Martinez Bocce Federation

Board of Directors Meeting – 7PM - MINUTES

October 7, 2014

CALLTO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Rittburg at 7:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: M. Anselmo, D. Bagno, W. Calhoon,S. Harbrecht, Al Surges,

T. Herndon, B. Kintana, M. Madden, Vic Delpine,

J. Rebar, G. Rittburg, Bob Mann


MINUTES: Motion (Rebar/Kintana) to approve May 2014 minutes as presented. Unanimous.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance on hand: $37,087.30. Motion: (Mann/Rebar) to approve the Sept.

Treasurer’s Report as presented. Unanimous.

CORRESPONDENCE: 2014 Calendar was updated.

Sat., Oct. 18th Rental of 15 courts will be opened by D. Bagno at 7:30.

Rebar or Calhoon will close at 2:30 pm


  • Web site: up-to-date. Nice job, Vic!
  • Maintenance/Helper Update: Helper is learning – can groom but not repair courts.

During off-season (Jan/Feb ‘15) holes in courts need to be fixed.

  • Rental Agreement: To be used by Doreen for rentals – should reduce problems.
  • WHY, Criteria 2015 Maintenance: Member complaints about favoritism and MBFneed to follow

good business procedures.


  • Senior Bocce Up-Date:

-Committee recommended increase to $150/team to cover MBF 2015 increased payment to City of Martinez. This would also cover refreshments (see below) for participants.

-Discussed starting at 9:00 am instead of 9:30 am to accommodate court grooming for night play.

-Decided not to changeThursdaySr. Bocce day.

-Discussed providing light refreshments first day and last day of play. 1 pizza to Capos on final day?

-Discussed surveying Capos to see if there is continued interest in holding Play-Offs. Most appreciated the awards.

-For Play-Offs recommendation was made to provide refreshments, water, soda. Provide 1 large pizza to Capo for their team. It was a long hot day.

  • Final Four and Bocce Bash BBQ:

-Went smoothly as BOD members were well prepared and organized.

-BBQ, supplied by Sticky Chicken, cost $800 + $50 tip, served 100 dinners. $64 for flyers. Event successful, though Anselmo thought a change would be nice next year so will present ideas on that later. Possibly Shell Club House.

-Final season results came very quickly from Bobby Mann. Thank You!

-4 Way Raffle was held – Kintana and Rittburg sold tickets. $300 split between 4 winners ($75 each). Added to festive spirit of the day.

  • Court #9: Has crack 2” wide.

-Discussion: Survey membership regarding keeping or redoing court? Complaints about the court

as is, and concern it’s the only playable court in winter. We have obligation to

league play only.

-Action Plan: Unanimous that something must be done. Anselmo and Madden will research and

report back. Discussion included Shell doing demolition for free or cheaply.

Will discuss with Manny Romo, Tony and others and report back in Nov.

  • 30% Rule/Awards

- Participation and eligibility - to receive awards for Finals must qualify under the 30% Rule.

This can be tracked through the scorer. Establish participation prior to Playoffs? Applies

to County Play-0ffs as well. Victor will write it up and send to Surges.

-If player qualifies under 30% Rules they get an award even if they don’t play in playoffs. Maximum 10 awards per team.

-Scoring/Record keeping is difficult because names are illegible, scoresheets are falsified. Victor

Will write it up and send to Surges.

  • Bocce Community Support: 50/50 Raffle raised $1,000 for U.S. team playing in China in October.

Discussed formalizing procedure/amount to equalize future donations.

  • 2015 Board of Directors

Informally noted which Directors will continue to serve, and whose term in office is up.


-Shade cover replacement for 2015 season.

-Foodie (Vic): Does not work for us, cannot use Club House, not our employee, Sun.-Fri.,

no income guarantee, all vendors welcome, Health permit on vendor, City Park-all vendors welcome.

-Time to replace bocce balls – sell old balls?

-Volunteer Coordinator a BOD position? (High School students get credit for community work.)

-Report from Maintenance Committee with Bid for Maintenance contract.

-Team fees for 2015 Open and Volo. Possible rate increase necessary. MBF payment to City of Martinez increases.

DIRECTOR COMMENTS: All BOD members shared comments - see ‘Agenda Items for Next Meeting’.

TIME & DATE NEXT MEETING: Tuesday,Nov. 4, 2014 @ 7:00 pm

ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Wanda Calhoon for Tina Reich