Georgetown, Ky., December 3, 20 13

The Scott County Board of Education met at Great Crossing Office Complex at 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 3rd day of December , 20 13, with the following members present:

(1) Rebecca W. Sams (2) Jo Anna Fryman (3) Jennifer Holbert

(4) Robert H. Conway


(Meeting #30)

1.  CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Jo Anna Fryman.


3.  VISION STATEMENT – Ms. Sams read, “We exist to ensure the best education for every student in Scott County Schools and to create a collaborative culture to ensure student learning”.

4.  APPROVE AGENDA: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried unanimously.

5.  CONSENT ITEM FOR MINUTES: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Holbert and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve Consent Item for Minutes A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.


6.  CONSENT ITEMS FOR DONATIONS: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Sams that the Board approve Consent Items for Donations A) & B) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  RATIFY DONATION TO FAMILY RESOURCE AND YOUTH SERVICE CENTER FROM KENTUCKY SMELTING TECH FOR $200.00 AND FROM KIWANIS CLUB FOR $300.00: Recommendation: Board ratify the donation of $200.00 from Kentucky Smelting Tech and the donation of $300.00 from Kiwanis Club to be used for the Family Resource Thanksgiving baskets.

B)  APPROVE DONATION FOR BACK-PACK PROGRAM FROM MASON MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT FOR $1,000.00: Recommendation: Board approve the donation of $1,000.00 from Mason McDonald’s Restaurant for the Back-pack program in Scott County Schools.

7.  CONSENT ITEM FOR GRANT: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Holbert and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve Consent Item for Grant A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  APPROVE “NEED” ENERGY GRANT FOR LEMONS MILL ELEMENTARY: Recommendation: Board approve the Kentucky NEED Project grant in the amount of $500 to the benefit of Lemons Mill Elementary School per the attached.

8.  CONSENT ITEM FOR EXTERNAL SUPPORT/BOOSTER ORGANIZATION: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve Consent Items for External Support/Booster Organization A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  Board approve Scott County Project Graduation, Inc. to establish, lend support, seek assistance, or fundraise in the name of the district, school, students, or a district or school program PENDING District receipt of the item listed as “IN PROCESS”.

Scott County Project Graduation, Inc.

X Submitted FEIN

X Submitted Name of Officers

X Submitted Proof of General Liability Insurance

X Budget Worksheet

9.  Director of Business and Finance, Randy Cutright, explained the process the Board followed in hiring the accounting firm of Stiles, Carter & Associates, who have conducted the Board’s financial audit for the last three years. After discussion with Board members, it was agreed to invite Stiles, Carter & Associates to submit a proposal to conduct the audit for FY 2014.

10.  DISCUSS NEXT STEPS FOR SECOND HIGH SCHOOL: Board members were given a copy of the KDE approved BG#1. Superintendent Putty led the discussion for the next steps in the construction process of a second high school. A draft RFP for architectural/engineering services was presented and discussed. With a few recommendations to be made to the draft, the Board agreed the RFP should be included on the December 10th agenda as well as an advertisement of the RFP. Superintendent Putty added she recommended a copy of the Scott County architect/engineer fee schedule be included in the RFP as it is less than the KDE proposed schedule. Mrs. Putty and board members discussed putting together a committee that will review all RFP’s. It was agreed to have 10 members plus all five board members on the committee. All meetings will be considered a Special Board Meeting.

Superintendent Putty discussed the Local Planning Committee (LPC) process which must be completed and approved by December 2014. She gave an overview of the process. There will be 20 members on the committee (four parents, four teachers, four building administrators, Superintendent (non-voting member), district facility director, central office staff person, three from community, one board member and one from Georgetown Planning Zoning. Superintendent Putty added prior to orientation meeting of LPC there must be an architect/engineer building assessment completed. According to the KDE facilities planning manual, the fees to be paid for such services shall be negotiated by the district and the architectural/engineering team but not to exceed 5 cents per square foot of evaluated area. Scott Co. has approximately a total building gross square footage of 1,341,345. Given the guidelines in the manual, this assessment could cost the district up to $67,067.25. It was agreed that an advertisement for such services would be on the December 10th agenda. District facilities plan development was discussed including roles and responsibilities of the LPC, meeting and forum requirements, development of the draft district facilities plan, the hearing, and timeframes. Superintendent Putty recommended we move forward with this process and Ms. Holbert and Mrs. Fryman agreed. Superintendent Putty added her experience from having worked in several districts some words of wisdom: can’t be on site 24-7, learn from other district’s mistakes, cheapest may not always be the best, you want someone to work for you and not somebody working for someone else, look for sustainability over time, and think long term as we go. We need someone we can trust; they are experts and know what they are doing.


12.  superintendent’s report

A.  Voting districts will need to be redrawn by our board members. Mrs. Holbert added we have until September even with elections in November.

B.  Forums – The study group finished drawing lines for redistricting for Lemons Mill Elementary Phase II. There are two forums scheduled for next Tuesday, December 10th at 7:45 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at central office.

C.  The SCHS football team will be playing in the State Championship game in Bowling Green vs Meade Co. on Friday, December 6 at Western Kentucky University.

D.  We should know by the end of January if the petition for tax levy recall is approved.

E.  The SCHS Winter Choral Concert will be Monday, December 9 at Singletary Center.

13.  ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Sams that the meeting be adjourned.

Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman, Board of Education

Secretary, Board of Education