August 3, 2016 ~ 7 am

Malheur County Fairgrounds, Ontario, Oregon

Members and guests present: Patrick Nauman, Randy Griffin, Ken Bishop, Charlotte Fugate, Jeff Hafer, Kyle McCauley, Derrell Childers, Torie Ramirez, Alan Massey, Bob Komoto, Beth Earles, Kate Haas, Melody Goodman, Dan Greig, Andrea Testi, Andy Oyervides, Ray Millar, Kevin Kimball, Dan Cummings, Kevin Coats, Harry Flock, and Adam Brown.

Staff: Kit Kamo, Executive Director

1.  Call the Meeting to Order: Chairman Patrick Nauman called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. Due to the large turnout, the group moved outside from the fair office boardroom to enjoy the early summer morning at the Fairgrounds.

2.  Introductions of Attendees: Chairman Nauman thanked everyone for coming to today’s meeting as the turnout was very good with multiple communities represented. Then everyone present introduced themselves and the business or entity they were representing.

3.  Approval of July 6 2016 Board Minutes: Patrick asked if everyone had a chance to read and review the July 6, 2016 board minutes that were sent out. Patrick also noted they were not included in the information in front of you today. Chairman Nauman then asked if anyone had any questions or corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, Chairman Nauman asked for a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Dan Greig made a motion to approve the minutes as printed, seconded by Kevin Coates. The motion passed unanimously.

4.  Financial Update: Treasurer Sandy Hemenway was out of town on business so Secretary Randy Griffin provided the updated financial report for the group. Randy went over in detail the financial handouts for the month of July discussing balances at the end of the month in both the checking and money market accounts. Randy reviewed with the group the SREDA monthly snap shot financial report, the operating budget report, and dollars received by SREDA. He also reviewed the private dollar contributions received for the month from Idaho Power with $2,500, DL Evans Bank with an additional $500 bringing their annual contribution now to $1,000, and the Four Rivers Association of Realtors for Washington, Payette and Malheur Counties with $1,500. SREDA’s normal monthly contributions from Red Apple, Hanigan’s, The Argus Observer, Subway, Zion’s and Weiser Classic Candy’s. Public support came from the City of Ontario in the amount of $10,000. Randy also reported we received $10,000 which represents one half of the annual grant from Commerce for the rural economic development professional program, and that we are still waiting for our $25,000 tourism grant. Chairman Nauman then asked if anyone had any questions on the financial report. Hearing none, Patrick then asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Ken Bishop made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as printed and presented, seconded by Kevin Coates. The motion passed unanimously.

5.  Fund Raising Update – Public and Private: Patrick explained to the group the importance of all members fund raising for SREDA and what it means to our bottom line. Patrick reported that Ameri-Corp was going to contribute and that the contribution would be forth coming from the corporate headquarters.

6.  Business Highlights – AMI update by Kate Haas, Kestrel West – Kate gave a good and lengthy presentation on Alta Mesa and their activities that have been occurring locally. Activity has occurred in both Idaho and Oregon. Kate reported that no new drilling has occurred this year but the company is in production. She explained the Langley Gulch processing facility and the Williams-Northwest natural gas pipeline. She also reviewed all the products the company is finding in the wells such as zinc, natural gas, and consolidated liquids. They also are pleased with their partnership with Campo-Poole Oil which helps them ship the product out of the area. Kate then discussed the financial impact to the local communities and estimated that it was in the $36 to $37 million dollar range not including infrastructure. Overall, a very detailed reported with a lot of information. The group thanked Kate for the presentation.

7.  Bylaws Update from Committee: The Bylaw updates was tabled again this month as the changes are being written up and will therefore be presented at a later meeting.

8.  Economic Breakfast FUTURE of HEALTH CARE – July 26, 7-8a.m. – Kit gave an update for the group on the very successful economic breakfast recently completed. It was a very good turn out and the speakers were informative and good. She did state that in the future we may focus on another industry and again partner with the Ontario area Chamber of Commerce.

9.  City and Community Highlights:

City Highlights:

a.  Fruitland: Mayor Ken Bishop stated the city is working hard on its annual budget and that the SREDA contribution has been included. He explained the City has had to step back a bit on the park project as the bid came in double what was anticipated. So at this point the City will act as its own general contractor and line up its own sub-contractors as appropriate. They will be working on this project for the rest of this year and probably next spring.

b.  Payette: Councilman Alan Massy said the City of Payette is also going through the budget details and have been working on their Strategic Plan. He stated they just completed a successful football camp and farmers market.

c.  Ontario: New city manager Adam Brown provided an update for the City of Ontario. Adam explained details of the lift station bid project and their review of the city’s water and sewer rates which have not been raised for approximately twelve years.

