Newton, NJ


Mr. Caffrey, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Board OPENING

Office at 57 Trinity Street, Newton, NJ, noting in the opening statement that the notice

of this meeting was sent to the New Jersey Herald, the Star Ledger, and the Town Clerk

of Newton on May 8, 2010 and appropriately posted. The notice requirements of the

Open Public Meetings Act have been satisfied.

Members Present: Mr. Caffrey, Ms. Cooke, Ms. Egner, Mr. Heckman, Mr. Jackson, ROLL CALL

Mr. Mistry, Mr. Morris, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. VanAuken and Dr. Greene.

Members absent: Ms. Gianni and Mr. Kelly

The new Student Council representative, Carol Ann Butler, was introduced to board

and reported on a planned trip to Hershey, PA on June 1st.

Paul Breda, NJ School Boards representative, provided mandated Code of Ethics Training

to board members.

Ms. Whipple asked for an explanation of the process for Personnel Item K and Dr. Greene PUBLIC COMMENTS


Ms. Galonski thanked Dr. Greene and Administrators for the thought and work that

went into coordinating staff transfers. She questioned Item H, the large group of people to be

appointed for curriculum writing. Ms. Galonski also questioned the transfer of the Athletic

Director’s secretary and the internal re-assignment of a 12-month secretary to the Athletic


Mrs. Thomas reported on the NJSBA Legislative Committee Meeting election and the topics COMMITTEE RPTS.

that were discussed.

Ms. Cooke reported on the budget negotiations with the town and resulting $177,477 decrease. SENDING DISTRICT


Dr. Greene reported on board goals and stated all activities on all 3 goals have been completed. SUPT.’S REPORT

Sussex County Technical School sent correspondence on the pool repair and use by our

swim team. Dr. Greene stated that we have already made arrangements for our team to

use Kittitinny Regional High School’s pool.

Dr. Greene explained the issues relative to the Race to the Top application. He stated that a meeting

with Board President, Mr. Caffrey, Union President, Mr. Schultz, Business Administrator,

Donna Snyder and Dr. Greene, determined that the district should apply.

Dr. Greene reported Professional Development Plan was approved by the State.

Also approved by the State is the 2010-2013 Technology Plan.

Dr. Greene reported on his attendance at the NJASA convention and sessions on

ethics, regionalization, shared services, building learning communities.

Ms. Snyder advised the board of agenda changes as follows: SBA/BS REPORT

Add 9 member vote Personnel Item-Retirement of Gail Hoffman

Business Item K

Ms. Snyder read a letter from Diana Minervini-Hayde.

Ms. Snyder reviewed changes since the adoption of the budget, especially the health

insurance premiums. She stated that after careful review and discussion, the recommendation

is that we approach the unions to see if they would be willing to contribute the legislatively

mandated 1.5% health insurance contribution a year earlier than they have to.

Ms. Snyder stated ESCO’s are due back June 15, 2010.

Motion made by Mrs. Thomas, seconded by Ms. Egner that the board adjourn to executive EXECUTIVE SES.

session at 9:13 PM.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve BOARD BUSINESS

the following:

A.  Approve the minutes of the following meeting:

Reorganization Meeting of May 4, 2010

Regular Meeting of May 4, 2010

Executive Session #1 of May 4, 2010

Executive Session #2 of May 4, 2010

B.  Authorize the secretary to pay bills and warrants Nos. 032620 to 032711

as per bill list dated May 25, 2010 in the amount of $1,239,836.98, as per

Attachment A.

C.  Approve the financial reports from the Board Secretary and the Treasurer

of School Monies for the month of April 2010 as on file in the Business


D.  Accept the Board Secretary’s certification, as attached, (pursuant to NJAC

6:20-2.12(d)) that as of April 30, 2010 no budgetary line item account has

obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the

amount appropriated by the Board of Education pursuant to NJSA

18A-22-8 & 18A-22-8.1.

E.  Pursuant to NJAC 6:23-2.11, certify that as of April 30, 2010 after review

of the secretary’s financial report (appropriations section) and upon

consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our

knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in

violation of NJAC 6:20-2.12(a) and that sufficient funds are available to

meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

F.  Approve the line item transfers and 10% report as per Attachment B.

G.  Rescind the appointment of Nanette Thomas as Sussex County Educational Services

Commission representative and approve her as NJSBA Legislative delegate.

