Newton, NJ


Mr. Heckman, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Board OPENING

Office at 57 Trinity Street, Newton, NJ, noting in the opening statement that the notice

of this meeting was sent to the New Jersey Herald, the Star Ledger, and the Town Clerk

of Newton on May 29, 2009 and appropriately posted. The notice requirements of the

Open Public Meetings Act have been satisfied.

Members Present: Mr. Caffrey, Mrs. Carr, Ms. Cooke, Ms. Egner, Ms. Gianni, Mr. Heckman, ROLL CALL

Mr. Jackson, Mr. Mistry, Mr. Morris, Mrs. VanAuken and Dr. Greene

Members absent: Mr. Kelly

There were no comments on agenda resolutions. PUBLIC COMMENTS

The Finance Committee reported on ARRA funding, bidding two buses, a draft calendar, COMMITTEE RPTS.

a draft budget, and methods for calculating tuition.

There were no sending district reports. SENDING DIST. RPT.

The following student will be home schooled for the remainder of the 2009-2010 school year. SUPT. REPORT/

The revised state regulations require that I formally notify the board of education on the status ED. HIGHLIGHTS

of this student. Board of Education approval is no longer necessary. The reporting of this in the

Superintendent’s Report will allow for the board minutes to record that you have been notified.

Grade 5 Student (S7633967110)

Dr. Greene gave the Student Council report on Senior Citizen Luncheon, Lock-in, and Semi-formal.

Ms. Snyder stated the ending check number on the November 24, 2009 bill list should be SBA/BS REPORT

#031879 and has been changed in the minutes.

Ms. Snyder also noted the addition of two NHS choir programs added to Program, Item E.

Ms. Snyder advised the board about bids for two school buses.

Motion made by Ms. Cooke, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve BOARD BUSINESS

the following:

A.  Approve the minutes of the following meeting:

Regular Meeting of November 24, 2009

B.  Authorize the secretary to pay bills and warrants Nos. 031880 to 031942

as per bill list dated 12/08/09 in the amount of $1,174,737.81, as per

Attachment A.

C.  Approve the financial reports from the Board Secretary and the Treasurer

of School Monies for the month of November, 2009 as on file in the Business


D.  Accept the Board Secretary’s certification, as attached, (pursuant to NJAC

6:20-2.12(d)) that as of November 30, 2009 no budgetary line item account has

obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the

amount appropriated by the Board of Education pursuant to NJSA

18A-22-8 & 18A-22-8.1.

E.  Pursuant to NJAC 6:23-2.11, certify that as of November 30, 2009

after review of the secretary’s financial report (appropriations section)

and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best

of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in

violation of NJAC 6:20-2.12(a) and that sufficient funds are available to

meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

F.  Approve the line item transfers and 10% report as per Attachment B.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exception:

Mr. Jackson abstained on Item A, the minutes of the meeting of November 24, 2009.

Motion made by Mrs. Carr, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 9 member board approve the PROGRAM


A.  Approve an Even Start parent trip to Sparta to pick up donated gifts.

B.  Approve the following Halsted Middle School field trip:

Class/Club Purpose Location

8th Grade Orientation Sussex County Technical School

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board.

Motion made by Ms. Egner, seconded by Ms. Gianni that the 11 member board approve

the following:

C.  Approve the placement of the following students on homebound instruction:

Student ID#S2670 Grade 9 11/30/09

Student ID#S1272 Grade 11 11/19/09

Student ID#S1017 Grade 12 11/24/09

D.  Approve the out of district placement of a grade 10 student to attend Phillipsburg

High School, effective 9/01/09, at a tuition rate of $11,025.

E.  Approve the following Newton High School field trips:

Class/Club Purpose Location

Science Curriculum Livingston High School

Consumer Math Curriculum LPS-Andover and GHS Green

NHS Choir Concert Lafayette House

NHS Choir Concert Halsted Middle School

F. Approve the following textbook at Newton High School for Calculus Honors/AP for the school year 2010-2011:

Calculus Early Transcendentals Single Variable

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mrs. Carr that the 9 member board approve PERSONNEL

the following:

Based upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following

personnel resolutions are presented for approval:

A.  Approve the following volunteers for Robotics:

Jim Hofmann James Wooster Ella Gaal Pete Zuroff

Brian Bennington John Geaney Lauren Geaney Jesse Clark

Eliza Bareiss Wesley Bedrosian Brian Francis Doug Wong

Ed Petersen Beth Bitler Susan Stobie Hau Do

Paul Alex, Sr. Shannon McCarney Chris Land Debol Gupta

Eric McNulty John McMonagel

Ms. Gianni stated she was pleased at the large list of volunteers.

