia, 38: 429.
Arieli, Yehoshua
Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology, 8: 124-25.
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From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam, 28: 132-33.
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Rethinking Islam: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers, 38: 182.
Armstrong, Brian G.
Calvinism and the Amyraut Heresy, 14: 331-34.
Armstrong, George D.
The Christian Doctrine of Slavery,13: 543-44.
Armstrong, Marjorie Moore, and O.K. Armstrong
Baptists Who Shaped a Nation, 19: 127-28.
Indomitable Baptists,The,9: 411-12.
Arnold, O. Carroll
Religious Freedom on Trial, 22: 158-59.
Arnott, Peter
The Byzantines and Their World, 16: 341.
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The Ghosts of 1492: Jewish Aspects of the Struggle for Religious Freedom in Spain, 1848-1976,23: 158.
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The Principles of State and Government in Islam, 5: 269-70.
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Ambivalent Alliance: The Catholic Church and the Action Francaise, 1899-1939, 30: 178-79.
End of an Elite, The: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution, 1786-1790, 36: 167-69.
Askew, Thomas A. and Richard V. Pierard
The AmericanChurch Experience: A Concise History, 48: 222-23.
Aston, Margaret
Thomas Arundel: A Study of Church Life in the Reign of Richard II, 10: 452-54.
Ateek, Naim Stifan
Justice, and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation, 32: 641-42.
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Faith and the Intifada: Palestinian Christian Voices, 36: 879.
Atherton, John
Marginalization, 46: 146-48.
Public Theology for Changing Times, 43: 346-47.
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Through the Eye of a Needle: Theological Conversations Over Political Economy, 49: 777-79.
Atkinson, James
Great Light: Luther and Reformation, The,12: 515-18.
Trial of Luther, The, 14: 331-34.
Attwood, David
Paul Ramsey’s Political Ethics, 35: 906-07.
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Cross, the Flag, and the Bomb, The: American Catholics Debate War and Peace, 29: 128-30.
Audi, Robert and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate, 41: 156-57.
Auerbach, Jerold S.
Rabbis and Lawyers: The Journey from Torah to Constitution, 36: 604-05.
Aughey, Arthur
Under Siege: Ulster Unionism and the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 33: 364-65.
Augsburger, Myron S.
Nuclear Arms: Two Views on World Peace, 30: 347-48.
Augustin, Pius
Religious Freedom in Church and State: A Study in Doctrinal Development, 11: 145-46.
Aukerman, Dale
Darkening Valley: A Biblical Perspective on Nuclear War, 32: 893.
Reckoning with Apocalypse: Terminal Politics and Christian Hope, 37: 663.
Ault, James M., Jr.
Spirit and Flesh: Life in a FundamentalBaptistChurch, 47: 892-94.
Averill, Lloyd J.
Problem of Being Human, The, 19: 362-63.
Religious Right, Religious Wrong: A Critique of the Fundamentalist Phenomenon, 32: 883-85.
Avis, Paul
A Church Drawing Near: Spirituality and Mission in a Post-Christian Culture, 47: 649-51.
Avi-Yonah, Michael
A History of Israel and the Holy Land, 46: 889-90.
Avnery, Uri
Israel without Zionism: A Plan for Peace in the Middle East, 17: 145-50.
Avni, Haim
Argentina and the Jews: A History of Jewish Immigration, 34: 869-70.
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Critical Essays on Israeli Society, Religion and Government, 40: 173-74.
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Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab World, 34: 619-20.
Babbie, Earl R., Charles Y. Glock, and Benjamin B. Ringer
To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the ContemporaryChurch, 10: 157-58.
Babin, Pierre
The New Era in Religious Communication, 34: 402-03.
Babris, Peter J.
Silent Churches: Persecution of Religions in the Soviet-Dominated Areas, 22: 532-33.
Bacchiocchi, Samuele
From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity, 21: 109-10.
Backman, Clifford R.
The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily: Politics, Religion, and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296-1337, 39: 151-52.
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ChristianChurches of America: Origins and Beliefs, 20: 592-93.
Bacon, Margaret Hope
Quiet Rebels, The: The Story of the Quakers, 29: 575-76.
Bacote, Vincent E.
The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper, 48: 470-72.
Bahro, Rudolf
Building the Green Movement, 29: 149.
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Die Deutschen Christen Bayerns in Rahme; des bayerischen Kirchenkampfes, 14: 354-05. Kirchenkampf in Nurnberg: 1933-1945, 20: 357.
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The Muslim Dilemma in India, 18: 565-66.
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Who Are the Christians in the Middle East?, 46:138-39.
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Viva Cristo Rey! The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, 17: 520-21.
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Edgar Gardner Murphy: Gentle Progressive, 12: 143-45.
Bailey, Kenneth K.
Southern White Protestantism in the Twentieth Century, 8: 306-07.
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Christian Attitudes Toward War and Peace, 3: 93-94.
