Bmemf Music Library is divided into two separately indexed sections.
Section 1 consists of vocal and instrumental music for which there is one score or copy per part. It is kindly housed and administered by:
Jenny Sayer, 3 Upper Linney, Ludlow SY8 1EF
01584 876175
Section 2 consists of vocal music for which there are multiple scores or copies of each part. It is kindly housed and administered by:
Hannah Davies, 13 Courtnay Rise, Hereford HR1 1BP
01432 341154
To borrow music please contact Jenny or Hannah with your requirements.
Music from the Bmemf Library is available on loan to Bmemf members only. Members may borrow up to four titles for a period of three months. Music should be returned complete and in good condition. Borrowers will be responsible for replacing any lost parts.
/Section 1 index
Arrangement is in alphabetical order of composers under the following headings:
Voice with lute
Two instruments with continuo
Three instruments with continuo
Four instruments with continuo
Seven instruments with continuo
Three parts
Four parts
Five parts
Six parts
Seven parts
Eight parts
Ten parts
/Section 2 index
Arrangement is in alphabetical order of composers under the following headings:
Three parts
Four parts
Five parts
Six parts
Seven parts
Eight parts
Twelve parts
Sixteen parts
Forty parts
SECTION 1 (one score or copy per part)
T1 /1 - 4 / Hunt, Edgar / The Crumhorn
Crumhorn tutor
D56 / Sermisy, Claudin de / Two Chansons of Clement Marot- Dont vient cela
- Tant que vivray
V1 / Buonamente, Giovanni Battista / Sinfonie & Gagliarda Prima- Sinfonia Prima
- Gagliardia Prima
- Sinfonia Sesta
V2 / Falconiero, Andrea / Two Capricci
- La Gioiosa Fantasia
- La bella Marchesetta
V3 / Jenkins, John / Three Aires
V4 / Kindermann, Erasmus / Three Balletti & Aria
- Ballet (XXXI)
- Ballet (XXV)
- Aria (XI)
- Ballet (XXXII)
V5 / Kindermann, Erasmus / Four Pieces (1643)
- Aria (IV)
- Aria (XXIII)
- Soetta (XXIV)
- Symphonia (XXVII)
V6 / Marini, Biagio / Two Pieces from ‘Affetti Musicali’
- Aria ‘La Soranza’
- Sinfonia Grave ‘La Zorzi’
V7 / Puerl, Paul / Ten Dances (1625)
- Padouan (5)
- Courant (6)
- Padouan (9)
- Serenata (16)
- Dantz (17)
- Paduan (23)
- Ballet (26)
- Courant (27)
- Ballet (21)
- Courant (22)
V8 / Rossi, Salamone / Three Sinfonie
- Sinfonia Seconda
- Sinfonia Quarta
- Sinfonia Quinta
V9 / Rossi, Salamone / Two Sonatas
- Sonata Prima detta la Moderna (Terzo Libro)
- Sonata Terza (Quarto Libro)
V10 / Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomeo de / Three Correnti & Balletto
- Corrente Seconda
- Balletto
- Corrente Quinta
- Corrente Sexta
W1 / Locke, Matthew / Two Suites from the ‘Little Consort’- Suite 2
- Suite 3
X1 / Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus / Two Sinfonie (1615)- Sinfonia ottava
- Sinfonia Decimaquinta
Y1 / Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich / SonataTHREE PARTS
C1 / Agricola, Alexander / Five Chansons- Et qui la dira
- Par ung jour de matinee
- Adieu m’amour et mon desir
- Se vous voulez m’estre loyalle et bonne
- Si conge prens
C2 / Agricola, Alexander / ‘De tous bien playne’: Two instrumental settings
C3 / Agricola, Alexander / Three Motets
- Si dedero
- O quam glorifica luce
- Da pacem
C4 / Agricola, Alexander / Five Instrumental Pieces
- O Venus bant (I)
- O Venus bant (II)
- Amours, amours
- L’homme Banni
- Je ne puis plus
C5 / Alonso (?)