H.  Authorize the Business Administrator to advertise an additional board meeting on

June 8, 2010.

I.  Authorize the Superintendent and Board President to communicate to the 4 unions a

desire to open negotiations for the purpose of asking for the legislative contribution of

1.5% of salary for the 10-11 school year to address the possible budget shortfall.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exceptions:

Mr. Mistry abstained on Item A

Mrs. Thomas abstained on Item A

Mrs. VanAuken abstained on Item A

Mr. Caffrey abstained on Item A

Motion made by Mrs. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Mistry that the 9 member board approve the PROGRAM


A.  Approve the following field trips for Halsted Middle School:

Class/Club Purpose Location

6th, 7th, 8th grades Curriculum Rockaway Theater

6th grade Student Activity Memory Park

7th grade students Mentoring Merriam Avenue School

B.  Approve the following field trips for Merriam Avenue School:

Class/Club Purpose Location

Even Start Student Activity Land of Make Believe, Swartswood

State Park, NJ State Fair

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board.

Motion made by Ms. Cooke, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve the


C.  Approve the following students for homebound instruction in accordance

with N.J.A.C.6:14:

Student ID# S1368 Grade 10 05/05/10

Student ID# 1075110 Grade 12 05/03/10

Student ID# S1120 Grade 12 05/03/10

D.  Approve an overnight trip for Newton High School wrestling team from July 18, 2010 to

July 21, 2010 to Rutgers University wrestling camp.

E.  Approve the Newton Virtual Summer School program from Educere for 2010.

F.  Approve the Newton Robotics Team Summer Camp to be held from July 19-23, 2010

at a fee of $100 per student to be run by James Hofmann and Lauren Geaney.

G.  Approve revisions to the following job descriptions:

Director of Special Services

Guidance Counselor – High School

H.  Approve the following field trips for Newton High School:

Class/Club Purpose Location

French Club Curriculum Randall’s Island, NY

Yearbook Club Student Activity Josten’s – Rockaway

English Curriculum Dodge Poetry Festival-NJPAC

I.  Approve the K-12 Language Arts and the K-12 World Languages curricula.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exception:

Mr. Morris abstained on Item H.

Regarding Item I, Dr. Greene thanked the teachers and staff for their recommendations and the results.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mrs. VanAuken that the 9 member board approve PERSONNEL

the following:

Based upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following

personnel resolutions are presented for approval:

A.  Approve the following Summer Title I position:

Janet Mosner – ISIP Technician - $1,500

B.  Approve Karen Vealey as an administrative secretary at Merriam Avenue School

effective June 14, 2010 to June 30, 2010 at a per diem salary of $120.

B.2 Accept with regrets, the retirement of Gail Hoffman, teacher at Merriam Avenue

School, effective August 1, 1010.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board.

Motion made by Mr. Heckman, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve

the following:

C.  Accept with regrets, the retirement of Merle Tanis, science teacher at Newton High

School, effective June 30, 2010.

D.  Approve Kevin Stanton as the Director of Academic Services, effective September 1,

2010, Step D7, $61,320.

E.  Approve the following teacher and secretary transfers effective September 1, 2010:

Paul Filan - Newton High School to Halsted Middle School

Karen Macko - Merriam Avenue School to Halsted Middle School

Terry Stark - Merriam Avenue School to Halsted Middle School

Bryan Bitondo - Halsted Middle School to Merriam Avenue School

Mary Lou Holterman – Secretary to Athletic Director to Secretary to Director of

Academic Service.

F.  Approve the following summer CST Extended School Year Services as per attachment C.

G.  Approve Brenn Feeney as an English teacher at Newton High School, effective September 1,

2010, Step C-12, $71,390.

H.  Approve the following staff for tri-district curriculum writing from August 23, 2010 to

August 27, 2010 (5 days) @ $181.00 per day:

Technology Science Math

Guy Schultz Ella Gaal Wayne Headley

Wendy Whipple Betty Stapleton Denise Gilchrist

Jim Hofmann Mike Bussow Pete Zuroff

Lauren Geaney John Zwitkowits

Joanne Naumowicz Alison Stiehl


Kevin Stanton

Meg Waldron

I.  Approve the following staff for social studies curriculum writing for June 23, 2010 and

June 24, 2010 (2 days) @ $181.00 per day:

Brendan Scullin German Rueda Kevin Stanton

J.  Approve the following appointments and salaries for the following staff for the 2010-2011

school year:

Custodians Attachment D (Revised-Removed S. Syme and A. Garrity)

Secretaries Attachment E

Non-Affiliated Staff Attachment F

K.  Authorize the Superintendent of Schools to hire personnel for the 2010-2011 school year

with presentation for Board of Education approval at the June, July and/or August Board

of Education meetings.

Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Caffrey expressed their appreciation towards the retirees.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exceptions:

Mr. Heckman voted no on Item D;

Mr. Mistry abstained on Items D & E.

Motion made by Mrs. VanAuken, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve BUSINESS

the following:

A.  Approve the following district purchases:

District Description Amount

Mountain Lakes BOE Tuition for 1 Student 09/10 $37,951

Willowglen Academy Audited Tuition 07/08 for (1) $ 3,051


Ed. Svcs. Commission Services for IDEA Grant $ 8,400

Merriam Avenue School

Willco A/C Ductless A/C Unit $ 4,450

Newton High School

AccuScan Scanning High School Records $12,000

B.  Approve district travel expenses as per Attachment G.

C.  Approve the submission of an application to the NJ Division of Archives and

Records Management (DARM) in order that they may certify the Data Migration

and Recovery Plans for data the Newton Public Schools wishes to store in a format

other than paper.

Mr. Mistry questioned the additional purchase order to AccuScan. Ms. Snyder explained

we are working on records accumulated since the high school opened.

D.  Approve the acceptance of $18,772 in Municipal Alliance funding for the provision

of Substance Abuse Prevention Programs, effective 01/1/2010 through 12/31/2010.

E.  Approve an Interlocal Service Agreement with the Board of Education of Sussex

County Technical School to provide ASE certified mechanics for school bus

maintenance, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 as per Attachment H.

F.  Approve the Integrated Pest Management Plan for Newton Public Schools for July 1,

2010 through June 30, 2011.

G.  Approve the application of the year 2/4 Continuation for the NJ Coordinated School

Health Demonstration Project in the amount of $5,000 for the program to operate from

3/1/10 through 2/28/11.

H.  Approve the revised District Organizational Chart as per Attachment I.

I.  Approve the submission of a Memorandum of Understanding demonstrating support

by the Newton Public Schools for New Jersey’s application for the Race to the Top

(NCLB) Grant as signed by the Superintendent, Board President and NEA President.

J.  WHEREAS Andover, Newton and Green have decided that all three districts need the

services of an Applied Behavioral Analyst and;

WHEREAS the districts jointly advertised in an attempt to hire an employee trained in

Applied Behavioral Analysis and;

WHEREAS there was not a response from a qualifying employee, and;

WHEREAS the Newton Board of Education then solicited responses from consultants;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Newton Board of Education approves a contract with Applied Behavioral Consulting LLC to provide services, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Newton’s share of the cost will not exceed $22,000 for the

2010-2011 school year.

K.  Authorize the School Business Administrator to proceed with moving the district’s

health benefits to the SAIF Health Insurance Fund.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

There was no Old Business. OLD BUSINESS

There was no New Business. NEW BUSINESS

President’s Statement PUBLIC COMMENTS

This public session is designed for members of the public to speak on issues for Board

consideration. By law, the Board of Education is under no obligation to respond to

public comment. If the Board of Education chooses to respond, it does not waive

it’s right thereafter not to respond. Please identify yourself and spell your last name.

Ms. Whipple asked when money would be available from Race to the Top. Dr. Greene

responded. Ms. Whipple asked if more employees might take advantage of the insurance

waiver if the 1.5% comes in to play.

Committee of the Whole COMMITTEE MTG.

This public committee meeting is designed for the board of education to discuss issues that

may appear on future board agendas. Please consider that an individual employee’s terms and

conditions of employment cannot be discussed prior to that employee being given proper notice.


Finance Committee Meeting scheduled for June 16, 2010 at 6:00 PM with members

Mr. Mistry, Mr. Heckman and Ms. Gianni.


Committee members are Mrs. VanAuken, Ms. Egner, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Caffrey

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Mrs. VanAuken that the meeting adjourn at 10:43 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Snyder

School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary