Boca Raton Campus
Phi Theta Kappa
Alpha Delta Iota
General Member Meeting
Friday, February 10th, 2012
I. Call to Order
a. This meeting was called to order by Gabriela Settles at 10:05am
II. Roll Call
a. Gabriela Settles
b. Lolita Boykin
c. Monique Valle
d. Maria Kerschbaumsteiner
e. Andres Gordillo
f. Deana Karp
g. Cheryl Campbell
h. Jocelyn McCoy
i. Pauline Smith
j. Donatella Derival
k. Bernhard Hollnbuchner
l. Michael Cordoba
m. Jordan Oetting
n. Christina Donath
o. Vikki Rosenbloom
p. Carmen Oliviera
III. Approval of today’s Agenda
a. This agenda was reviewed and approved by Gabriela Settles.
IV. Past Events
a. CollegeFish Info Session
i. Friday, January 27th at 10:00am during General Meeting
b. Arthur Marshall Foundation Trail Spruce Up
i. Saturday, February 4th at 9:00am
c. PTLC/PTL College Project Movie Screening “Waiting for Superman”
i. Wednesday, February 8th at 2:00pm
d. FAU Transfer/Scholarship Info Session
i. Friday, February 10th at 10:00am during our general meeting
V. Upcoming Schedule of Events
a. Saturday, February 11th – Boca Helping Hands
i. Time: 8:00am – 1:00pm
ii. Location: Boca Helping Hands – 1500 NW 1st Court, Boca Raton, FL 33432
iii. Credit: Service
iv. Please fill out volunteer packet by February 6th (provided at general meetings and also located in PTK office)
v. Notes: Wear a hat (or be subject to a hair net) and closed toe shoes
vi. Contact: Andrew Gerren /
b. Monday, February 13th – PTLC Black History Month Seminar “Finding Your Own History” with Professor Rodney Dillon
i. Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm
ii. Location: HT102
iii. Credit: Fellowship
iv. Contact: Lolita Boykin /
c. Monday, February 13th – New/Prospective Member Orientation
i. Time: 2:00pm
ii. Location: HT103A
iii. Credit: Leadership
iv. Notes: We need member assistance at the check-in table
v. Contact: Maria K. /
d. Wednesday, February 15th – New/Prospective Member Orientation
i. Time: 5:00pm
ii. Location: HT103A
iii. Credit: Leadership
iv. Notes: We need member assistance at the check-in table
v. Contact: Maria K. /
e. Thursday, February 16th – PTLC Black History Month Seminar “African Americans in Medicine during the Civil War” with Professor Archie Ammons
i. Time: 3:00pm-4:oopm
ii. Location: HT103A
iii. Credit: Fellowship
iv. Contact: Lolita Boykin/
f. Saturday, February 18th – PBSC Campus Clean Up (Adopt-A-Spot)
i. Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
ii. Location: PBSC Boca Campus – meet in front of the cafeteria
iii. Credit: Service
iv. Contact: Andrew Gerren /
g. Saturday, February 18th – Creation Station Educational Program (Boca Raton Museum of Art)
i. Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
ii. Location: 501 Plaza Real, Boca Raton, FL 33431 In Mizner Park
iii. Credit: Civic Engagement
iv. Notes: Once a month commitment! Must provide 2 references and fill out volunteer application. 4 volunteers needed in total.
v. Contact: Andrew Gerren /
h. Tuesday, February 21st – New/Prospective Member Orientation
i. Time: 12:30pm
ii. Location: HT103A
iii. Credit: Leadership
iv. Notes: We need member assistance at the check-in table
v. Contact: Maria K. /
i. Thursday, February 23rd – New/Prospective Member Orientation
i. Time: 2:30pm
ii. Location: HT102
iii. Credit: Leadership
iv. Notes: We need member assistance at the check-in table
v. Contact: Maria K. /
j. Wednesday, February 29th – Pink Shirt Day
i. Time: Whenever you’re on campus!
ii. Location: Palm Beach State College
iii. Credit: Civic Engagement
iv. Notes: Students wear pink, supporting the initiative of the Literacy Coalition and making a statement that each of us can make a difference regarding anti-bullying efforts – Must take photo of yourself that day (phone pic OK) on campus wearing pink or check in with any PTK officer that you see
v. Request flyers or confirm attendance to: Andrew Gerren /
k. Friday, March 2nd – Sunday, March 4th – PTK Florida Regional Convention
i. Location: Jacksonville, FL
ii. Credit: Leadership
iii. Officers/Members attending:
1. Gabriela Settles
2. Maria Kerschbaumsteiner
3. Andrew Gerren
4. Lolita Boykin
5. Andres Gordillo
6. Deana Karp
7. Eric Fisher
8. Cheryl Campbell
9. Cesar Briones
10. Courtney Kroll
l. Friday, March 23rd – General Member Meeting & New PTK Officer Elections!
i. Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
ii. Location: HT212
iii. Credit: Meeting
iv. Contact: Lolita Boykin /
m. Friday, March 23rd – Saturday, March 24th – Relay for Life!
