Special Meeting

January 19, 2016

SELECTMEN PRESENT: J. Christopher Kervick, Michelle L. Hill, and Denise T. Balboni

ALSO ATTENDING: Mike Forschino, Paul Harrington, Bob Crochetiere & Michael Bracken



First Selectman Kervick called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. with Selectman Hill in attendance.


The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.


Before approving the Minutes, Selectman Hill asked if Selectman Balboni had submitted her handwritten notes from the Casino Public Hearing. It was determined that they have not been brought forward yet.

Selectman Hill moved to approve the January 5, 2016 regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Selectman Kervick seconded the motion. Both were in favor. Motion passed.


a. Youth Services – Dates for Shattered Dreams Program

The dates for the Shattered Dreams are Wednesday, April 27th and Thursday, April 28th. More information will be forthcoming as it becomes available.


a. Discussion of Personnel Rules & Regulations Handbook

Selectman Kervick began by stating that he felt that the current Personnel Rules & Regulations Handbook/Employee Guide was deficient and confusing as to identifying what applies to employees and elected officials, and as to whether it is an employee handbook or the Personnel Rules and Regulations.

The accruing and use of vacation time was discussed. The current policy has not been followed with any consistency. Selectman Kervick suggested that the policy be reviewed for possible revision.


● Mike Forschino, 4 Ross Way – thought that the EIDC Consultant was doing a disservice to the town in not going through the appropriate channels, i.e., the Board of Finance before moving the recent LOTCIP grant application forward. He suggested that the town’s portion of the funding should be appropriated through the Board of Finance to lessen the impact to the taxpayers.

Selectman Kervick stated that an article that recently appeared in the local press was misleading and inaccurate. There is no Town matching component of this grant. The grant is for construction funds only and pays at 100% with no match required by the town. If the town is awarded this funding an engineer will need to be hired and paid through another source, possibly from a contribution or another grant.

Selectman Kervick stated that there is another grant that the Town is applying for that will be brought before the Board of Finance to consider for a possible Town match. The match is not required for the grant but will improve the chances of an award.

Selectman Kervick further stated that over the next three to six months the residents are going to realize the value of what the EIDC Consultant has accomplished. He added that he would take Mr. Forschino’s comment under advisement but would withhold further comment.

Board of Selectmen

January 19, 2016

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Selectman Balboni joined the meeting at 5:25 p.m.

● Paul Harrington, 10 Meg Way – spoke regarding the issue of matching funds.

● Bob Crochetiere, 36 Ross Way – asked why all of the IWWC appointments & re-appointments brought forward by the Republican Town Committee to the Board of Selectmen were not listed on tonight’s agenda. He stated that there are plenty of positions open.

Selectman Kervick stated that the only appointment that’s on tonight’s agenda is for Mr. Crochetiere’s re-appointment to the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission. He added that he has the appointment request list from the Republican Town Committee along with a list from the Town Clerk of Boards/Commissions terms that are current and the ones that are vacant. He added that after reviewing both documents he has decided to not act on the IWWC requests at this time although, he acknowledged the importance of having current and active members on Boards & Commissions. More research will need to be done before any action is taken.

NEW BUSINESS (continued):

a. Discussion of Personnel Rules & Regulations Handbook (continued)

Discussion on the Personnel Rules & Regulations continued with Selectman Kervick stating that the policy regarding the use of vacation time has not been followed with any regularity.

Having a “Sick Pool” was briefly discussed.

Selectman Kervick reviewed a “Memo” that he would be distributing to the exempt employees to clarify the vacation time policy. “Vacation time earned in a year must be used the following year or it shall be lost. The First Selectman may, if there are extenuating circumstances, grant a carry-over of vacation time to the next year.”

Budgeting for retiring employees was briefly discussed. It would be unlikely that an elected official would know before the budgeting process that he/she wouldn’t be in office following the municipal election in November.

The idea is for the employee to use vacation time when they are supposed to. The allowance of vacation time is not intended to translate into a cash bonus when the employee retires.

Selectman Hill requested copies of at least 2 Union Contracts to compare their benefits with the exempt employee benefits.

Selectman Kervick stated that he would like to form a subcommittee to review the current policy and make recommendations to the areas that might need improvement.

Selectman Hill moved to form a subcommittee consisting of herself and Selectman Balboni to review the current Employee Guide and identify areas that warrant further study. Selectman Balboni seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Selectman Balboni noted that there would be a Board of Selectmen quorum if both of the Selectmen were on the Committee. They agreed to instead appoint someone from the Board of Selectmen and someone from the outside to form the committee.

Selectman Balboni moved to rescind the previous motion to form a subcommittee consisting of the two Selectmen to review the Employee Guide. Selectman Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.