B.  Approve an extra hour per week for Lori Ingram, teacher assistant at Merriam Avenue

School, to allow a special needs student to attend an after school club, $15 per hour for

12 weeks.

C.  Approve the following Fitness Center supervisors at Halsted Middle School, to be

paid $30 per hour not to exceed $1,000 through the NJ Coordinated School Demonstration


Jared Roe

Meg Waldron

D. Approve Keith Schouppe as a Halsted Middle School Ski Club volunteer.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board.

Motion made by Ms. Cooke, seconded by Ms. Egner that the 11 member board approve the


E.  Approve a combination of paid and unpaid leave of absence for Denise Gilchrist,

English teacher at Newton High School, from November 24, 2009 to December 22,


F.  Approve an unpaid leave of absence for Coleen Howell, substitute bus driver, from

November 30, 2009 to January 15, 2010.

G.  Approve the following substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year:

Patricia Gentile Kathy Heatter Kelsey Nelson Sharon Triolo

Nancy Owens - substitute teacher assistant

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Ms. Gianni that the 11 member board approve BUSINESS

the following:

A.  Approve the following district purchases:

District Description Amount

Rockhurst University In-house Seminar $ 3,500

Telecom Management Nortel Voice Mail System $ 4,962

Nisivoccia & Co CAFR $ 2,000

D & E Repair/Maintenance Buses $ 2,788

Phillipsburg BOE 09/10 Student Tuition $11,025

B.  Approve district travel expenses as per Attachment C.

C.  Approve the acceptance of the NCLB Title I ARRA Funds in the amount

of $65,267.

D.  Approve the application of the New Jersey Coordinated School Health

Demonstration Project in the amount of $10,000 for Halsted Middle School.

E.  Approve an agreement with the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council

as the lead agency for the conduct of certain functions relating to the purchase

of work, materials, supplies and services expiring on September 30, 2011.

F.  Approve the acceptance of a donation of $41.80 (% of sales from local

retailers) from Ohiopyle Prints, Inc. to be used at the board’s discretion.

G.  Approve the resolution binding the Newton Board of Education to purchase

electric generation services through the Alliance for Competitive Energy

Services (ACES) bid cooperative pricing system as per Attachment D.

H.  Approve the resolution binding the Newton Board of Education to purchase

natural gas generation services through the Alliance for Competitive Energy

Services (ACES) bid cooperative pricing system as per Attachment E.

I.  Approve Sections 1 through 5, and Section 13 of the Standard Operating

Procedures and Internal Controls Manual.

Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.

Mrs. VanAuken stated she attended the mandated training. OLD BD. BUSINESS

Mr. Caffrey stated he likes having the listing of student programs. NEW BD. BUSINESS

Mr. Jackson stated he really enjoyed the fall drama program.

President’s Statement

This public session is designed for members of the public to speak on issues for Board PUBLIC COMMENTS

consideration. By law, the Board of Education is under no obligation to respond to

public comment. If the Board of Education chooses to respond, it does not waive

its right thereafter not to respond. Please identify yourself and spell your last name.

Mrs. Thomas questioned the ARRA funding article in today’s newspaper.

Committee of the Whole – This public committee meeting is designed for the board of education

to discuss issues that may appear on future board agendas. Please consider that an individual

employee’s terms and conditions of employment cannot be discussed prior to that employee being

given proper notice.

Buildings and Grounds

The board discussed the Long Range Facility Plan and the notification that instead of all

districts redoing their Long Range Facility Plan in 2010 they will be required to for a 5 year



The board discussed the Board Self-Evaluation Plan. Mr. Heckman stated that if no one objected, he,

Mr. Caffrey, Dr. Green and Ms. Snyder would meet following the meeting to review the plan.


There was no discussion of curriculum.


Ms. Snyder presented information on interpreting the Expenditure Report.

Motion made by Mrs. VanAuken, seconded by Ms. Egner that the meeting adjourn to executive

session at 7:37 PM. to discuss negotiations, not to reconvene. Said discussion may be disclosed to

the public when appropriate.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Snyder

School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary