Transferors’ RepresentativesMr W Crooks, Rev R Love,
Mrs E Simpson, Rev L Stewart
Board RepresentativesMr F Hood, Mr A O’Brien (Chairman)
Parents’ RepresentativesMrs S Armstrong, Mrs A Guinn
Teachers’ RepresentativeMrs K Browes
Co-opted GovernorsMs B Best, Ms K Brookes
SecretaryMrs J Douds
The Board of Governors is appointed for a four-year term. It works in partnership with the Principal and Staff. Its main purpose is to ensure the provision of an excellent education for all children.
The Governors in this school, as in every other ControlledSchool, have a legal obligation to manage the school, which includes:
·the appointment of all teaching and non-teaching staff;
·making arrangements for the admission of pupils;
·determining the Curriculum and Curriculum Policy;
·internal organisation, management and discipline of pupils;
·responsibility for the maintenance of the school premises;
·management of a delegated budget;
·presenting an Annual Report.
The Board of Governors meets on a regular basis to oversee the smooth running of the school. During the 2013/2014 school year the Board met four times. The main items of business are summarized below.
School Development Plan
The Governors oversaw the implementation of the action plans which had been developed for the nursery, assessment, literacy, numeracy and extended schools.
These action plans covered:-
Learning and Teaching- Literacy – Writing / developing libraries
ICT – increased use of ICT in literacy/numeracy sessions.
ICT assessment activities planned
Assessment – Literacy / numeracy
Numeracy – Active maths scheme introduced
Nurture room developed
Leadership / Management –Co-ordinator development – new ICT and Assessment co-ordinators
Focus on outcomes and raising of standards
NurseryReview/development of outdoor learning environment
Programme for early mathematical knowledge
+ Development of arboretum trail (in conjunction with Harberton S.S.)
School Financial Plan
The Governors approved the financial plan for 2014/2015. This plan anticipates finishing the school year with an under spend of around 75K.
Open Enrolment
27 applications for places in Primary 1 and 52 for places in the Nursery Unit were accepted under the Open Enrolment Procedure. The nursery was again oversubscribed.
School Rebuild
The Governors this year actively continued their pursuit of additional accommodation. However as yet there are no developments despite involvement by the Lord Mayor and political parties
September 2014143 (P1-P7) + 52 (Nursery) +39 (SLU)
Nursery 1Miss C O’Kane
Nursery 2Mrs W Simpson
Primary 1Mrs H Bradford
Primary 2Miss J A Swales
Primary 3Mr J Love / Mrs J Campbell
Primary 4Miss D Frizell
Primary 5Mrs R Graham
Primary 6Mrs E Higginson
Primary 7Mrs S Scott
Speech and Language Unit 1Miss S Mairs
Speech and Language Unit 2Mrs P Roberts
Speech and Language Unit 3Mrs M Ringland
Special NeedsMrs L Wilson
Classroom Assistants
Nursery 1Miss C Traynor
Nursery 2 Miss J Campbell
Primary 1Mrs R Mairs
Primary 2Mrs J Robinson
Primary 3 Miss E Bell
Primary 5Mrs C Gibson/ Miss H Graham
Primary 6Miss D Brush / Mrs T Downey
Primary 7Miss A Boyd
S.L.U. 1Mrs B Mercer
S.L.U. 2Mrs R Lavrijsen
S.L.U. 2 Mrs L Chivers
Individual staff responsibilities are available from school on request.
Staff Development
The main areas for consideration in our action plans for this school year were:
Learning and Teaching- Literacy – Writing / developing libraries
ICT – increased use of ICT in literacy/numeracy sessions.
ICT assessment activities planned
Assessment – Literacy / numeracy
Numeracy – Active maths scheme introduced
Nurture room developed
Leadership / Management –Co-ordinator development – new ICT and Assessment co-ordinators
Focus on outcomes and raising of standards
NurseryReview/development of outdoor learning environment
Programme for early mathematical knowledge
The implementation of these action plans meant a great deal of staff development took place during the year. All the staff were heavily involved in this work and the vast majority of the training was done “in house.”
The practice of classroom observation is now also firmly embedded in the school. This observation is carried out by the Principal, SMT and co-ordinators.
The SENCO attended several courses throughout the year.
In addition, teachers attended BELB courses linked to the subject they co-ordinate/ area they teach.
The Northern Ireland Curriculum is firmly embedded throughout the school.
The school continues to provide a broad and balanced curriculum with a wide range of learning experiences suited to the needs of each child.
The Curriculum is followed in accordance with the requirements of the N.I. Education Order (1989). The main subjects taught are English, Mathematics, Science, RE, Geography, History, PE, Music, Art/Design and Technology.
The Cross Curricular themes of ICT, Education for Mutual Understanding, Cultural Heritage and Health Education are also important strands of learning taught mainly through the other subjects.
