Friday, February 7, 2014

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

St. Paul MN

Board of Governors Meeting Minutes

Attending: Karen Edens (phone), Lance Egley, Mark Casagrande, Tina Silverness, Joe Whitehawk, Dustin Chapman, Rick Terzick, Jenine Koziolek, Heidi Kammer, Debra Wamsley, Brian Teuber (phone),

Management: Bill Monn, Scott Franzmeier

Guest: Phillip (student)

Not attending: Jim Monson, Steve Tschida, Naomi Ochsendorf, Richard White (AIAC Representative)

A quorum was present. The meeting was chaired by President Elect Casagrande at the request of Edens, who was present but contributing via conference call from out of town.

The meeting was called to order at 11:22 am by Edens.

The Board reviewed the January 10 Board minutes. A motion was made by Chapman to approve the minutes as presented. A second was made by Terzick. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer Report (Egley):

Egley provided a report on the 2013 year-end financials. A written report was provided to the Board. Egley stated concerns that the MARRCH will continue to have to grow in revenue to continue to meet budgeted expenses. A motion was made by Kammer to approve the financial report as presented. A second was made by Whitehawk. Motion carried unanimously.

Ewald Management Report: Franzmeier provide a brief written management report to the Board on current staff activities.

The Board discussed 2014 SAAS dues. SAAS is requesting MARRCH pay $11,250 for 2014 dues. MARRCH proposed and paid .15% of our dues revenue in 2013, totaling $7,000.00. The Board discussed the fact that SAAS seemed to be pleased with this agreement in 2013. The Board discussed having a letter written to SAAS offering the same rate for MARRCH in 2014. The Board discussed if there was a benefit to joining MARRCH to spend this amount of money. The Board discussed possible contingency plans depending on how SAAS replies to the proposed letter.

A motion was made by Egley to have Franzmeier & Monn develop and co-sign a letter to SAAS reminding them our agreement in 2013 and that MARRCH will agree to join at the same rate in 2014. Seconded by Wamsley. After additional discussion, the motion carried unanimously.

Egley and Franzmeier recommended to the Board that it will cover lodging costs and food & beverage for the Board training/meeting on April 24. MARRCH will cover lodging for the evening of April 23 and for food & beverage for the meeting on April 24. Board members will be responsible for their lodging and food & beverage for the Spring Conference. After brief discussion, the Board reached consensus this was an excellent plan and should be pursued.

The Board discussed whether or not to pursue a gambling track or component to the MARRCH Conference with the Northstar Problem Gambling Alliance. Monn reported that Franzmeier and he had met with Kevin Spading and Cathie Perrault (Executive Director, Northstar Alliance) to discuss in general terms how this might happen. After some discussion, the Board agreed we should continue to talk with them in conjunction with feedback from the MARRCH Education Committee and asked that depending on the direction of discussions, they should be asked to join MARRCH as a member ($375) at the very least.


Franzmeier and Monn to send a letter to SAAS, proposing the same membership calculation for MARRCH for 2014 as we did in 2013 and report back to the Board. DONE

Edens will propose the SAAS Board consider the membership calculation used by MARRCH as their standard membership calculation. PLANNED

Franzmeier to update SAAS that the current MARRCH president is the SAAS Board representative from MARRCH. TO BE DONE IN CONJUNCTION WITH MEMBER RENEWAL

Franzmeier will send an email to the Board members in the coming weeks regarding the April 24 Board training/meeting to determine: A) who will require lodging for April 23; B) who will participate but not require lodging for April 24; C) who is commuting back after the meeting on April 24; D) additional lodging nights needed for the Spring Conference (not to be paid by MARRCH). Franzmeier will make the arrangements with Grand View Lodge. DONE

Franzmeier & Monn will continue discussions with Northstar Alliance on the possibility of participating in the MARRCH Annual Conference and report back to the Board. DONE

Board Diversity & Training Update: Edens reported that the April 24 retreat schedule and content is still being determined. After some discussion, the Board agreed to incorporate a short Board meeting into the day, in lieu of a May Board meeting. Edens reported that the following was being considered:

AM: Board Meeting & Strategic Planning Review & Update – 9:00 am – 11 am (estimated)

PM: Effective Board Management – 11:15 am – 12:15 am

Cultural Diversity – 1:00 – 4:30 pm (estimated)

The board briefly discussed whether to consider CE’s for the cultural diversity training.