Anon / ‘La Tricotee’: three settings
- Belle tenes moy / La triquotee (Anon)
- Rolet ara la tricoton / La tricotee / Maistre Piere (Anon)
- La tricotea sa Martin (Alonso)
C6 / Anon / Four Early Chansons Rustiques
- La rouse du moy de May
- Tenez moy en voz bras
- Or sus, par dessus tous les aultres
- Je suis d’Alemagne
C7 / Anon / Two French Songs of the 15th century
- Comme femme desconfortee
- Le serviteur
C8 / Anon / Five English Medieval Carols
- Hail, Mary, full of grace
- Deo gracias, Anglia
- Marvel not, Joseph
- Ave rex angelorum
- There is no rose of such virtue (two-part)
C9 / Anon / Twelve Villotte of the early 16th century
- Era di Maggio
- Maggio valente
- Se fastu in quella vigna
- Trovai la bella
- Il marchese o di Salutio
- Noi ci vogliam partire
- In questo ballo
- Lo mio padre
- Donde ne vienstu bella
- L’altr’ hier de la mia villa
- Bussa la porta
- La Pastorella
C10 / Anon / Two Anonymous ‘Chansons Rustiques’ (1541)
- Bastienne, Bastienne, vous aves change d’amis
- Bon pastoreau, garde bien ta houlette
C11 / Anon / Three Motets from the Bamberg Codex
- Au cuer / Ja ne m’en departirai / Jolietment
- L’autre jour / Au tens pascour / In seculum
- Par un matinet / He, bergiers / Eius
C12 / Anon / Five English Songs of the 15th century
- Tappster, dryngker
- Now helpe, Fortune
- My wofull hert
- Be pes! Ye make me spille my ale!
C13 / Anon / Six Rondeaux from the Wolfenbuttel Chansonnier
- Se mieulx ne vient
- O infame deloyaulte
- Ravi d’amours
- Et fusse je Duc de Bourbon
- Belle de parler
- Tant plus en ay
C14 / Anon / Six Instrumental Motets from the Bamberg Codex
- In seculum viellatoris
- In seculum longum
- In seculum breve
- In seculum [d’Amiens breve]
- In seculum d’Amiens longum
- Neuma
C15 / Anon / Three Instrumental Pieces from the Henry VIII Manuscript
D12 / Anon / Seven Lieder from the Leopold Codex for instruments with optional tenor voice
- Gespiele, liebe Gespiele gut (four-part)
- So steh ich hie (four-part)
- Ich sachs eins mals (four-part)
- Tannhauser, Ihr seid mir lieb (three- part)
- Jesu corona Virginum / Ein frischen Buelen (four-part)
- Es saszen hold in einer Stuben (three- part: instrumental)
- [untitled] (four-part instrumental)
C16 / Arcadelt, Jacques / Four Chansons (1553)
- Je ne scay que c’est qu’il me fault
- Je ne me confesseray point
- Je ne veux plus a mon mal consentir
- Vielle plus vielle que le monde
C17 / Barbingnant
Barbireau, Jacques / Five Secular Pieces
- Scon lief (three-part)
- Der Pfoben Swancz (four-part)
- Gracieulx et biaulx (three-part)
- Esperant que mon bien vendra (three-part
- L’omme banni (three-part)
C18 / Binchois, Gilles / Eight Chansons
- De plus en plus
- Se j’eusse un seul peu s’esperanche
- L’ami de ma dame
- Triste plaisir
- Pour prison
- Filles a marier (four-part)
- Joyeux penser
- Seule esgaree
C19 / Blankes, Edward / Six Fantasies for instruments
C26 / Buchner, Hans
Dietrich, Sixtus
Finck, Heinrich
Anon / Five pieces from Formschneyder ‘Trium Vocum Carmina’ (1538)
- Elslin, liebes Elselin min (Dietrich)
- Will niemand singen son sing aber ich (Anon)
- Mein Mutterlein, das fraget aber mich (Buchner)