Special Educational Needs
The mainstream school currently has 47 children who are on the Special Needs Register and who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs). There are 39 children with statements of educational need (of whom 32 are in the Speech and Language Unit). To cater for these needs we have the equivalent of a full time Special Educational Needs teacher. In addition, the class teachers and assistants provide significant amounts of support to the pupils in mainstream lessons.
The school policy for SENDO is available on request.
Homework is seen as being an essential part of our children’s education. Booklets were distributed explaining the school policy and giving guidance to parents. Copies are available from the office on request.
Extended Schools
During the year £21,650 Extended Schools funding was available for us to run after schools activities. This year we continued our Stay and Play and PM club for a minimal charge whereby the children could remain in school until 5pm– the shortfall in funding is provided by our Extended Schools Funding. A breakfast club was also again tried but was cancelled due to poor numbers. After school activities also included martial arts / football / multi sports /rugby.
FAST (Families and School Together)
This year the school also ran our own version of the Save the Children Fund FAST programme.
The emphasis of the programme was on the whole family and in total we had 39 families participating – which was a wonderful response.
The parents and facilitators had a very enjoyable and rewarding experience from the whole venture.
We hope to run a similar programme in 2015.
School Attendance Figures
During the school year we had an average attendance of 92%.
Educational Achievements
Transfer to Second Level Education
22 children left in June 2012 to begin their studies in the following post primary schools:
Forthill College 5
Newtownbreda HS 5
Wellington College2
Cedar Lodge2
De La Salle1
Park SS1
St Gerard’s1
St Joseph’s1
St Patrick’s1
End of Key Stage Results
Pupils are assessed in English and Mathematics at the end of each Key Stage in accordance with statutory requirements of CCEA. This year’s results are summarised below:
Key Stage 1 (P4 2014)
Taughmonagh P.S.7%93%0%
N.I. average6%53%41%
Taughmonagh P.S.7%93%
N.I. average5%47%48%
Key Stage 2 (P7 2014)
Taughmonagh P.S0%23%77% 0%
N.I. average1%3%18%50% 28%
Taughmonagh P.S.0%23%77%
N.I. average1% 2%17%39% 41%
“Please note that from the 2012/13 school year, all schools assess pupils using the more challenging Levels of Progression. Due to the more demanding nature of the Levels of Progression, the outcomes for some pupils are likely to seem lower than might have been the case if assessment had been carried out using the previous system of assessment. 2012/13 outcomes are not therefore directly comparable with results in previous years.”
Parent / School Links
At TaughmonaghPrimary School we aim to work in partnership with parents and the community to provide a happy, friendly, caring school where children feel secure and valued. We hope that by offering an enriching environment which enables children to fulfil their true potential, we will provide a solid foundation for future life.
At the start of the school year the parents were invited to visit their children’s classroom to meet the teacher. During this visit they found out about procedures and class routines and had an opportunity to ask general questions.
Parent / Teacher consultations were held twice - during the first and second term. This was an opportunity to have a confidential discussion with the teacher about their child. The teacher discussed progress made, identified areas for concern and gave advice on how to help the child at home.
Parents were also encouraged to assist in an informal way and we had several helping with toast at break time.
Each class also held an informal activity for parent and child at some stage before the end of the school year. For example – P3/4 held an African Drumming Workshop, P5/7 did Macbook training, P1/2created mini gardens and designed tiles, etc. All these activities were very well supported and extremely enjoyable.
In addition FAST (as previously mentioned) was very successful.
Community Involvement
The school has once again played a prominent role in community events throughout the year.
A close and valued link is maintained with the local churches and we are pleased to welcome local ministers, CEF and Reacch to our assemblies. We also have strong links with local businesses, libraries and other public services including the dental hygienist, school nurse, police, ambulance and fire service.
At Harvest, hampers were delivered to some of the senior residents in the estate and also to the Suffolk area.
Throughout the year we facilitated work experience for many young people from the community.
We have maintained our strong links with the neighbouring schools. For example, the Nursery took part in events with Fleming Fulton. Glenveagh regularly use our playground. Visits took place to various performances throughout the year in all the neighbouring schools.
One of the most exciting activities is a project we have started with Harberton to develop an arboretum trail around the school. This year we succeeded in winning a 50k grant from the People’s millions to develop the trail. Work is to begin in the next school year.
Our P1-P3 Christmas Nativity was very well supported.
During the year our school choir sang to various groups within the community. In addition they took part in the Young Voices event in Dublin, The younger children sang at several venues in the local area including the Dub shops and the Taughmonagh Fold.
Alongside the SURESTART programme we ran a pre-nursery and pre-school programme in the summer break.
Health Promotion
A healthy break continues to be provided each day for all classes. All classes took part in health programmes.