Edens and Franzmeier will work to develop the tentative schedule and provide an update to the Board. Wamsley will provide feedback on how much time she will need for the cultural diversity training. IN PROCESS

MARRCH/NAADAC Affiliation: Franzmeier briefly updated the Board on the progress of the work group. The work group is engaged, has asked several follow-up questions to NAADAC and is waiting for a response. The work group will make a recommendation to the Board only once the work group feels it can make an educated recommendation to the Board.


The work group will continue to meet and report back to the Board. DONE

DHS & Other Work Groups:

-  DHS Background Study (Wamsley). Wamsley reported the letter was submitted to DHS but we have not heard back yet.

-  Reimbursement from Insurance Companies (Koziolek). Koziolek reported that the work group announced last month had met to discuss these issues. There were three specific issues concerns: 1) Rates; 2) Wording (406 in matrix) and 3) Medical Necessity. A letter is being drafted, which the committee would like to send to the membership asking a series of questions on this. Koziolek will forward the letter to Franzmeier, who will forward to the Board for consideration and approval. If the Board approves sending the survey questions, Ewald staff will set up the survey and send to current MARRCH members.

-  AIAC Report (White). No report.

-  BBHT Tiered Licensing (Ochsendorf). Chapman reported for Ochensdorf that the focus group met in January and is currently working on the draft regarding a position on the three tiers. The group will meet in February again. The board discussed this at some length about the different levels of experience currently required and some of the existing programs in the state.

-  SAMHSA-DHS Detox (Terzick). Terzick reported on the cuts that are occurring and the effects on detox centers and providers and getting access for clients. Terzick will continue to meet on this issue and report back to the Board in March.

-  JJC (Juvenile Justice Coalition) (Ochsendorf). No report.

-  Behavioral Health Homes (Kammer/Tschida). This issue is beginning to heat up. The next meeting is Friday, February 14. The Board briefly discussed the timing for substance abuse to be the focus and agreed it will be some time yet, as they are currently working on mental health.

-  ROSC (Teuber). No update. There should be an update available in March.

-  SAMSHA MAT TA (Kammer). There is movement at the state level on this issue. The public policy committee discussed at length this morning. Kammer asked if there was someone on the Board who may be more willing to serve on this issue. The board discussed specific concerns over this at length. The board agreed this is a very complex issue with many different viewpoints.

-  SIM (State Innovation Model) Grant (Chapman). Chapman met with Charlie Mishek and they are forming a group to look at this. Minnesota was one of 6 or so states to receive a grant to look into this. Chapman has submitted his name to the state to represent substance abuse on the group.


-  Insurance Reimbursement Issue: Koziolek will forward the work group’s proposed survey letter to Franzmeier, who will forward to the Board for consideration and approval. If the Board approves sending the survey questions, Ewald staff will set up the survey and send to current MARRCH members. DONE

Committee & Section Reports:

-  Public Policy (Kammer). MARRCH will be needing people to be on notice over the next few months to represent MARRCH at the capital. The MARRCH agenda is also very heavy on public policy meetings to 9:00 – 11:00 am.

-  Education/Events (Chapman). The committee will be meeting next week and will have an update for the Board at the March meeting. 12 companies are signed up to exhibit at the spring conference. The RFP’s have gone out for presenters for the Annual Conference. The Board discussed potential topics for the Summit. Franzmeier reported to the Board that this is an agenda item for the meeting next week.

-  School Section (Chapman). No report at this time.

-  Ethics (Egley). No report at this time.

-  Communications (Franzmeier). No report.

-  Membership (Monson). No report.

-  Detox Section (Terzick). No additional report.

Other Business:

-  Board member time management & involvement. The Board discussed the time required to serve as a board member in between meetings is an ongoing concern. The Board discussed in general terms some ideas to assist with this, including but not limited to, how board meetings are held (when & where), more use of the Executive Committee in between meetings, etc. After some discussion, the Board decided to survey the current Board members for feedback on potential changes to meetings, etc.


-  Franzmeier will develop a survey to send to the Board asking them for feedback on their volunteer participation. The Board will review at the next Board meeting. DELAYED FOR SURVEY RELATED TO APRIL 24 MEETING.

-  Franzmeier will discuss meeting options for the Board with Edens and Casagrande and report ideas back to the Board. AGENDA ITEM FOR APRIL 24 MEETING

The meeting adjourned at 2:09 pm.

Next full board meeting – Friday, March 7, 2014 – 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, MARRCH office, St. Paul.