Board Meeting Minutes

March 30, 2017

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Refugio Independent School District was held on Thursday, March 30, 2017, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Refugio Elementary Cafetorium, 601 Crockett Street, Refugio, Texas, with the following members present: President Jorge Jaso, Vice-President Ethel Garza, Secretary Andy Rocha, Lorraine Garcia, Kelley Walker, and T. Wayne Price. Absent: Eugene Lewis.

Also present: Jack Gaskins, Superintendent.

Staff present: Melissa Gonzales, Twyla Thomas, Lisa Herring, Brenda Schumann, and, SRO Peter Silvas.

Others present: Rebecca Kennedy, Sabrina Kennedy, Colten Hesseltine, Caleb Hesseltine, Graig Hesseltine, Cindi Hesseltine, Linda Holder, Don Clark and Jerry Bravenick, Jackie Chambers, Ryan Chambers, Amy Waer and Dennis Kleppe Jr.

President Jorge Jaso established a quorum of members present, welcomed guests, and called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.

Mr. T. Wayne Price led members and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board member Eugene Lewis entered meeting at 5:35 p.m.

During the Spotlight on Excellence, the following students were recognized for being exceptional students and demonstrating leadership qualities: Sabrina Kennedy and Peyton Oliver (6th grade students); Colton Hesseltine (9th grade student) Mrs. Amy Waer spoke in support of the 6th grade students, while Mrs. Gonzales spoke in support of the 9th grade student. On behalf of the Board, Mrs. Kelley Walker presented them with certificates and the Board congratulated them.

An audience with visitors was held.

Mr. Dennis Kleppe updated the board on the Bond 2015 Projects. RHS construction is on schedule and the RES campus is about three (3) weeks behind due to weather.

Mr. Kleppe also addressed the Board with the Change Orders. The current light fixtures in the Big Gym operate on an old ballast system, and the lights are difficult to get to come on and they are dim. The new lights being proposed will be the LED lights, and will increase the amount of light in that space.

Motion by Mrs. Lorraine Garcia, seconded by Mr. Eugene Lewis to approve the Change Order for the amount of $32,174.00 for new lighting in the Big Gym. All voted for 7-0.

Motion by Mr. Andy Rocha, seconded by Mr. T. Wayne Price to approve the proposals from Carlisle Insurance Agency, Inc. for the amount to be amended. All voted for. 7-0

During the Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Gaskins discussed the following:

·  Enrollment update

·  Principals’ reports:

§  Refugio Elementary – Mrs. Thomas reported that RES STAAR testing went smoothly and commended Angie Galvan and Heidi Gillespie for a job well done planning and training for the STAAR test; The 24 Hour Diner will host “Eat with the Easter Bunny” for breakfast on Saturday, April 1st. For every RES student that attends the breakfast, a portion of the sales will be given to the RES campus; RES PTA will meet on Tuesday, April 4th at 6:00 p.m.; RES 6th grade students will be attending the Victoria Youth Leadership Conference on June 5-9, 2017. This conference gives students an opportunity to develop leadership skills and to acquire characteristics, attributes and attitudes needed for success in the workplace.

·  Refugio High School – Mrs. Gonzales reported that 21 instrumentalist for Refugio ISD competed in the UIL Solo & Ensemble contest this year at TAMU-Kingsville. Savannah Sibley (trumpet) and Naidelyn Martinez (trumpet) received Division 1 medals in the junior high category; from the high school, Makalah Arzola (clarinet), Nicole Martin (clarinet), Mariya Pullin (alto saxophone, Ayde Ordaz (trombone) and Samuel Aranda (marimba) all received Division 1 medals; Mariya Pullin and Samuel Aranda will advance to State and compete in Pflugerville on May 29, 2017; NHS Induction will be held on Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at the Refugio County Expo Center ; Trace Mascorro placed 4th in the State Powerlifting meet in Abilene; RHS Baseball team remains undefeated; State Championship rings will be delivered this week; RHS Prom will be Saturday, April 8, 2017 at the Expo Center; RHS District track meet will be held on April 10th in Kenedy, TX.

·  Truant Officer Report

·  Transfer Students

·  Honor Rolls – 4th six weeks

·  Failures – 4th six weeks

·  Financial information – Monthly bills.