Erasmus of Christendom, 13: 150-51.
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Bigotry, Prejudice and Hatred: Definitions, Causes and Solutions, 36: 178-79.
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The Politics of South India: 1920-1937,19: 340-42.
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Church, Society, and Politics: Papers Read at the Thirteenth Summer Meeting and the Fourteenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, 21: 561-63.
Heresy, Sch’ism, and Religious Protest, 15: 323.
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Popular Belief and Practice: Papers Read, the Ninth Summer Meeting and the Tenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, 15: 320-23.
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A Southern Baptist in the White House, 21: 115-17.
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Taxation and the Free Exercise of Religion: Papers and Proceedings of the Sixteenth Religious Liberty Conference, Washington D.C., October 3-5, 1977, 21: 327-28.
Baker, J. Wayne
Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenant: The Other Reformed Tradition, 24: 625-26.
Baker, Lucius J., and Twiley W. Parker, Jr.
Freedoms, Courts, Politics: Studies in Civil Liberties, 9: 111-12.
Bakke, Raymond, William Hendricks, and Brad Smith
Joy at Work: Bible Study Companion, 48: 708-09.
Bakvis, Herman
Catholic Power in the Netherlands, 25: 162-63.
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Protestants and the Mexican Revolution: Missionaries, Ministers, and Social Change, 33: 609-10.
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The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Boundaries of Law, Politics, and Religion, 45: 185-86.
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Alexander III and the Twelfth Century, Vol. 3: The Popes Through History, 11: 550-52.
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The Religion Business, 11: 326-28.
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The Word and the Law, 38: 419-20.
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In Search of a National Morality: A Manifesto for Evangelicals and Catholics, 36: 164-65.
Balme, J. R.
AmericanStates, Churches, and State, 13: 543-44.
Balmer, Randall
Grant Us Courage: Travels Along the Mainline of American Protestantism, 39: 176.
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture, 32: 426.
Balmer, Randall and John R. Fitzmier
The Presbyterians, 37: 417.
Balmer, Randall and Lauren F. Winner
Protestantism in America, 45: 179-80.
Baltzell, E. Digby
Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia: Two Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Class Authority and Leadership, 23: 150-51.
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Taking Faith Seriously, 47: 873-74.
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Letters on Toleration: Dutch and Persecuted Swiss and Palatine Mennonites 1615-1699, 49: 574-76.
Barber, Malcolm
The Trial of the Templars, 22: 336-38.
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The Quakers in Puritan England, 8: 136-37.
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Early Christian Thought in Its Jewish Context, 40: 473-74.
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Conflict, Violence, and Peace, 13: 545.
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Of Gods and Men: New Religious Movements in the West, 28: 543-44.
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Church, State, and Education, 2: 69-71.
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Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries, 13: 368.
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The Trial of the Templars, 2nd ed., 49: 571-73.
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Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, 34: 169.
Barkun, Michael
Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, rev. ed., 40: 498.
Barlow, Frank
The English Church, 1000-1066: A Constitutional History, 7: 450-53.
Barlow, Richard Burgess
Citizenship and Conscience: A Study in the Theory and Practice of Religious Toleration in England During the Eighteenth Century, 7: 270-71.
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Why Black Power?,10: 485.
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Horace Bushnell and the Virtuous Republic,35: 160-61; 36: 413-14.
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Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925-1937, 34: 133-34.
Barnes, Linda L. and Susan Sered
Religion and Healing in America, 49: 154-55.
Barnes, Roswell P.
Under Orders: The Churches and Public Affairs, 3: 224-25.
Barnette, Henlee H.
Exploring Medical Ethics, 25: 370-71.
Barnett, Suzanne Wilson
Christianity in China: Protestant Missionary Writings, 30: 175.
Barnett, Victoria
For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest Against Hitler, 37: 424.
Baron, Salo W.
The Russian Jew Under Tsars and Soviets, 7: 463-64.
Baron, Samuel H. and Nancy Shields Kollmann, eds.
Religion and Culture in Early Modern Russia and Ukraine, 40: 484-85.
Barr, David L., and James V. Panoch
Religion Goes to School, 10: 486.
Barrera, Albino
Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy, 45: 610-11.
Barrett, John
That Better Country: The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835-1850, 10: 460-62.
Barrett, Patricia
Religious Liberty and the American Presidency: A Study in Church-State Relations, 6: 374-76.
Barron, Bruce
Heaven on Earth? The Social and Political Agendas of Dominion Theology, 36: 393-94.
Barry, William A., S.J., and Robert G. Doherty, S.J., eds.
Contemplatives in Action: The Jesuit Way, 46: 145-46.
Bartel, Roland, ed.
Biblical Images in Literature, 19: 371.
Bartell, Ernest
Costs and Benefits of Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, 13: 364-65.
Barth, Karl
Community, State, and Church, 3: 84-87.
Ethics, 25: 368-69