Board Of Selectmen’s MinutesMarch 3, 2015
TA Guerino
Stephen Mealy, Chairman
Don Pickard, Vice-Chairman
Michael Blanton, Clerk
Don Ellis
Peter Meier
Note this meeting is being televised and recorded. If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time – Michael Rausch Bourne Enterprise.
All items within the meeting agenda are subject to deliberation and vote(s) by the Board of Selectmen.
Meeting Called to Order
Chm. Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Moment of Silence for our Troopsand our public safety personnel/Salute the Flag
Public Comment – Non-Agenda Items
None requested.
4) Minutes:
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meierto approve the minutes from March 17, 2015with corrections. Michael Blanton abstained. Vote 4-0-1.
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve the minutes from March 24, 2015 with corrections. Michael Blanton abstained. Vote 4-0-1.
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve the minutes from July 28, 2015 as presented. Vote 5-0.
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to approve the minutes from August 11, 2015 as presented. Vote 5-0.
5) Correspondence
Michael Blanton brought the committee up to date on the correspondence.
- 8-10-15 (recv’d); A letter from Margaret Downey of the Cape Light Compact with monthly Energy Efficiency Report for June 2015. 81 Residents participated in the program, receiving incentive dollars in the amount of $425,403.86, saving 613,988 kWh and the Town has spent 49.9% of our allocated budget.
- 8-19-15; An email from Holly Johnson, Program and Policy Analyst with the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Unit regarding a scoping session notice for Canal Unit 3 and Canal Community Solar - Sandwich. The notice is with regard to an Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) submitted to MEPA for the construction of a new 330-megawatt electric generating facility, including a 1.5-megawatt ground-mounted solar array, altering approximately 18.8 acres of land at the existing Canal Generating Site. A mandatory Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has requested, and public comments from agencies, official and citizens may be heard at a meeting to be held on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 3:00pm at Sandwich Town Hall.
- 8-12-15 (recv’d); A letter from Elise Leduc of Pocasset expressing interest in an appointment to the Conservation Commission. She holds a BA in Biology and Environmental Studies from Williams and a Masters in Environmental Management from Duke, and worked with the Woods Hole Group on a variety of environment protection projects as described in her letter.
- 8-13-15 (recv’d); A letter from Dr. Bill Towne of Pocasset in which he resigned as Member of the Bourne School Building Committee (Finance Committee representative) for personal reasons.
- 8-13-15; A letter from Mike Leitzel of the town Engineering Department recommending against the request that the “Town of Bourne take an easement to control Paesano Way connector/road connecting Route 28 (MacArthur Blvd.) south to Waterhouse Road (in a one way direction).” See the supporting documents from MassHighway supplied with the letter
Don Pickard suggested correspondence item E be put on the agenda for September.
Tom Guerino stated for correspondence item C there are no vacancies but we will keep that letter on file.
6) Linda Zuern – Americorp award for Lori York
Linda Zuern, as representative to the Assembly of Delegates, was asked to make a presentation to the town. She presented to the town a poster that reads “Bourne, together we grow, 15 years, 15 towns, 15 trees.”Americorp planted 15 trees, one in each town. Ms. Zuern also read from the book Barnstable County’s Amricorp Cape Cod, gives all the activities they have done. She read what has been done in Bourne; one atSagamore Hill, the Mashpee Dike and at the Bourndale Herring Run. Ms. Zuern also presented a certificate to Lori York who then thanked the town and explained what the certificate was for.
7) Licenses/Appointments:
- Council on Aging Appointment – Linda Connors
- Recycling Committee Appointment – Rosanne Bottaro
- Energy Advisory Committee appointment – Molly Mahoney
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Michael Blanton the appointment of Linda Connors to a term on the Council on Aging for the position that has been advertised for a term through June 30, 2017. Vote 5-0.
VotedPeter Meier moved and seconded by Michael Blanton to appoint to the Recycling Committee to fill the unexpired term that ends on June 30, 2018.
Mrs. Bottaro stated she would like the shorter term.
Peter Meier amended his motion to appoint Mrs. Bottaro to the shorter term expiring on June 30, 2016. Michael Blanton seconded the amendment. Vote 5-0.
Don Pickard stated the next appointment for request is for the Energy Advisory Committee appointment for a term to expire June 30, 2016.
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier to appoint Molly Mahoney of Cataumet for this position. Vote 5-0.
8) Selectmen’s Business –
- Discussion with Wes Ewell and Korrin Petersen (Buzzards Bay Coalition) requesting support from the Board regarding a grant application for Regional Wastewater Study by Buzzards Bay Coalition.
- Vote to place override on ballot for October 6, 2015
- Override discussion continuation
8 a.Wesley Ewell, Wastewater Budget Coordinator, spoke very briefly about the cleanup and expand wastewater capacity to Buzzards Bay and introduced Korrin Petersen. Korrin Petersen, on behalf of the Coalition, is applying for a Federal EPA grant to hire an outside engineering firm to conduct a feasibility study of that proposal.