·  Date of April Board meeting – Special Board meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2017 and regular board meeting Thursday, April 27, 2017.

·  Region 3 Board of Directors Election – No votes were cast

·  TASB School Board Spring Workshop – Wednesday, May 17, 2017, Victoria College & Conference Center and Education Center, Victoria, TX.

·  RISD Calendar of Events – April, 2017

·  REIC Minutes

·  Summer Leadership Institute – San Antonio – June 15-17, 2017

·  Refugio Bobcats Football Schedule 2017

·  Clarification to State Championship Awards Assistance Program

Mr. Gaskins and the Board reviewed the State Championship Awards Assistance Program. The program is intended to assist RHS students with financial assistance one time per year, and must win State as part of a team or group effort. The District will not donate to a second ring in the same school year. The Board asked the matter be addressed again at the April 27, 2017 RISD Board meeting.

·  General comments on the state of the District

Mr. Gaskins informed the Board that the Texas Department of Agriculture review of the Food Service Program was held on March 22, 2017. RISD did well with only two (2) findings to which RISD will have to submit a written response. There were no material or financial findings.

The following consent agenda items were approved by common consent:

·  Approved minutes from the February 23, 2017 regular meeting as presented, March 6, 2017 special meeting and March 13, 2017 special meeting as presented.

·  Certify that for each subject in the required curriculum students have access to the instructional materials that cover all of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills according to the requirements on the Instructional Materials and TEKS Certification form for 2017-2018 as presented.

Motion by Mrs. Lorraine Garcia, seconded by Mr. Eugene Lewis to order the cancellation of the regular trustee election scheduled for May 6, 2017, for SMD #6, and certify Andy Rocha as unopposed and elected to office in SMD #6 in accordance with Section 2.053(a) of the Texas Education Code. All voted for 6-0. Abstained: Andy Rocha

Motion by Mr. T. Wayne Price, seconded by Mr. Andy Rocha to approve the continuation of tuition charge ($300 per month) for Pre-Kindergarten non-eligible students for the 2017-18 school year and offering employees’ children a 20% discount as presented. Voting for 6-0.

Voting against: Kelley Walker.

Motion by Mr. Andy Rocha, seconded by Mr. T. Wayne Price to approve the proposed 2017-18 school calendar as recommended by the Refugio Educational Improvement Council. All voted for 7-0.

·  New Teacher Orientation – 8-10-17

·  Teacher workday 8-25-17

·  First Day of School – 8-28-17

·  Finish 1st semester before Christmas break – 12-20-17

·  Teacher Workday – 1-5-18

·  Return to school for the beginning of the 2nd semester on January 8, 2018.

·  Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 1-15-18

·  Spring Break during the week of March 12-16, 2018

·  Bad weather day – March 22, 2018 and March 23, 2018

·  Good Friday Holiday – March 30, 2018.

·  Last instructional day – May 31, 2018.

·  Graduation – June 1, 2018

Staff Development days:

·  SDC - August 15-16, 2017

·  SD - August 21-24, 2017

·  SD - January 3-4, 2018

·  SDC – June 4-6, 2018

The Board entered closed session beginning at 6:47 p.m. pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act Texas Govt. Code Sections 551.074, 551.075, to confer with employees of the school district to receive information or to ask questions; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation , reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints against an officer or employee; to confer with employees of the school district to receive information or to ask questions; employment of probationary contract employee(s) for the 2016-17 school year; employment of probationary contract employee(s) of the GSEC Special Education Cooperative for the 2017-18 school year.

The Board returned to open session at 7:31 p.m. having taken no action.

Motion by Mrs. Ethel Garza, seconded by Mr. Eugene Lewis to approve the superintendent’s recommendation for employment of Vicki Hanson as teacher on a one-year probationary contract for the 2017-18 school year, subject to assignment and teacher salary schedule to be approved at a later date, and Adam Spiegleman on a one-year probationary dual assignment contract for the 2017-18 school year, subject to assignment and teacher salary schedule to be approved at a later date. All voted for 7-0

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.


Jorge Jaso, Board President Andy Rocha, Board Secretary