EGM 172Project 2
Design and build a bot to compete in the sumobotcompetition.
You will use the Google Project Wiki Template to create a wiki documenting your project. One wiki is required per team. Your complete project documentation must contain the following webpages:
- Home page
- Project Definition page
- Team description page
- To-Dos (Schedule) page
Your wiki should be created via the Googlesites Project Wiki Template as demonstrated in this Project 1 Sample Wiki and described below.
1.Creating the project wiki from the Googlesites Template
Logon to your UNCA Google account and go to Sites.Select CREATE in the upper-left portion of the page. Under Select a Template to use: select Browse the gallery for more. Under Public select Featured, you should see Project wiki near the top of the list of featured templates; select that template. For help with customizing the Template, see this link or maybe this one. A Google search will produce many other useful guides.
2.Project Homepage
As demonstrated in the Sample Project wiki, your project homepage should contain a brief introduction to your project including an image of the SolidWorks 3D model or hand-sketch depicting your proposed bot. Extra credit points (see points breakdown below) are awarded for a SolidWorks model.The image should represent the bot you intend to build which may not be identical to your final bot.
Feel free to remove any material provided on the Template that is not required for your project wiki (see the list of required information above). Any information that is not removed must be customized for your project.
3. Project Definition page
Your project definition must include an English description of your intended bot design including your bot-esthetics.Your final bot may deviate from this description. As demonstrated in the Sample Project wiki, your project page should also identify your mission, objectives, and constraints.
4. TeamDescription page
Describe the role of each team member. Feel free to add additional information to better characterize your team.
5. To-Do List
Use yourTo-Do List as a Milestone Schedule. A milestone schedule identifies the completion dates of activities required to meet your design objectives. The dates selected assure that your bot will be fabricated and tested by the competition date. Your schedule should be created at the start of your project and it should address all major activities from design through testing.
6. In-class competition
You are expected to participate in the in-class competition on the final two days of project 1 work. The points that you earn in competition contribute directly to your grade for project 1 as indicated below.
Wiki / 35Bot-esthetics / 5
Competition Score / 40
Bonus Pts for proposal SolidWorks model / 3
BonusPtsfor placing in the tournament: 2pts for 3rd; 4pts for 2nd; 6pts for 1st / 6
Total / 80 + 9 extra credpts
Project 2 grades will be assigned to the “team,” with each team member getting that same grade. Only one copy of all project documentation is required for each team.
Project Wiki: 4/15/16
Submit your Project Wiki URL to Moodle
In-class Competition: April 29 – May 3 as indicated on the class webpage