Korrin Petersen, Senior Attorney with Buzzards Bay Coalitionspoke about the Buzzards Bay Coalition and explained what the Coalition does. They are seeking the Board of Selectmen’s endorsement for a grant they would like to apply for from the Federal US EPA, to pursue the feasibility of this idea to expand the Wareham Wastewater Treatment Facility as well as move the outfall from the Agawam River to a different location, also looking at doing some baseline water quality monitoring at the proposed location on the Cape Cod Canal. The grant will also include a sewer needs analysis for the town of Wareham, Bourne, and South Plymouth, as well as the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, and try to estimate sewer expansion costs for the communities. The Coalition will be the lead and the Project Manager and collaborate with the communities.
Tom Guerino wanted to clarify the wastewater needs in Bourne is specifically focuses on Buzzards Bay in Little Buttermilk area and not the entire town.
Mrs. Petersen stated we have a preliminary letter of interest that is due September 15th and we would like to include a letter of support from the Town of Bourne. The feasibility study will be completed by June 2017.
Tom Guerino questioned as it relates to the work that the town has to do with the 208 Plan, what would the grant application and study outcomes do to help the town? Mrs. Petersen stated this feasibility study would provide the information the town can use to report back to the Cape Cod Commission and how you will meet your goals for the estuaries.
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier, the Bourne Board of Selectmen endorse the Feasibility Study of the three towns concept presented by Attorney Petersen of the Buzzards Bay Coalition, in that the Buzzards Bay Coalition will act as the applicant and Project Manager of this project. Vote 5-0.
Korrin Petersen has a draft endorsement letter and will email it to the Town Administrator.
Korrin Petersen also spoke about the Kingman Yacht Center Project. They are looking for an applicant, maybe the Town of Bourne, to apply for grant funds to evaluate whether there are additional sites adjacent to the current Wastewater Treatment Facility that would be appropriate for a ground water discharge. There would be no financial commitment on the Town of Bourne; it would be the Town of Bourne being the applicant for grant funds to do the evaluation for these sites.
Tom Guerino suggested himself, Korrin Petersen, Sally Riggs or Wesley Ewell get together sometime before the end of the week. Perhaps put it on the agenda for the next meeting.
Stephen Mealy suggested staying close to the intent of the open meeting law, we should do this at a second meeting to allow people to understand what the specifics are for that particular discussion.
8 b. Stephen Mealy gave a brief overview of the override ballot amount $2.7 million as a general override amount.
Don Pickard read the Certificate of Vote.
VotedDon Pickard moved and seconded by Peter Meier the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Bourne certify at tonight meeting on August 25, 2015 at the Bourne Veterans Memorial Community Center at 7:30 p.m. a quorum of the Board of Selectmen being present and voting throughout, upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously for the following ballot question: “Shall the Town of Bourne be allowed to assess an additional $2,700,000.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of general government expenses for the Town, School Department for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015?”
Peter Meier stated he supports the motion however wondersif this number is too small.
Michael Blanton also feels the amount may be too small, with the need to pursue economic development as a means to drive new revenues. Would like to see a plan that includes some amount allocated to economic development, so we can seek new revenues.
Don Pickard stated this is the number; we are just voting the number. Since the Financial Project Working Group, Town Administrator, Finance Director, Chair of Finance Committee, School Committee, Finance group and the Superintendent have all weighed in on this, I can support this number.
Mary Jane Mastrangelo, Finance Committee, stated the amount of the override was reduced from 2.9 to 2.7 million dollars due to applying additional revenues from the ambulance fund and Waterways fund to support the operating budget. With the increase in revenue from those sources and the 2.7 million dollar override we are accomplishing the same thing that we were accomplishing with the 2.9 million dollar override. It did however drop the amount of impact on the taxpayer from .71 cents per thousand to .66 cents per thousand.
This override will provide a means of keeping the services we have now.
Don Pickard suggested the Fire Department grant personnel taking over the dispatch in-house is not a done deal and stated in his opinion it will not work.
Stephen Mealy stated the proposal for the override was to make the town whole, there were no embellishments, there were no additions, no increases in expenses, and no additional personnel. If the override were supported by the voters this would maintain the services they are now currently receiving, no more and no less. To interject any type of wish list at this late date would be detrimental not only to the success of the override but may result in the impacts we’ve been dreading if the override does not pass. Mr. Mealy urges the board to support the original number as purposed this evening of 2.7 million that has been recommended by many individuals.
Don Ellis stated he supports the 2.7 million override. Every department has done their homework. We need to go forward with what we have stated. We go forward with the 2.7 million.
