Head’s Report: Autumn term 2016
J. Kirby 16/12/2016
This report reflects on the priorities of the SIP 2016/17 and provides the Governing Body with data which shows current student progress across years alongside attendance/punctuality and behaviour reports and quality of teaching and learning.
Progress on Leadership and Management
This term a significant piece of work has been undertaken to assess and improve the quality of teaching and learning with a particular focus on the progress of PP students. We have highlighted that the progress of PP and SEND students is a key consideration for every member of staff and a particular focus for all school leaders. We have appointed internally Richard Coombes to the post of SENCO and a vital part of this role will be to further improve our support and student progress.
Middle leaders and senior leaders have reported back from training they have undertaken to relevant staffing teams. This training has been undertaken significantly on research based on most effective teaching and on school to school improvement with a focus on PP and on improving leadership impact.
Following the review of ICT, we are implementing changes to how we operate our ICT service and have appointed to the senior ICT post. A new aspect of this work will be to work closely with teachers to support better use of ICT within the learning environment through a staffing working party model.
The curriculum model will be further discussed at the January governor’s meeting which at this point in the school year is a central piece of work, refinements and changes are proposed to reflect the new measures and direction of curriculum we need to take to make sure students are well equipped for the future. It will be important in the spring term to secure more students onto our post 16 offer and changes to how we recruit have been made. Alongside other City schools we are finding that students are much more aware and proactive in seeking alternatives to school sixth forms.
The performance management of teaching staff was considered through the Pay and Audit committee, this committee rigorously considered the recommendations.
Cheney school’s STEM leadership has been highly effective through the Oxfordshire Training School Alliance and we secured the contract late in the summer term to continue with this work.
A significant focus of HoF’s work is in the implementation of the new curriculum and in the securing of understanding of the new levels and examination specifications. Making sure we have staff working effectively on areas such as standardisation, assessments and moderation through networks with other schools and professional partner organisations is going to be crucial. Our work through PiXEL and with OCL schools are two important strands.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
The Learning Walk and Observations reports attached provide Governors with further data on the way we are developing, monitoring and holding staff to account for the quality of Teaching and Learning. Leadership Team have extended scrutiny meetings every 6-8 weeks. Close consideration of consistency in practice and improvements in assessment will be a significant piece of work in 2017 so that feedback in all lessons is impactful.
Alongside the changes to curriculum and assessments reporting to parents has undergone changes. The new format of reports is attached to this report. With less assessment points we should be able to use the time to make sure we are concentrating on the actions rather than spending so much of our time and resource on the measurement aspect of data capture.
Of significant improvement this term has been to the library environment which undertook refurbishment in the summer holidays. Our new Librarian has proved to be a significant positive influence in setting the tone for the use of the library as a place of reading and study in addition to this the impact of the new build has improved the environment for the teaching of science and mathematics as well as providing additional study spaces for the sixth form and year 11. L1 has been converted to a quiet purpose built study booths so there are now numerous areas for students to study.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
Attendance and Punctuality
The data and report attached provides the Governors with progress and areas of ongoing work. Our big drive is on PP attendance and we have the data broken down to show college/year group trends. All tutors have been briefed on the importance of actions to challenge and support student attendance. The attendance of PP and SEND students remains a key school priority.
Behaviour and Safety
The behaviour report attached shows the types and levels of student exclusions. We have been really clear about the consequences of poor behaviour and with the use of Gateway provision the trend of last year’s increasing exclusions has reduced this term. We have used exclusions only as a last resort. Poor behaviour in lessons is rare (as indicated in the external reviews and learning walk data), but we still need to make sure we are consistent with the expectations of behaviour and engagement.
As part of this work we have introduced a new student leadership program with prefects taking on specific roles in teaching and learning and behaviour. It is too soon to comment on the impact of this but I would expect for this to be discussed at a forthcoming governor meeting and by the close of next term. The leaders of the student prefects have presented to the LT, and Mr Richard Tattershall (science Faculty) has a TLR3 to support with student leadership.
What has been very positive is the number of Head’s commendations to students over this term, in addition to this I have introduced a hot chocolate with the head which has a focus on some of our most vulnerable students and their progress. The importance of positive reinforcement of good behaviour and rewarding effort has been a constant theme of the work of the RFL team and pastoral teams. The student leadership evident through the Sixth Form students undertaking Duke of Edinburgh has been outstanding with a successful gold expedition of over 50 students, and with over 60 yr. 12’s enrolled this year. The school has agreed to a 3-year plan for DoE so that even more students take bronze and silver opportunities in the younger years. The impact of how older students taking part in the life of the school and local community is very important in role modelling for younger students. This scheme formalises this aspect of student engagement.
We have had a fire drill this term and this was witnessed by the safeguarding governor.
Our PSHE program this term has focused on Anti-bullying and How to Keep Safe for all years in November 2016, Dealing with Cancer for year 9 and Study Skills and exam preparation for year 11’s, as these reflect the needs of the students. The 6th form covered the following PSHE topics during tutor time: Drug addiction, Safe drinking & alcohol, staying safe at night, Safe Sex & Sex Education, Head’s assembly on Keeping Safe – ‘Think for yourself, Act for others.’, Safe Drive Stay Alive. In addition, the 6th form ran a skill workshop at the beginning of year 12 and also teach skills through the EPQ lessons: How to write letters, CV, Work Experience. Careers advice was covered in year 9 and Managing time & studies covered in year 11
Student attainment and progress
Progress of students is indicated in the attached report. These provide Governors with the data we share with staff at Cheney. The key priority remains PP/SEND students. Kate Hackett will also present Raise at the Governor meeting which has changed in many ways the format from previous years, and will change again to reflect the changes in how we are levelling rather than grading. The focus on scrutiny meetings which are held between middle leaders and senior leaders enable plans/intervention and quality of teaching and learning to be evaluated and governors may well be interested in understating this in more detail. The English and mathematics staff presented to Cheney Friends at the AGM regards support and content in these areas of the curriculum this was well received and well received. Parent evening attendance for year 9 was 80% and year 11 was 77%. This is significantly above corresponding year group attendance in 2015/2016.
Developments of how we are engaging with parents with homework and using an on line tool is being investigated by Louise Marsh as is the use of on line progress folders both would have a positive impact on engagement with parents and support for staff in the use of data and would help with staff work load especially in the case of the on line student progress folders.
Mr Peter Cantley, the newly appointed Deputy Head will join on the 3rd January with a specific role in the leadership of student outcomes.