Of the Board of Education of School District No. 61R, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools, in the County of Dixon, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a Dixon County School District No. 561, was convened in open and public session at 6:01 o'clock P.M. on the 10th day of March 2016, at Emerson-Hubbard’s elementary school library in said district. Board members present: Kip Ahlers, Rodney Collins, Cherie Conley, Cindi Stolze, Tarry Daum, and Maryann Lussier. Also present: Elementary Principal Lindsey Burback, Superintendent Dr. David Jones, Board Secretary Linda Rohde, Taylor Daum, Nancy Casey, Ken Swanson, , Jamie Olson. Absent: High School Principal Mark Koch.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof, according to law, by proper publication in the Nebraska Journal Leader, a designated method for giving notice of the School District. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the Agenda and purpose of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting and in the notice to the members of this meeting. All proceedings of the Board of Education were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Board President Cherie Conley called the meeting to order.
Member Lussier moved to approve a change on the Agenda to add Action Item F Option Enrollment into the School. Member Collins seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, and, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Ahlers, Collins, Conley, Daum, Lussier & Stolze. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the Superintendent.
Member Collins moved to approve the Consent Agenda of the Regular Board Meeting, the Treasurer’s report and the payment of claims. Member Lussier seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Collins, Conley, Daum, Lussier, Stolze and Ahlers. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Lussier moved to approve the contract for Dustin Nielsen for High School Principal for the 2016-2017 School Year. Member Ahlers seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Conley, Daum, Lussier, Stolze, Ahlers, and Collins. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Collins moved to approve to become a member with the Nebraska Whole Child Project. Member Lussier seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Daum, Lussier, Stolze, Ahlers, Collins, and Conley. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Lussier moved to approve the cost of Drivers Education class at $240 per student and to pay Drivers Education Instructor Dan Loofe $150 per student. Member Conley seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Lussier, Stolze, Ahlers, Collins, Conley and Daum. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Ahlers moved to table the discussion of classified wages for the 2016-2017 school year so the Support Staff Committee can meet for discussion.
Member Ahlers moved to approve the option enrollment of Connor Newton. Member Lussier seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Stolze, Ahlers, Collins, Conley, Daum, & Lussier.. The following voted against passage of the same: None. This above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared passed by the President.
Discussion: Tarry Daum questioned how many we have in track with the combination of E-H/Pender Track Team. You can only have 3 participants per event as it has been that way for many years.
Administrative Reports:
Dr. Jones discussed music for graduation day. Mrs. Trenhaile has a son graduating from Wayne State College and has asked Denise Lamp to play the piano so her family can attend the college graduation. An option was to have another band instructor come in to lead the band. Discussion was held with the decision of having Denise Lamp play the piano in place of the band playing. We are looking at hiring 2 positions for high school custodial and maintenance.Ms. Burback: Discussed MAPS Goals – State Testing. Kindergarten Assembly was March 31st. Last Month Staff Development was on School Surveys/Grading. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade went to a play in Norfolk at Johnny Carson Theater. April 15th Elementary Student Council is having Night out with bowling and dinner. April 18th & 19th 3 staff members will be attending AQUEST Training in Kearney. PS/Kindergarten round up is April 28th. 4th Grade Field Trip to Lincoln is April 29th. 5th grade field trip to Ponca State Park is May 3rd. May 4th is early dismissal for staff development on DATA. May 4th is a parent liaison group meeting at 6:00 pm. 3trd grade field trip to Comb School is May 5th. Kindergarten Field Trip to Dairy/Wayne is May 6th. VIP Day is May 11th. Field Day is May 18th with a rain date of May 19th. May 23rd we will have a board retreat at 6:00 pm. After the board meeting in May, Lindsey would like to have the Building/Grounds Committee do a walk thru the buildings for summer projects.
Member Collins moved to adjourn the meeting. Member Lussier seconded the motion, and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of the passage of the same: Ahlers, Collins, Conley, Daum, Lussier & Stolze. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, as declared as passed by the President.
The meeting was duly adjourned at 6:48 o’clock p.m. on the 10th day of April, 2016.
BY: ______
Cherie Conley
President of the Board of
Education of this School District
ATTEST: ______
Linda Rohde
Secretary of the Board of Education
Of this School District