Board Meeting 5/13/2014 – Minutes

Meeting officially called to order 7:20 pm at the Grand Park Community Recreation Center. Board members in attendance: Matthew Ziegler, Dan Osborne, Ryan Wesolowski, Steve Waldorf, Marty Aither, Toni Tealander

  • Discussed our Constitution and Bylaws for FVHA. Plan is to each board member read bylaws and mark up with concerns separately. A separate future meeting will focus specifically on talking about changes and adopting. Also we should be reading the Policies and Procedures.
  • Board approved making changes to P.O. Box in Fraser for dedicated mail address. Moving address from Winter Park to Fraser.
  • Matt will provide Dan all contacts at Summit to discuss 2014/2015 season for travel teams.
  • Board discussed moving financial statements from Excel to Quickbooks. Steve looking into merging financial statements and starting with beginning balance going forward. Moving to Quickbooks will allow us to more accurately track expenses and file tax returns.
  • Board discussed value of gifts for outgoing board members. Discussing ranged around physical gifts, travel or just fixed funds used by the discretion of the outgoing board. Board leaned toward cash awards.
  • Setup calendar and email addresses. Board decided to have dedicated emails of and Matt will be responsible for setting up email accounts and getting calendar set up with board members as admins.
  • FHVA bank account set up for Director access for Marty, Steve and Dan.
  • Topic of storage of rental equipment being moved to ice rink inside to offset the long term cost of offsite storage. Storage inside would be less expensive and not be exposed to the elements.
  • Capital improvements funded by the board needs to have in-kind benefit to the association. Dan will take that topic to the Fraser Rec Board.
  • Board will solicit help with grant writing from the community. Ryan will reach out to parents that have experience and are willing to help bring in. Other fundraising efforts were discussed. Hernando's Hockey Night, will be on June 3rd. 2014.
  • Denver Cutthroat players are tapped to come into Fraser and participate in coaching/clinics with the kids.
  • Topic of fundraising tournament discussed. Open-ended on the angle of which to take.
  • USA Hockey with the ADM program will take parents, staff and hockey community through the ADM model. Sept. 8th, 2014 is the scheduled date.
  • Fundraising for the summer season needs to be organized. Need to determine dates but golf tournament is suggested. Summer fundraising schedule needs to be finalized.
  • Preliminary discussion of adult league scheduling and ideas thrown around with the conception of dedicating a future meeting topic towards adult league and drop-ins.