Bones and 13 conversations about one thing response.
The short story “Bones” Written by Lee J. Engfer and “13 conversations about one thing” produced by Jill Sprecher. “Bones” is a short story on Lin and Thea. Lin is hypochondrias and she’s obsessed with every detail on her body. She worries for everything. The story line of “13 conversations about one thing” is about Gene English, an insurance company manager whose unhappiness with life is exacerbated by his son, Raymond. Wade Bowman is a very happy man; his happiness makes Gene even angrier. Gene fires Wade to make him miserable but Gene learns that Wade made it out.
“Bones” main idea is people stress too much about life when they shouldn’t. They should be happy with what they have. Lin is hypochondrias and she’s wasting her life. Lin has to change; she has to live her life before it’s too late, and that’s when you can’t go back. “13 conversations about one thing” main idea is what ever you do it will come back. That reminds me of the song by Justin Timberlake “What goes around comes back around.” When it comes back, it can even be worst. Gene tries to make everyone just like him. He tries to change the world however he’s wasting his entered life on. Gene wants everyone to be unhappy. He fires Wade to make him sad. It works but after an amount of time Wade’s back up. Gene is like Lin (stress) and to help Gene situation his son, Raymond has drug addiction. To conclude when you’re negative things go badly and when your positive things go well.
“Bones” relates to the guiding question (life is what you make out of it) because Lin’s attitude is too much negative and that’s what she made out of herself and out of her life. Same for “13 conversations about one thing”, Gene is always serious and never has fun. That’s what he’s making out of his own life.
“Bones” was more realistic. It had more detail than the movie. You knew the person feeling better than the movie. “Bones” is best for the audience age 14-20 because Lin and Thea are near that age also. But I have to say that Bones and “13 conversations about one thing” were both realistic because these two situations are part of like and happy frequently.
One of my parent friends is almost like Lin. She’s obsessed with everything around her. If she notices one little imperfection on the wall or around the house she takes it like it was a gigantic thing. In other words what would be a small accident she would deal with it like it was the end of the world. My second choose, is the media. I remember that article that made the world’s news and on the internet. It was about a man who was obsessed with everything especially his wife. He wanted his wife to change but she didn’t want because she was happy with who she was. He decided to take her life away. Now he’s in prison wasting his existence. He had no rights to kill his wife just because she wasn’t what he expected of her. That’s what he made of his life but always, made of someone else’s life.
My two writing techniques are the setting and the symbol of the pumpkin. The short story Bones take place in the fall, where dead leaves drop for the trees. Halloweenrelates to death. The pumpkin is round and perfect on my side which means Lin is young and hides her sadness. On the other which the pumpkin is dented inside means boring and negative.