Board of Church Extension/Health

March 10th, 2009


In Attendance: Brian Gifford, John Gross, Bryan Baker, Willie Maxwell, Brian Hopkins, Robert Canen, Rollie Strutz, Steve Strutz, Adam Huschka, Jeff Maness, Cory Engel, Don Smith, Erin Youngs, Andy Seitz, Vern Streeter, Marc Johnson and the most distinguished and one of the tallest men in the room, the Right Reverend Dale Erbele.

Initial Discussion - Laying groundwork for the Board of Church Health (notes provided from a previous ad-hoc committee), as guided by Cory Engel.

The crux of the discussion involved the wording of the idea for an “Annual Check-up,” or assessment as it relates to church health. The purpose is to raise the bar for the health of each local church, as well as the Conference, and to create a climate within the Conference that strongly encourages a church to use the NCD or REVEAL forms of assessment. Should this assessment/coaching be required (expected) or strongly encouraged? If so, what it the time frame for this “expectation”?

Board of Church Health

1:00 – 3:30

Attending: Cory Engel, Erin Youngs, Loren Eder, Glen Fournier, Robert Canen, Andy Seitz and Marc Johnson, and Brian Gifford

Mission Statement (as previously crafted by Cory, Steve Strutz and Dale Erbele), was discussed, agreed upon and adopted.

The Board of Church Health exists to be a catalyst for Kingdom expansion and church growth, both spiritually and numerically, by assisting local churches in the process of assessment, coaching, and accountability.

How is this accomplished?

Restart – Revitalize – Death with Dignity

Assessment – Coaching - Accountability

We purpose to create a culture of holistic church health by making available assessment, coaching and accountability to all conference churches to provide focused support to church restarts, revitalizations, and deaths with dignity.

In 2009, we will be intentional about . . .

  • Getting every Conference church plugged in to the NCD process
  • Getting every church connected to an NCD Coach
  • Helping raise the average NCD score above the current average of 49.5
  • Developing a system (through Assessment and Training) for expanding our corps of Coaches

Strategy – for getting every Conference church plugged in to the NCD process

  • A decree from the Superintendent
  • NCD orientation/coach training by . . .
  • Sending people to Chicago
  • Import the training to Montana
  • Video Seminar – DVD
  • Resourcing every church with the following
  • ABCs booklet of NCD
  • Coach – DVD, introducing the NCD 5-steps Church Health Process
  • Consistent coaching by a Church Coach
  • Accountability to the Regional Superintendent (who oversees the Coaches)

Strategy – for getting every church connected to an NCD Coach

  • Recruit an adequate # of coaches via personal invitation from the Board of Church Health
  • Provide NCD training by way of a DVD
  • Provide training through Tim Roehl’s coaching process – specifically, by training our own coach trainer who is trained by Tim. This will enable us to develop our own system for expanding our corps of coaches

Strategy – for helping raise the average NCD score above the current 49.5

  • Simply, by assessing the results – “keeping abreast of the facts” (Proverbs 24:3-4 tlb)
  • Develop a target list of what churches need to engage in the NCD process in the very near future

Strategy – for developing a system for expanding the corps of coaches

  • Set a date for Tim Roehl to come to do coach training
  • Request that Tim develop our own Coach Trainer(s)


  • Resources – DVDs, ABC booklets, etc. - $1000
  • Development of Coaches - Importing of Tim Roehl - $4000
  • NCD Assessment – Scholarships, Surveys, Pastor Training - $1250
  • Miscellaneous - $750
  • Total budget proposal for 2010 – Annual Conference - $7000