The Selectmen agreed to table the matter until the next Board of Selectmen meeting.

b. Social Services Director – Change from Union Position to Exempt Position

Selectman Kervick stated that a new Social Services Director has been hired. He added that not having someone in that position was extremely difficult especially over the Holidays, but other employees came forward to help out when they could.

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January 19, 2016

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Selectman Kervick stated that he felt the position is a director level position and not clerical such as all other Union positions. The department has its own budget that is managed by that person and the job entails much more than clerical work. A new job description for the Social Services Director was distributed to the Selectmen. The decision to make this position exempt has been approved by the Town’s Labor Attorney. The Union position will remain unfilled at this time. The Social Services Director reports to the First Selectman as all the other Department Directors do.

Selectman Kervick referred to an email that he received today from Diane Ferrari who is an employee at Town Hall regarding her opinion that the person that was hired as the Social Services Director did not have the level of experience that was originally advertised for the position. The position called for a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Service with 5 years of experience in providing casework services including 2 years of experience in administering public service programs. Selectman Kervick stated that none of the applicants met those requirements; some of them had social services experience with group counseling but none of them had extensive experience in managing a Social Services Program. The person that was ultimately hired has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and had the most experience in working independently.

Ms. Ferrari also raised the question of why the position is being changed from Union to exempt status. Selectman Kervick stated that it was changed because it is a management not clerical position. The Selectmen agreed that anyone has the opportunity to apply for any position even if they don’t have the qualifications that are outlined in the posting, but also acknowledged that it might discourage a candidate from applying if they don’t meet the stated qualifications. They also felt it was important to reach out to Ms. Ferrari and Selectman Kervick added that he would let her know the nature of the Selectmen’s conversation regarding her concerns.

c. Set Annual Town Meeting Date - February

The Town Charter requires that the Annual Town Meeting to accept the Reports from the Boards & Commissions take place within the month of February each year.

Selectman Balboni moved to set the Annual Town Meeting date for Tuesday, February 23, 2016 @ 7:30 p.m. Selectman Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried.

d. Set Town Meeting date for a Transfer of $28,246.40 from the Contingency Fund to the First
Selectman’s Regular Salary & Wage Line Item for an unbudgeted Expense

Selectman Kervick gave a brief explanation of why the request is going before a Town Meeting. The former First Selectman is treated the same as an exempt full-time employee with regard to the Personnel Rules & Regulations pursuant to the Town Charter, and had both accrued sick time and vacation time upon his retirement. The payment for that time is not in the budget so the matter went before the Board of Finance. After review, the Board of Finance determined that the claim must be paid but that a Town Meeting was required to fund the expenditure. All previous Selectmen and Elected Officials have received this payout upon leaving employment with the Town. Both Town Attorneys have agreed that under the circumstances the amount is owed as an obligation of the Town.

Selectman Hill moved to set the Town Meeting date for Tuesday, January 26, 2016 @ 7:30 p.m.

Discussion on having this item added to the February 2, 2016 Town Meeting was considered with Selectman Kervick stating that he felt it was in the best interest of the Town to hold the meeting as quickly as possible.

The motion was seconded by Selectman Kervick. Motion carried with two in favor (Selectmen Kervick & Hill) and one abstention (Selectman Balboni).

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January 19, 2016

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a. BOS Budget Workshop for FY 2016/2017, Wednesday, January 27th @ 4:30 p.m.

The Selectmen agreed to hold a Budget Workshop Meeting on Wednesday, January 27th at 4:30 p.m. Selectman Kervick stated he would try to have as much leg work done as possible to make the process smoother.


a. Re-Appointment of Robert Crochetiere to the IWWC for a term expiring on February 16, 2019.

Selectman Balboni moved to re-appoint Robert Crochetiere to the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission for a term expiring on 02/16/19. Selectman Hill seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.



● Michael Bracken, 12 Tinker Drive addressed several areas of concern that he had:

The percentage of payment to former First Selectman

A letter that he had given the Selectmen at a former meeting – Selectman Hill has no reason to be
afraid of him. He added that someone has also given the letter to the Police Chief which he objected to as it doesn’t involve the police department

The Rotary on Main Street that is being considered if grant funding is awarded to the Town

The First Selectman conducting Town business on his personal website

The need to control the Police Department; he felt his rights were violation by a Police Officer on Facebook

LED Streetlights; Town should own the streetlights and hire an electrician to maintain them

The Public Work’s employees not having licenses for the work they’ve done around town. The Town should offer the necessary license training to these employees to prevent potential liability




There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m. was made by Selectman Hill and seconded by Selectman Balboni. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan R. Barsanti

Susan R. Barsanti