Book 2 Unit 2 Word List (A)

1. surf the Net (Net = Internet) 瀏覽網路 (surf – – )

Meg and Ted are students. They have a lot of homework every day, but they still

or talk on the for some time every day. They are happy students.

2. every day 每天

Tina: What do you do ?

Jeff: I study and play sports . And you?

Tina: I watch TV and read comic books .

Jeff: We are happy in everyday life.

3.  computer (cn.) 電腦

Look! These are new tablet . They are birthday gifts for my brother and me from my parents. I can use surf the Net with it on weekends. My brother can, too. We are so happy.

Related terms: laptop 筆計型電腦 tablet computer平版電腦

4. hour (cn.) 小時

Jason: Tina, how many are there in a day?

Tina: There are twenty-four in a day.

Jason: Then how many do you study every day?

Tina: I study for an a day.

Jason: I study for an a day, play sports for one , and use the

computer for two every day.

5. a lot of (=lots of) 很多的

Tim: Look! There are students at the park. What

are they doing?

Sam: They are waiting for Jay, the famous singer. His concert is from five to


Tim: Wow! It’s very wonderful! Let’s go to the concert, too.

Sam: Come on! I have still homework.

6. about (prep.) 大約

There are a lot of students waiting for the concert in front of the gym. The

concert is at seven. We can listen to JJ sing for two hours. Let’s wait in

line, too. The concert is to begin in thirty minutes.

8. then (adv.) 那麼;然後

Mike: What do you do every Saturday morning?

Nick: I get up at seven. I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I eat my breakfast. From eight to twelve, I study English.

Mike: You are really busy. what time can we play basketball?

Nick: After three o’clock.

Mike: Sorry. I can’t play basketball on Saturday afternoon.

9. after work 下班後

My father is very busy at work every day, but , he reads,

watches TV, and plays sports with me. He is a great father.

10. story (cn.) 故事;樓層 (“ “ is the plural form of “story”)

Hello, everyone. I am Scott. I am a ten-year-old writer. I live in a ten-story

apartment. I write short for my friends and tell fun to them. They love my very much. Here are my books. Read them, and you can have a lot of fun.

11. love (v.) (un.) 喜愛;愛 (love – – )

Jason and Tina their parents. They show their to their

parents by kissing them.

Proverbs: Love is blind. 愛情是盲目的。
Love me little, love me long. 愛情要細水長流。

Love me, love my dog. 愛烏及烏

12. magic (adj.) (un.) 魔力;神奇的

Ivy: What are you doing? Are you doing ?

Tim: Yes, I’m doing . Look! It’s a bird, right? Now it’s a kite!

Ivy: You’re really . You can be a magician like Lu Chen one day.

Tim: I hope so.

Ivy: Your name is Tim now!

12. have (v.) 有;吃;舉行 (have – – )

Mr. and Mrs. Smith a happy family. They dinner with their sons and daughter every night. After dinner, they a family meeting in the living room. They talk, sing, and read. Look! They are dinner now. Aren’t they happy?

13.  get up 起床 (get – – )

Tina is an early bird. She goes to bed at 10:00, and at about six. After she washes her face, she plays sports.

14.  brush one’s teeth 刷牙 (“ ” is the plural form of tooth)

(brush – – )

Meg: Are you hungry, Ted? There are some cookies on the table.

Ted: No, thanks. I have no tooth for cookies now. I’m a little full.

Meg: You mean you don’t have any teeth. You are so poor.

Ted: No, I am a little full. By the way, do you

after breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day?

Meg: Yes, I do, but my sister only before bed.

Her teeth are very bad.

15.  wash one’s face 洗臉 (wash – – )

Tina every morning and evening. Look! She is


16.  breakfast (n.) 早餐

It’s six thirty. My mother is making . We have a big at about seven every day.

17.  lunch (n.) 午餐

It’s twelve p.m. The students are eating in the classroom. Their

boxes are very beautiful.

18.  English (n.) 英文

Mr. Wu is an teacher. He speaks a lot of in class. He teaches songs, he tells stories in class, and he reads poems to his students. His students like his class very much.

19.  music (un.) 音樂

Tina has talents for . She listens to , makes , and loves . is her favorite.

20. hero (cn.) 英雄 (“ “ is the plural form of hero)

My father is a . He gets up at five, makes breakfast for our family, and then wake Mother and me up. Then he goes to work. After work, he has dinner with us, talk to me, teaches me lessons, and helps Mom in the kitchen. He is really a

to me!

21. during (prep.) 在…期間

My parents are busy at the snack bar the weekday. At night, they listen

to music, read, and play computer games with my brother and me.

the weekends, they play sports, clean the house, and watch TV.

22.  before dinner 晚餐前

Alice: What can we do ?

Bill: Let’s read the short story “Magic Parents”.

Alice: It’s your new story?

Bill: Of course. Don’t you think our parents are magic?

Alice: They really are! Our magic mother is making dinner now!

Bill: She is very great!

23.  change into 變成 (change – – )

Today is Meg’s birthday. Father is putting on the costume and mask. He

Iron Man. He is really cool. How about Mother? She is putting on the costume and mask, too. She Captain America!

24.  kid (cn.) (“ ” is the plural form of “kid”) 小孩

Jason: Look! There are some cute playing with a ball at the park. Let’s

join them.

Judy: No. We are not . We are sixty years old.

Jason: Come on! We are still young like !

25.  get into trouble 招惹麻煩 (get – – )

Jason: Don’t run in the classroom. You can !

Judy: No. It’s very fun.

Jason: Look! Mr. Lin is coming, and you !

26.  like (v.) (prep) 喜歡;像

Jason: What do you , Judy?

Judy: I English, basketball, and music. What about you, Jason?

Jason: I baseball and writing. What does your baby brother


Judy: He eating, sleeping, and playing. He is a pig.

Jason: Come on! He is only one year old!

27.  put on 穿上 (put – – )

Judy: Please the mask and costume.

Jason: Wow! I change into The Hulk!