Bobcat web edits

Title page-replace picture with thanksgiving crew.jpg

Background information

  1. “objectives and justification for studying bobcats in Iowa”
  2. replace picture with figure 1 from large brochure
  3. middle of paragraph “We are estimating demographic rates of bobcats…and deriving projected rates of population growth. We are evaluating the genetic similarity…”


  1. Basically replace the current Field and laboratory methodology section with the one from the large brochure; from the brochure insert the Fig. 3 and the carcass map. Retain the picture of the crew doing the necropsy.
  2. Notice that the last paragraph of the methods section of the large brochure is essentially an updated version of the current status of results. It should be set off in such a way that the public will notice it easily.

Geographic information (retitle this section to Distribution, habitat, and behavior)

  1. Then take the large brochure sections on Distribution, Social Structure, Habitat and Diet and put them in this section
  2. include one of the pics bunny ears.jpg, squirrel parts.jpg, or kelcey at work.jpg
  3. include Figs 5 and 6 from the brochure
  4. use current cover picture to illustrate habitat
  5. leave sightings map (the one with the dots and statewide habitat)
  6. move the bold “To report bobcat sightings…” to Background front page
  7. drop maps of summer, winter and movements

Make new section called Reproduction, survival and dispersal

  1. take the sections from the large brochure on reproduction, survival, dispersal, and genetics and put them here

Collaborators and crew

  1. change title
  2. add picture todd picnic.jpg and the paragraph about the cooperation of the public
  3. change student investigators to Research Associates
  4. Stephanie Tucker, M.S. Research Associate, Department…
  5. Dawn Reding, Ph.D. candidate, Department…
  6. Funding sources Iowa Department of Natural Resources State Wildlife Grant, IowaStateUniversity, Furbearers Unlimited
  7. Technicians, to the beginning of the list add Jennifer Timmer, Chad Tucker, Scott Williams, Sara Hansen, Jennifer Kanine, Jessica Parkhurst, Kelcey Brockmeyer, continue with Heather Stricker, etc. change Jessica Skibbe to Jessica Davis (the idea is to have them roughly in most current to least order)


The large brochure goes here as a pdf


  1. update these to the ones that we have in the trifold
  2. include the bobcat description and distinguishing characteristics from the large brochure here, including the pictures
  3. should we consider moving this or identifying it differently than FAQ?