The Fundamental Movement Skills approach to P.E. has been continued throughout each class.
Swimming was again part of the curriculum for all P5-P7 children and a gala was held in the summer term.
During the year we had several outside agencies providing sports within the school. For example, rugby, athletics and football sessions were held.
A Sports Day was held in June.
FASA delivered a drugs awareness programme to P7.
The Roots of Empathy programme was again successfully run with the P5 class.
Parental Involvement
The Governors encourage parents to take an active interest in their children’s education.
Taughmonagh P.S remains a school where parents are welcome to arrange an appointment at any time and indeed communication between teachers and parents often occurs on a more informal basis.
School and parents must regard each other as partners in a shared task. To this end parents are given every opportunity to be involved in school life, to be informed of their children’s progress and to understand the ethos of the school.
Thanks go to the parents/relatives who have worked all year providing toast/snacks for our children at break time and who supported the activities of the Parent Support Group.
In September, the ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings were well supported. Attendance at the November Parent/Teacher consultations was extremely high. The meetings later in the year were also well supported.
Each teacher sent regular news-sheets home and these gave a brief rundown on what was being covered in class.
Meetings were also held with the parents of children transferring to second level education.
The Nursery and P1 held open days in December.
Induction meetings were held with parents of children coming into P1.
The nursery and SLU did their home visits and found them very beneficial.
Parents also received annual written reports on pupil progress.
At the end of KS1 and KS2 (P4 and P7), pupil progress levels within the N.I. Curriculum were related to parents.
We wholeheartedly thank all the parents who helped in any way during the year.
This year we again gave donations to a variety of charities e.g.
Children in Need£300
Cedar Foundation£100
We are part of a continually growing community of schools internationally who are concerned with environmental issues and with working hard to look after the environment in which we live. We continue to hold Green Flag status.
Within school we continued to do everyday Eco friendly things like recycling, keeping food for the wormery, conserving energy and reducing photocopying.
Our approach to Eco Schools continues to involve not just the teachers and pupils but also parents and community representatives. The committee has involved every child in the school in reusing and recycling paper, plastic and organic material. These issues are ideal to prepare the pupils for the ‘World Around Us’ section of the Revised Curriculum.
Within our new school we are pleased to report that we have a biomass boiler for heat and we also have a solar panel in the nursery. We hope to continue to develop Eco friendly issues and awareness in 2014/15.
The school continues to hold Fairtrade status. We promote Fairtrade in the school and the wider community. The activities carried out include a Fairtrade tuck shop, a Fairtrade stall selling goods such as jewellery and toys, also talks by representatives from The Fairtrade Foundation.
On Tuesdays, we had a whole school singing practice. On Fridays a local minister / religious organisation or a class took assembly.
Many parents came to support their children when it was their turn to lead assembly and joined us in the three festival services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter.
Creative and Expressive Development
During the year we had many creative activities taking place within the school.
Primary 1 and 2 took part in a Music Morning hosted by the Belfast School of Music. It was clear to see how much the children enjoyed taking part.
P1-P4 also had weekly Spanish lessons.
The children of Key Stage 2 have continued to have guitar lessons – Lisburn School of Music – and the P4 children have piano lessons. In addition they took part in the BELB Carol party.
The school choir played an important role throughout the year. They performed and led the singing at Harvest, Easter and Christmas. During the year they sang to various groups within the community. They also took part in the Young Voices event in Dublin in December.
This year the P7 class has links with Glenveagh Special School and St. Ita’s The P5 group also worked with Harberton Special School later in the year on an environmental art project. In addition we as a school are working alongside Harberton on the Tree Trail project.
These links have undoubtedly helped develop the children’s understanding and respect for diversity in the community.
After School Activities
A range of after school activities took place during the year. These included: cookery, hockey (boys and girls), running/walking, football, choir, recorders, Spanish, art/crafts, hip hop, drama, dance, scripture union and first aid.
Residentials / Trips
This year the P6/7 group went to Delamont in May.
Each class also went on several outings throughout the year – e.g. W5, Ulster Museum, Streamvale Farm, Lyric Theatre, Grand Opera House
Security arrangements for Pupils, Staff and School premises:
Security alarms are fitted throughout the school.
Doors, which cannot be opened from the outside, are fitted. The staff ensures that the children’s security is always at the forefront of their responsibilities.
Main items of Income and Expenditure from School Fund 13/14
Balance Brought Forward £4706
INCOME / EXPENDITURENew York Fundraising / 1316 / New York / 1458
Book Fair / 1525 / Book Fair / 1570
Children In Need / 287 / Children in Need / 300
Uniform / 2758 / Uniform / 7012
Closing balance £1161 – this is lower than last year but there is a great deal of uniform stock.
Sincere thanks go to all those who contributed in any way to our School Fund during the year. The fully audited records are available in school.