Economic Planner Dan Cummings then discussed some of the economic work he has completed with Kit. Dan stated that several large projects are still in the works. A new building will be constructed between the McDonalds and Burger King buildings which will be committed to retail. Dan has been in contact with the old mall owner and said that he is working of some new leases and that hopefully we will see some activity on the mall site this fall or next spring.

d.  Nyssa: Councilman Harry Flock said the recently completed Thunderegg Days was a huge success and drew a large crowd. The City is also working on the arsenic removal at the water treatment plant. Harry said because of upgrades the city’s basic water rate will increase by about $12 per month. Harry then said he was very sorry to see the Nyssa City manager leave her position to take a similar position in Lakeview, OR to be near family. Roberta has done an excellent job and will be missed.

e.  Weiser: Patrick explained to the group that the Christmas tree project the city is working on is because the country’s national Christmas tree this year will come from Idaho’s own Payette National Forest. Weiser has been acknowledged by NASA and will be a host city next August for the solar eclipse event. NASA will provide a large telescope to view the event with and afterwards it will be donated to the local school district.

f.  New Plymouth: Mayor Beth Earles of New Plymouth said the council is working hard on cleaning up some old city ordinances. The city just approved a new business to sell cars and the old Williamson roofing site is in the process of being rezoned to commercial use. The City also has committed a pledge of $1,000 to SREDA for next year.

g.  Vale: No city of Vale representatives were present so no report was given for Vale.

10.  County Highlights:

a.  Payette County: Kevin Coates said the recent Spartan Races held in Payette County were a big economic success and are becoming very popular.

b.  Malheur County: No Malheur County representatives were present but Kit did announce the upcoming Malheur County fair.

c.  Washington County: Jeff Hafer just said that economic development in Washington County has been successful and some very good things are happening. More announcements will be made in the future.

11.  Executive Director Report: Kit began her monthly report to the board by discussing her written report and then expanded in more detail several of the on-going projects. After explanation and discussion, Kit made the following comments:

Great exposure for SREDA this month in the Weiser Signal, Capital Press, Argus, and Idaho Business Review.

July has been a busy month – Kit attended the IFT (innovative food & technology show) in Chicago with over 20,000 attendees. Met with a few Idaho & Oregon companies that were attending as well as some from other states that were interested in visiting about what we have to offer. Our hosting company had a great reception with a number of well-known Chicago-based site selectors on Monday evening of the show. This alone was well worth the attending.

SREDA and Ontario Area Chamber held the summer Economic Breakfast focused on the Future of Health Care, one of our emerging industries. The turnout was good and the speakers were excellent! Discussion followed about doing the general Economic Forecast breakfast in the winter and in the summer focus on an individual industry.

Kit met with the City of Payette, City of Weiser, Payette County, and Revitalize Ontario, spoke at the New Plymouth Kiwanis, attended US Senator Wyden’s town hall and US Congressman Greg Walden’s town hall and attended the ground breaking for the new Valley Family Health Dental clinic in Payette. August 1, she met with New Plymouth City Council. She reported that New Plymouth City Council has rejoined SREDA at $1000.

Kit went on to report on projects that she worked on that included a teleconference visit with Project Flower and Idaho Power; meeting with Idaho Power & Project Bentley, meeting with Jim Birdsall & Project Bentley, follow up with Idaho Commerce, the company & the city for a GEM grant for Project Bentley; Project pumpkin interviews with Idaho Business Review & Capital Press, plus meeting with growers on Project Pumpkin; Set up round table for site visit with Project Adam; Met with Project Energy for an update; assist Project Salsa, and follow up with Project Neighbor.

12.  Round Table Discussion: Kevin Kimball, Vice President for Administrative Services with Treasure Valley Community College, began the round table with updates regarding the college. Kevin explained the two new grants the college just received which were the HEP and Camp grants which will infuse approximately $900,000 per year into the college for each of the next five years. Kevin also explained what the grants are for.

He then explained the college’s new bond initiative and November ask in the amount of $5.8 million dollars. This is estimated to cost about .20 cents per $1,000 of value and that the State of Oregon has matching dollars available for this project as well. Funds would be used to expand and renovate the Vocational Building and for much needed safety and security upgrades.

Ray Millar, Lifeways, announced that Lifeways had ground breaking for a 16-bed psych facility in Hermiston. To open in the fall 2017.

Andrea Testi with TVCC then reviewed for the group some upcoming training classes for the community both in Caldwell and Ontario specifically mentioning electrical and plumbing apprentice opportunities. Andrea also wanted the group to know that the college was also recertified with the American Heart Association as a training center.

Fruitland mayor Ken Bishop discussed the waste water technician career track program forming in Idaho and what future opportunities it may hold for the City of Fruitland.

Bob Komoto discussed the Four Rivers Cultural Centers current capital fund raising campaign and that its purpose is to restore or bring back the center’s infrastructure as it has now aged. Also, in that vein, Bob will be teaching a cooking class with the proceeds going to the capital campaign.

Chairman Nauman then said that the Weiser FFA program just received a $10,000 grant for drone technology which was exciting.

13.  The next meeting will be held in Nyssa, TBA.

14.  Adjourn: Chairman Nauman adjourned the meeting at 8:05 a.m.

Calendar of Events

July 17-19, 2016 IFT Show – Chicago – Kit Attending

July 26, 2016 Western Treasure Valley Economic Breakfast – The Future of Health Care – SREDA/Ontario Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored event – 7 to 8 a.m. at the Four Rivers Cultural Center, Breakfast buffet

August 3, 2016 SREDA Monthly Board Meeting, 7a.m. – Malheur County Fairgrounds Office Board Room

September 7, 2016 SREDA Monthly Board Meeting, 7a.m. – Nyssa, OR TBA

Minutes prepared by Randy Griffin, SREDA Secretary

650 College Blvd, Ontario, OR 97914 541-881-5597 www.snakerivereda.com