ÅboAkademiUniversity, Department of Caring Science

STORBÄCK EVA-MARIA: When Life Runs Smoothly - a Study of Adolescents’ Understanding of life

Master’s thesis, 98 pages, 7 appendices

Supervisor: Professor Unni Å. Lindström

October 2005

Keywords: adolescent, health, suffering, understanding of life, changes in life, meaning, hermeneutic

This is a descriptive and explorative study that aims to increase understanding, from a Caring Science perspective, of that which shapes adolescents’ understanding of life as well as how such occurs.

The study’s theoretical perspective bases itself on Caring Science’s supposition (Eriksson, 2001) of humans as comprising the entity body, soul, and spirit. Emanating from this supposition, humans are seen as religious beings and holy. Humans’ dignity involves acting/serving with love and existing for others. Fellowship is regarded as the basis for all human life; in human life health and suffering are each others’ prerequisites. The study’s interpretative framework is comprised of Caring Sciences’ fundamental supposition regarding humans and health’s nature as well as Danish philosopher and theologian K.E. Logstrup’s reflections on human’s understanding of life.

The study’s approach and method are hermeneutical in accordance with Gadamer, involving a stressing of dialogue and understanding in the search for knowledge. The data was collected by asking adolescents enrolled in their last year of high school to provide written descriptions of what it is that shapes their understanding of life and in which manner this occurs. 20 students participated and provided data for the study. Data analysis and results are explained with the help of matrixes and are set forth in the shape of new suppositions concerning that which shapes adolescents’ understanding of life and the manner in which this occurs.

The study results show that adolescents’ understanding of life is formed in everyday life. In everyday life, an understanding of life is shaped by the people, incidents, and things that adolescents have a relationship with. These various people, incidents, and things that young people surround themselves with are part of the context that they exist in. Adolescents strive for understanding by both seeking and creating meaning since that which provides them meaning also shapes their understanding of life. In the context that adolescents are a part of, an understanding of life is also shaped by the adolescents’ potential to serve and be served. The importance that adolescents place on the people, incidents, and things that exist in their everyday lives contribute to the formation of an understanding of life. Adolescents’ potential to understand and relate to their circumstances determines the manner in which their understanding of life is formed. Having an articulated value or a personal motto is part of understanding life and an articulated value guides adolescents in various life situations.