Board Meeting Minutes (Continued)

The December 2010 Board Meeting was held via conference call at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday December 16, 2010. Attendees are marked accordingly:

Name / Position / Name / Position
ü / Russ Krick / President / Justin Hedric / VP Professional Dev
Membership Director / Buky Thorpe / AVP Professional Dev
ü / Lei Zhao / Treasurer / Max Hood / AVP Professional Dev
Katie Lutman / Secretary / ü / Nate Palmer / AVP Professional Dev
Beau Bollinger / Newsletter / ü / Joe Lairson / AVP Professional Dev
Andrew Selig / Webmaster / ü / Tiffany Ringenbach / Academic Relations
ü / Jesse Hanford / VP Programs / Jeff Merhout / Academic Advocate
Brandon Carey / AVP Programs / Lance Murray / Director
Rosalyn Ellis / AVP Programs / Darrin Murriner / Director
Mike Smith / Marketing Coordinator / ü / Tom Harrow / Immediate Past President

Agenda Items:

1.  2011 Monthly Meetings:

·  Jesse said that the January program is has been finalized. Due to the timing of the meeting because of the holidays, the speakers will be Jesse and Art Foreman. Jesse said that the February meeting would be a presentation by the FBI on cyber crime. Russ told Jesse that the FBI would not be able to accept a gift card. Jesse said that that had already been discussed with the FBI.

·  The meetings for the rest of the year are coming together.

2.  CPE Database:

·  Russ raised the question about the value of the database. Over the last year, we have only received one request for verification of CPEs. Everybody that attends the monthly meetings and the seminars receives a certificate that shows the number of CPEs that were awarded for the training event. Discussion ensued and it was determined that if a member is audited, they will need the CPE certificates; therefore, the database does not provide any added value. The database is not a relational database with a key to link records together and it is very difficult to actually produce a report of events that members have attended.

·  Tiffany Ringenbach volunteered to look at the Access database and determine if it can be modified to be a relational database with a key to join the records together. This database could then be used by the board to track attendance, and possibly as a means to award rewards for meeting attendance. Russ will send Tiffany the database for her to review.

3.  Membership Vice President:

·  Russ raised the need for a new membership vice president since he has assumed the president’s position. Lei said that she has a friend that is a retired CISA. She said that she would talk to him and see if he is interested. A follow-up e-mail from Lei to Russ indicated that her friend was not interested in the position.

·  Let Russ know if you are interested in the position, or know somebody who is interested.

Other Items:

1.  Web page

-  Changes that need to be made to the web page were discussed. The changes include updating the President’s Greeting and the list of officers. Russ said that he would also send an updated officer list to international to update their records.

2.  Board Recognition

-  Gary Franklin on the ISACA board for 15+ years. May need to offer a gift. Art Foreman was previously awarded a $100 gift card. Karen Massaron has also been on the board for a long time and was a past President. This is the first year that both have not been on the board. A motion was made to recognize both of them at our February meeting with a $100 gift certificate to a restaurant. Tom made a motion to approve this and Jesse seconded the motion. Russ will send an e-mail to the board for its approval.