Board of Education Regular Meeting
April 11, 2017
Board of Education Room
Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Determination ofLegality of the Regular Meeting and Roll Call – President Vincent acknowledged that the notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. The availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the Agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceedings of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting is open to the attendance of the public. Secretary Sadd was asked to call roll. Present Board Members: Brent Rainforth, Steph Roach, Randy Sadd, Chris Sullivan, Zach VanDiest, and Craig Vincent.
Motion by Sadd, seconded by Sullivan to approve by consent the items identified by asterisk and receive information and reports as listed and marked with asterisk. *to approve the agenda as presented; *to approve the minutes of the March 15, 2017. Regular Board Meetings;*Approve General Fund Claims Totaling $106,414.29, BuildingFund Claims Totaling $0.00, Lunch Fund Claims Totaling $15,025.91, QCPUF Fund Claims Totaling $0; Sadd abstained on the Doniphan Herald bills. Voting yes: VanDiest, Rainforth, Sullivan, Vincent, Sadd and Roach.
Elementary Principal Engel, Asst Principal/SPED Director Niles, Secondary Principal Breckner, and Athletic Director Breckner reported on current and upcoming events.
Motion by Sullivan, Seconded by VanDiest, to approve the Elementary Bathroom remodel project to JBS Construction. Voting yes: Sullivan, VanDiest, Rainforth, Roach, Sadd, and Vincent.
Motion by VanDiest, Seconded by Sullivan to approve Strategic Visioning through FGR and Don Fritz. Voting Yes: VanDiest, Sullivan, Sadd, Roach, Rainforth and Vincent.
Superintendent Russell reported on recent, current, and near future activities affecting the district.
Motion by Roach, Seconded by Sullivan to Accept/Approve the following Teacher Resignations, Ms. Alexandra Stahlecker and Ms. Victoria Klaus. Voting Yes: Roach, Sullivan, Vincent, Rainforth, Roach, Sadd and VanDiest.
Motion by Sullivan, Seconded by Roach to approve Extra-Duty Sponsor/Coaching Assignments 2017-18. Voting Yes: Sullivan, Roach, Rainforth, Sadd, Vincent, and VanDiest.
Motion by Roach, Seconded by VanDiest to approve Teacher Contracts to Trevor Sedlacek, Stacey McCarty, Ben Gehring, Kristi Gehle, Cecilee Huelsnitz and Elizabeth Reich for 2017-18 School Term. Voting Yes: Roach, VanDiest, Vincent Sullivan, Rainforth and Sadd.
Motion by Rainforth, Seconded by Sullivan to approve 2017-18 Teacher and Classified Staffing Plan. Voting yes: Rainforth, Sullivan, VanDiest, Vincent, Roach, and Sadd.
President Vincent set next regular meeting forMay 10, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
President Vincent adjourned the meeting at 8:30p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Randy Sadd, Secretary