Peter Meier stated we need to look to thrive going forward. We need to plan accordingly and look at where the money is being spent.
An audience member requested in any public printing of the override proposal, the money be spelled out as $2,700,000.00. Tom Guerino stated that is how it will be printed on the ballot.
Stephen Mealy read the motion again. Mr. Mealy wanted a roll call vote.
Mr. Meier – Yes; Mr. Pickard – Yes; Chair – Yes; Mr. Blanton – Yes; Mr. Ellis – Yes. Vote 5-0.
8 C. Stephen Mealy opened the discussion of the override to the board members and the audience members.
Audience member Ernie Dechenefrom Buzzards Bay, questioned have we come up with a list, if the override does not pass, where the reductions will come from.
Stephen Mealy stated we have come up with a list; it has not been approved by this board nor has it been approved by the School Committee. There will be a vote on October 6th. Following that vote whether the question passes or fails there will be a Special Town Meeting held on the 19th of October, to finalize the adjustments to this existing budget. If the question passes there will be an allotment of monies that will be put back into the budgets. If the question fails there will have to be reductions to the budgets. We have an upcoming presentation on the 12th of September at 9:30 a.m. at the Pocasset Civic Associates. If there are members of any civic assembly that would like us to make our presentation we would be more than happy to come out and meet with them and make that presentation.
Don Pickard wanted to reiterate for the public, the vote at the ballot is going to go before the vote at town meeting. The vote at the ballot, need only a majority to pass. At town meeting the question then needs to be asked and that vote only needs a majority vote.
Mary Jane Mastrangeloclarified what Don Pickard said and stated the vote at the Special Town Meeting will be to amend the budget. If the override passes we will amend the budget to raise and appropriate the amount of money that was taken from Free Cash. If the override fails we will be reducing budgets to bring the budgeted amount so we will be within budget policy.
Don Pickard questioned that if it passes at the ballot it can still fail at Town Meeting. Mary Jane Mastrangeloclarified there is no vote on the override it only about the budget.
Matt Stuck, Bourne School Committee member, spoke about the 2.7 million dollar override and encouraged citizens to invite folks to understand the override and the implications of its passage and the implications of its failure.
Stephen Mealy wanted to remind people of the towns Facebook page, there is a link from the town’s website, there is a lot of information on that page and Frequently Asked Questions.
Lori York questioned how to arrange a forum and who to contact. Mr. Mealy stated you can contact the Town Administrator’s Office to set up a forum.
9) Town Administrator’s Report
- Deadline for submitting articles for the STM Warrant – August 31
Tom Guerino stated the deadline for submitting articles for the Special Town Meeting is August 31, 2015. We have received one Zoning related article by petition. Had a very good meeting with the folks from NRG, they are the people that are restarting the plant in Sandwich. They are going to be operating about 10% of the time. They are willing to give the Board a presentation. Mr. Guerino wanted to update the board about a conversation with the new representative to the town and the region relative to the Cape Cod Transportation Study and the third bridge issue, they should be down sometime in mid to late September.
Don Pickard noticed in one of Tom Guerino’s reports that he has signed an agreement with the fire local on the dispatch. Mr. Guerino stated there hasn’t been an agreement on the dispatch; there has been an agreement to negotiate the dispatch as it relates to Chapter 150E, which is a Collecting Bargaining Statute. Counsel has reviewed it; it is a one liner. It commits both sides to having the frameworkin by October.
10) Selectmen’s Reports
Peter Meier wanted to thank the Pocasset Heights Association and Taylors Point Association for putting on the two forums and to thank everyone who came out.
Don Pickard attended the swearing in of two new police officers in town, Kyle Tringaliand Justin Hill.
Michael Blanton stated he was contacted by a member of the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe, and discussed the communication issues. Mr. Blanton is requesting that Mr. Ellis and himself be invited to their next regular meeting so they can establish a line of regular communication between the town and the tribe.
Stephen Mealy stated he had a meeting today with a gentleman who would like to enter into an agreement with the town to establish a wave current energy conversion test station at the location behind the train station in Buzzards Bay. It will be the first and only in the nation. He has an application for a grant. It is not a demonstration of using wave energy to generate electricity, it is a test stand to evaluate and test and approve other peoples equipment. That will be brought before the board in a couple of weeks. ISWM has announced their new seasonal schedule, which will start on Tuesday September 15th. They will be closed on Tuesdays. The last day for paint being brought to the landfill will be on the 17th of October, which is also the day the hazardous waste collection will be at Peebles School on Trowbridge Road.
Mr. Meir will find out if there will also be paper shredding on that date.
11) Other Business
The next Bourne Selectmen meeting will be on Tuesday, September 1stat 7:00 P.M.
12) Adjourn
VotedPeter Meier moved and seconded by Don Pickard to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm. Vote 5-0.
Respectfully submitted – Carole Ellis, secretary.