i. Setup time: 2:00pm on Friday
ii. Event start time: 5:00pm on Friday
iii. Tear down time: 8:00am on Saturday
iv. Location: FAU Track Complex
v. Credit: Service for attending/relaying with us, Fundraiser credit for each $50 raised
vi. Theme: MANY CULTURES, ONE CAUSE – we are representing ITALY
vii. Team Name: Alpha Delta Iota
viii. Register/join our team/donate/fundraise at: http://main.acsevents.org/goto/alphadeltaiota
ix. After you register, email us with your t-shirt size to reserve your Alpha Delta Iota Relay for Life team shirt!!
x. OK to bring family/friends to relay with us!
xi. Contact: Gabriela Settles /
n. Monday, March 26th – New Member/Officer Induction
i. Setup time: 3:00pm
ii. Location HT103
iii. Credit: Event credit for assisting with the setup – please confirm your availability
iv. Contact: Deana Karp /
o. Saturday, March 31st - Habitat for Humanity
i. Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
ii. Location: Will be available on ourVolunteer Hubthe week of our build (in Palm Beach County)
iii. Credit: Service
iv. Notes: All volunteersMUST sign up onlineto be allowed to work on the scheduled day. We have 20 slots available. All volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes.
v. Contact: Andrew Gerren for sign up instructions/link and registration code /
p. Saturday, April 7th – Sandsifters Beach Cleanup
i. Time: 8:00am – 10:30am
ii. Location: Oceanfront Park – 6415 N. Ocean Blvd (A1A), Ocean Ridge
iii. Credit: Service
iv. Notes: Help to protect the environment by picking up dangerous litter and debris that cause harm to people and animals
v. Contact: Andrew Gerren /
q. Wednesday, April 12th – Sunday, April 15th – PTK Annual Convention
i. Location: Nashville, TN
ii. Credit: Leadership
iii. Officers/Members Attending:
1. Gabriela Settles
2. Monique Valle
3. Maria Kerschbaumsteiner
4. Lolita Boykin
5. Andrew Gerren
6. Andres Gordillo
7. Deana Karp
8. Eric Fisher
9. Pamela Harvard
10. Cheryl Campbell
11. Cesar Briones
VI. Announcements/Open Forum
a. PTK Regional Awards
i. Award submissions have been submitted as of January 20th. For those who are submitting art, it must be turned in to Gabriela Settles on or before February 24th! Stay tuned to find out if there are any winners from the Alpha Delta Iota chapter!!!
b. RUN FOR OFFICE!! PTK Officer Open Positions:
i. Contact Gabriela Settles if you want to run for a position! This is your chance to get further involved with the campus and PTK! Enhance your leadership and teamwork skills! Enjoy attendance at PTK Conferences and Conventions at no charge! Increase your chances of obtaining scholarships!
1. President (must be here at least through spring 2013)
2. Vice President
3. Vice President of Leadership
4. Vice President of Service
5. Vice President of Fellowship
6. Treasurer
7. Historian
8. Secretary
ii. Positions start in the fall of 2012
iii. Campaign starting today! (You may use posters/signs, emails, Facebook, etc.…whatever you like) – elections will be held during the general meeting on March 23rd, and new officers will be inducted into their position during our new member induction ceremony on Monday, March 26th.
c. PTK Spring Common Scholarship Application Opens February 1st (http://my.ptk.org)!
d. FAU Scholarship Application Deadline is March 1st at http://www.fau.edu/admissions/scholarships-tran.php
e. Toiletry Drive!
i. The Golden Z Club is collecting toiletries that they are sending to Haiti. Any contributions of the following items can be dropped off in their office, AD117 or in the PTK office (both in Student Activities)
1. Tooth paste
2. Tooth brush
3. Pads
4. Panty liner
5. Deodorant
6. Baby wipes
7. Tampons
8. Mouthwash
9. Pampers
10. Ziplock bags (gallon size AND sandwich size)
11. Cardboard boxes
f. Literacy Coalition Book Drive!
i. Please bring kindergarten and/or pre-kindergarten books to the PTL Office to be donate to the Literacy Coalition.
a. Contact: Andrew Gerren/
g. PTK Spring General Meeting Calendar at a glance:
i. Friday, 10:00am – 11:00am in HT212, on the following dates:
1. February 24th
2. March 23rd
3. April 20th
VII. Contacts
a. President: Gabriela Settles
b. Vice President: Monique Valle
c. VP of Leadership: Maria Kerschbaumsteiner
d. VP of Scholarship: Cheryl Campbell
e. VP of Service: Andrew Gerren
f. VP of Fellowship: Deana Karp
g. Historian: Andres Gordillo
h. Secretary: Lolita Boykin
i. Advisor: Dr. Roxanna Anderson
j. Advisor: Dean J. Leonard Bruton
k. Chapter Website: www.ptkboca.com
l. Chapter Facebook: www.facebook.com/ptkboca
m. Primary Email:
n. General Chapter Inquiries:
o. Events:
p. Scholarships:
q. Membership Inquiries:
r. Volunteer Inquiries:
VIII. Adjournment
- This meeting was adjourned by Gabriela Settles at 11:00am