
Book Response Options

Mrs. Hunthausen

1. Write five postcards from (5) characters in your chosen book to characters in another book. One side of each postcard must illustrate events in the book.

2.Read a book that has been made into a movie. Write a report comparing and contrasting the movie and the book. (One page typed or 2 pages written)

3. Rewrite the plot of your chosen book as a modern children’s storybook. This must include illustrations.

4. Make a plot timeline of your book. Use detailed descriptions and illustrations to explain the timeline.

5. Create a dictionary, describing your story. For each letter of the alphabet, find three words from your story that relates to the book’s theme, characters, setting, and plot and explain relationship.

6. Write a newsletter or news article that includes information on the book’s theme, characters, setting, and plot. Include illustrations.

7. Make a poster that presents the book’s theme, setting, characters, and plot through detailed explanations and illustrations.

8. Write a poem about your book with at least eight stanzas.

9. Write a multi-paragraph book review. Format for this type of review is found in the Write Source 2000 text book, pages 188-191.

The book can be found on the selves in the classroom.

10. Imagine you are the author of the book you have just read. Suddenly the book becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book a movie. Explain why the story, characters, conflicts, etc would make a good film. Only books not already a movie.

11. Compare and contrast two characters in your book or compare and contrast your book to another. (Two pages written or one page typed

12. Submit to me your own unique idea on how you would like to present your knowledge of your book. Your idea will be evaluated for approval. Make sure you submit your idea before you begin your project.

Keep this all Year

Students are required to read at least one book a quarter and turn in one book response, due about a week before the quarter ends. Choose one of the options above for each quarter and vary your options each quarter. You may earn extra credit by reading another book and doing another book response.