COURSE REQUIREMENTS for PE 1 & 2 & Lifetime Sports Students

Course Topic:

Physical Education is designed to introduce the students to information and activities that will help him/her make good personal choices concerning his/her own personal fitness level. The points of emphasis will be on learning, developing, and improving knowledge and skills of the activities chosen by the students and how to incorporate those components into maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Education 1 is the completion of the first semester of physical education. Physical Education 2 is the second and final semester required of a student for physical education and is needed in order to meet graduation requirements. In P.E. 1 and P.E. 2, students will be selecting activities including lifetime sports, team games and fitness-related activities.


Course Requirements:

·  Each student is also expected to dress for physical education by wearing a loose-fitting t-shirt or polo shirt, loose-fitting shorts or warm-up pants, socks and tennis shoes that tie. Girls are NOT permitted to wear yoga pants. Tank tops for girls and muscle shirts for boys are not permitted. Students cannot wear the same clothes they are wearing for the regular school day.

·  New standards require each student to take a written pretest and posttest. In addition a 9 weeks assessment project is required for each student. Grades for each of these assessments are included in the student’s grade. In PE 2, students will also be required to complete the standards, benchmarks and assessment activities in accordance with the Physical Education Academic Content Standards of the state of Ohio.

Grading Policy:

Each student will earn 10 points per day for dressing(5) and participating(5) in the class activities. Attitude, respect, sportsmanship, and effort are also part of earning the 10 points. In addition, assessments covering rules, strategies, as well as other evaluation tools concerning each activity will be utilized by the PE teachers as part of their grade. Failure to dress and/or participate for the day will result in the following consequences. These consequences will apply each 9 week period.

1st time ND: 10 points off unit activity and student given warning for first “No Dress.”

2nd time ND: 10 points off unit activity and automatic 1 letter grade drop on report card

3rd time ND: 10 points off unit activity and automatic 1 letter grade drop on report card. Phone call to parent(s)

4th time ND: 10 points off unit activity and automatic 2 letter grade drop on report card. Progress report sent home to parent (s)

5th time ND: removal from class and fails the 9 weeks. Class must be repeated.

Grading Scale:

In Physical Education 1 and Physical Education 2, the grade is based on activity grade, participation in state assessments(PE 2 only), all written assignments, and quizzes/evaluation tools. In Lifetime Sports, the grade will be based on the students’ grades in their activity units. Lifetime Sport students are not required to participate in state assessments.

A: 93-100 pts. B: 86-92 pts. C: 75-85 pts. D: 65-74 pts. F: 0-64 pts.

Grade Calculation Semester Class:

Pre Test (SLO)

Sum of grades } 40%

Sum of grades

Post test } 60%

Miscellaneous PE Items:

1.  If a student does not complete 60% of the scheduled days in a 9 weeks period, he/she will be required to repeat the 9 weeks. This includes both excused and unexcused absences. Examples may include medical (broken bone), frequent absences, hospitalization.

2.  No student is allowed to bring their cell phone out into the gym during activities. Consequence: cell phone will be taken and given to administration. Student will receive detention.

3.  Students must bring a school pass to their attendance teacher-either white (excused) or blue (unexcused) for every absence. All passes will be considered blue until teacher is presented a white pass.

4.  Each student must keep their clothes and valuables in a locked locker during PE class. There should be no sharing of lockers with a friend. We strongly recommend using a combination lock.

5.  We do not accept parental notes requesting their son/daughter not take gym due to an “illness” or other excuse. Students should dress and participate as much as they are able. If student requests to go to the clinic, the nurse will determine if student shall return to PE class.

*STATE of OHIO REQUIRED EVALUATIONS & Academic Content Standards

As of the 2012-2013 school year, a physical education evaluation will be included as an indicator on the Local Report Card. Senate Bill 210 (SB 210) was signed into law with the goal of to ensure consistency of teaching and learning outcomes in public school physical education.

As required by SB210, all schools in the BOARDMAN SCHOOL DISTICT will measure student success in meeting the benchmarks contained in the Physical Education Academic Content Standards. The tasks contained in the evaluation instrument are designed to be incorporated within the curriculum and physical education lessons. Full details of this evaluation can be found at the following link:

Rev 2016