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Embedded Assessment #1 Outline

Body Paragraph #1: Topic: _Food/How does food connect to one’s cultural identity?

______(Choose one element of cultural identity)

Topic Sentence: Food/how it relates to cultural identity.

Use one of the following sentences:

One important element of a person’s cultural identity is food.

Because food is an important part of each person’s life, it reveals much about each person’s cultural identity.

Write a sentence that leads into the quote and connection:

Patricia Williams’ essay, “Ethnic Hash,” shows how she discovers her cultural identity through food.

Quote from a text and explain how it connects to cultural identity.

She explains, “My father is from. . .Georgia. When he cooks. . .the results distinctively Southern. His specialities are pork chops and pies” (Williams 11).

Explain the significance of the quote (how does it connect to your topic sentence / thesis).

Obviously, one’s cultural identity is affected by his or her food choices; sometimes, food choices can even reveal a person’s location.

Introduce the quote:


Explain the signficance of the quote:

Concluding sentence:

Embedded Assessment #1 Outline

Body Paragraph #2: Topic: ______(Choose one element of cultural identity)

Topic Sentence:

Write a sentence that leads into the quote and connection:

Quote from a text and explain how it connects to cultural identity.

Explain the significance of the quote (how does it connect to your topic sentence / thesis).

Quote from a text and explain how it connects to cultural identity and the topic of the paragraph.

Explain the signficance of the quote:

Concluding sentence:

Body Paragraph #3: Topic: ______(Choose one element of cultural identity)

Topic Sentence:

Write a sentence that leads into the quote and connection:

Quote from a text and explain how it connects to cultural identity.

Explain the significance of the quote (how does it connect to your topic sentence / thesis).

Quote from a text and explain how it connects to cultural identity and the topic of the paragraph.

Explain the signficance of the quote:

Concluding sentence:

Body Paragraph #4: This paragraph should detail an element of your own cultural identity.

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Details:

Concluding sentence:

Conclusion: This paragraph must restate the thesis—without the exact words. Try to summarize the important ideas of your essays. You may want the clincher to be an important quote or a sentence that has a lot of impact on your reader—it should be catchy. (This paragraph should have a minimum of three sentences.)

Works Cited

Tan, Amy