Board of Ferry County Commissioners
April 27, 2009
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8 a.m. with Commissioners Bond, Miller and Heath present.
Additions & Corrections to the Agenda: National Parks Superintendent Debbie Bird canceled the meeting. Acting Fire Manager Duffy Dufresne from the Republic Forest Service office scheduled an appointment with the Board.
After review and discussion Commissioner Heath made a motion to approve the minutes of April 20, 2009 as corrected. Commissioner Bond seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.
After review and discussion Commissioner Bond made a motion to approve the minutes of April 21, 2009 as corrected. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. Commissioner Miller abstained. The motion carried with a majority.
Commissioners Staff Update: Clerk of the Board Debbie Bechtol, Deputy Clerk of the Board Teri Kinney, Secretary Kelly Burbank, Courthouse Maintenance Director Erin McBride, MIS Director Darrel Dirks, Fairgrounds Manger Kari Rowton met with the Board for the weekly staff update. Ms. Kinney reported that everything is running smoothly with the stuccowork. Ms. McBride reported water damage to a window seal in the district court office. The Board requested that Ms. McBride investigate the extent of the damage and get a quote for repairs, then report back. Ms. McBride informed the Board there would be a yearly savings of $1300 if the county used Data Base Secure Records Destruction to shred all of the office pack within the county. The Board requested that Ms. McBride make some phone calls to check referents for Data Base Secure Records Destruction and if she is happy with the replies, then she may order their service. Mr. Dirks reported that he had attended the ACES conference in Spokane and learned a lot about archiving email. In 2010 the law requires that all emails be archived. Mr. Dirks discussed different options of archiving emails with the Board, but no decision was made. Ms. Rowton reported the fairgrounds cleanup day went very well and they accomplished a lot. 4-H groups, the boarder patrol and folks from the public assisted with the cleanup. Ms. Rowton discussed the Fair Board’s wishes for the Fair Exhibit Book with the Board of Commissioner, and the decision was made that only county employees can use county computers and software.
EMS District # 1: EMS Director Alex Wirt met with the Board to discuss an insurance deductible bill that the EMS District received. Risk Manage Jill Gates was unable to attend. The EMS board received a bill from Ferry County for reimbursement an investigation fee from Canfield and Associates for a claim. Mr. Wirt requested a copy of the policy and contract. Before payment can be sent the EMS Board would like to understand why the bill is justified. The Board informed Mr. Wirt that a copy of the policy and contract would be sent to the EMS board.
Paradise Cove Road: Ron Testerman and Interim Director Larry Beardslee met with the Board to discuss the Paradise Cove Road. An attendance sheet is on file. Mr. Testerman stated that the folks that live on the Paradise Cove Road have paid to have the road oiled for dust in the years past. But the cost has risen 100% this year and they would like the County to pay for the oil. The residents feel that their property tax should pay for the cost of the oil. The Board informed Mr. Testerman that the County could not afford to oil the Paradise Cove Road at this time. Mr. Testerman thanked the Board for their time.
Republic Forest Service: Mr. Dufresne from the Republic Forest Service met with the Board to discuss the controlled burns that the Forest Service will do this spring. Mr. Defrasne informed the Board that they are waiting for the “smoke approval” from the state before they can start. The Board requested that the Forest Service inform the E911 office before they burn.
Connections Update: Connections Assistant Director Toni Lembcke met with the Board for the bi-monthly update. Connections Director Kate Rowe-Maloret was unable to attending because she was at a FEMA meeting to discuss the grant for emergency food and shelter. Ms. Lembcke informed the Board that the phone system has been ordered. DSHS will reimburse the amount for the phone system, but Connections will need to do a budget amendment. Ms. Lembcke stated that the staff at Connections is very impressed with the professionalism of the MIS Department. Ms. Lembcke reported that Ms. Rowe-Maloret is working on all of the grant applications that are due for the new fiscal year. After review and discussion the Board made the decision to sign the Funding Application for Homeless Prevention on May 4th. Ms. Lembcke reported the fashion show that was held on the 17th of April was a huge success, the group made paper dress out of the Sexual Assault Awareness posters.
Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $1,939.33 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #232537-232543 for the following.
Veteran’s Relief in the amount of $1395.55
Curlew Water District in the amount of $288.18
Inchelium in the amount of $35.40
Water Conservancy Board in the amount of $22.20 (Exhibit 1)
Consent: After review and discussion the Board approved the following.
1. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From County Road in the amount of $64,0013.25 to E R&R. (Exhibit 2)
2. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From CE Misc. Non-Dept in the amount of $5800 to E911. (Exhibit 3)
3. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From CE Misc. Non-Dept in the amount of $5000 to MIS. (Exhibit 4)
4. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From CE Misc. Non-Dept in the amount of $500 to the Water Conservancy Board. (Exhibit 5)
5. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From E R&R in the amount of $54,509.07 to County Road. (Exhibit 6)
6. Ferry County Proclamation: The Board of County Commissioners, proclaim the month of May 2009 to be Older American Month. (Exhibit 7)
7. Special Meeting Notice: The Board of County Commissioners will be attending a special meeting in Colville on Friday, May 1st at 11 a.m. (Exhibit 8)
E911 Coordinator Position: E911 Coordinator Rose Parr and Civil Service Chief Examiner Teri Kinney met with the Board to discuss Ms. Parr’s retirement the 1st of July. Ms. Parr stated that she would like to continue as the E911 Coordinator as a contractor and presented the Board with a purposed professional services agreement. The Board agreed to read the agreement and then discuss her proposal at a later date.
Public Hearing: As per duly published notice the public hearing to consider increasing the tipping fees for the disposal of solid waste was held at 1 p.m. An attendance sheet is on file and the public hearing was recorded. Solid Waste Coordinator Kristy Cromwell and Interim Assistant Engineer Troy Reynolds were present to answer questions. Commissioner Miller informed those in attendants that the purpose of this meeting was to hear the opinion of the public. The public hearing was closed at 2 p.m. And a public hearing to increase the tipping fees was scheduled for the 26th of May at 1 p.m.
Public Works Update: Interim Director Larry Beardslee and Interim Assistant Engineer Troy Reynolds, Controller/Office Manager Shelene Brown and Solid Waste Coordinator Kristy Cromwell met with the Board for the weekly update. Mr. Beardslee reported that the contract with County Engineer Robert Breshears, P.E. will expires very soon and presented the Board with a new contract to review. The Board scheduled a meeting with Mr. Breshears for the 11th of May at 10:30 a.m. to discuss the new contract. Mr. Reynolds reported that the Bridge Creek 11 project is running on schedule and he is working on the Danville alley vacation. Ms. Brown questioned the amount that Public Works is to pay for the state purchasing contract. The Board stated the amount stands, the Sheriffs Office and Public Works would split the fees.
Department Head: Treasure Kathleen Rupp, Assessor Danna Galvin, Auditor Dianna, Legal Assistant Cindy Nelson, Under Sheriff Greg Palmier, Interim Assistant Engineer Troy Reynolds, Solid Waste Coordinator Kristy Cromwell, Connections Director Kate Rowe-Maloret, E911 Coordinating Rose Parr, Clerk of the Board Debbie Bechtol, Ferry County Clerk Jean Booher, MIS Director Darrell Dirks, Prosecuting Attorney Mike Sandona, Planning Director Irene Whipple Court Administrator Kathy Palmier, Controller/Office Manager Shelene Brown, Fairgrounds Manger Kari Rowton, Administrative Assistant Tonia Jordan, Auditor Dianna Galvan, Planning Director Irene Whipple and Correctional Facility Sergeant Judy Gard met with the Board to discuss the 2009 budget cuts that need to be made. A budget committee was formed with Ms. Bechtol, Ms. Brown, Ms. Parr, Ms. Gard, Ms. Palmier and Ms. Galvin to meet on Thursdays. The Board approved the draft budget cuts from each department. Reporter for the Omak Chronicle Brenda Starkey was also present.
Recreational Trail Committee Appointments: An attendance sheet is on file. Commissioner Heath made the motion to approved Resolution 2009-26 amending
Resolution No. 2009-06, Establishing the Ferry County Recreational Trials Committee and Adoption of the By-Laws. Commissioner Bond seconded the motion. Chairman Miller opened the motion for discussion. The motion carried with all in favor, with a correction to changing two adjacent landowners to three adjacent landowner members. The Board appointed Gordon Strandberg, Richard Lybarger and Bobbi Weller as adjacent landowner members; Jim Schumacher as a small business owner member: Larry Heming as a Back County Horseman member; Bob Whittaker as a non-motorized member; Stan Christie as a motorized member; Landon Swafford as a Curlew Community Association member; Ed Watt as a Kettle River Advisory Board member for a two year term to the Ferry County Recreational Trail Committee. (Exhibit 8)
Correspondence: The Board reviewed and discussed the emails and correspondences that were received. The following correspondence were received and placed as part of these minutes.
Invitation: An invitation to the EMS awards and Karen Webber retirement dinner.
Meeting Minutes: Ferry County EMS District #1 March 17th minutes.
Meeting Minutes: Ferry County Fair Association March 26th minutes.
With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting of the Board of Ferry County Commissioners will be May 4, 2009 commencing at 8 a.m.
Brad L. Miller, Chair
Approved 4-27-09
Debbie Bechtol, Clerk of the Board
Ferry County Commissioners
April 27, 2009
Meeting Minutes
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