- Untitled plainsong setting (Anon)
- Untitled (Finck)
C20 / Busnois, Antoine / Five French songs
- Bel acueil
- Ha que ville et abhominable two versions)
- Je ne puis vivre
- Seule a par moy
- Pucellotte
C21 / Caron, Philippe / Five Rondeaux
- Vive Charlois
- Helas que pourra devenir
- Rose playsant
- Le despourveu infortune
- C’est temps perdu
C22 / Caurroy, Eustache du / Three Fantasies for instruments
- Fantaisie I [sur Psaume I]
- Fantaisie XXIX sur ‘Une jeune fillette’
- Fantaisie XXX Seconde partie
C23 / Cavazzoni, Girolamo
Anon / Two Ricercari (1551) for instruments
- Recercar quintodecimo (Cavazzoni)
- Recercar undecimo (Anon)
C24 / Compere, Loyset / Three Chansons
- Le grant desir
- La saison en est
- Me doibt en prendre
C25 / Cornysh, William Dunstable, John
King Henry VIII / Four Instrumental Pieces
- Fa la sol (Cornysh)
- [Catholicon] (Cornysh)
- Untitled (Dunstable)
- Untitled (Henry VIII)
C26 / Dietrich, Sixtus
Finck, Heinrich
Buchner, Hans / Five pieces from Formschneyder ‘Trium Vocum Carmina’ (1538)
- Elslin, liebes Elselin min (Dietrich)
- Will niemand singen son sing aber ich (Anon)
- Mein Mutterlein, das fraget aber mich (Buchner)
- Untitled plainsong setting (Anon)
- Untitled (Finck)
C27 / Dufay, Guillaume
Frye, Walter / Three Antiphons from the Trent Codices
- Ave regina coelorum (Frye)
- Ave regina coelorum (Dufay)
- Salve nos, domine (Dufay)
C28 / Dufay, Guillaume / Eight Rondeaux
- Adieu ces bons vins
- Ce moys de May
- J’atendray tant qu’il vous playra
- Donnes l’assault
- Puisque celle qui me tient en prison
- Les douleurs don’t me sens
- Adieu, quitte le demeurant de ma vie
- Bon jour, bon mois
C29 / Dufay, Guillaume / Ballades & Rondeaux
- Craindre vous vueil
- C’est bien raison
- Mon chier amy, qui aves vous empense
- La belle se siet
- Puisque vous estez campieur
C30 / Dunstable, John
Anon /
- O Rosa Bella (I) (Dunstable)
- O Rosa Bella (II) (Anon)
C25 / Dunstable, John
Cornysh, William
King Henry VIII / Four Instrumental Pieces
- Fa la sol (Cornysh)
- [Catholicon] (Cornysh)
- Untitled (Dunstable)
- Untitled (Henry VIII)
C31 / Espinosa, Juan de
Milarte, Jacobus de
Anon / Six Villancicos from ‘Cancionero de Palacio’
- Tres morillas (Anon)
- Enemiga le soy, madre (I) (Anon)
- Enemiga le soy, madre (II) (Espinosa)
- Pensad ora ‘n al (Anon)
- Calabaza, no se (Anon)
- Vamos, vamos a cenar (Milarte)
C26 / Finck, Heinrich
Dietrich, Sixtus
Buchner, Hans / Five pieces from Formschneyder ‘Trium Vocum Carmina’ (1538)
- Elslin, liebes Elselin min (Dietrich)
- Will niemand singen son sing aber ich (Anon)
- Mein Mutterlein, das fraget aber mich (Buchner)
- Untitled plainsong setting (Anon)
- Untitled (Finck)
C32 / Firenze, Giovanni da
Servi, Fra Andrea dei / Three Canonic Songs of the 14th century
- Dal traditor (Servi)
- Chon bracchi assai (Firenze)
- Nel boscho senza folglie (Firenze)
C27 / Frye, Walter
Dufay, Guillaume / Three Antiphons from the Trent Codices
- Ave regina coelorum (Frye)
- Ave regina coelorum (Dufay)
- Salve nos, domine (Dufay)
C33 / Fulda, Adam von
Anon / Eight Pieces from the Apel Codex (c.1500)
- Christ ist erstanden (I)
- Christ ist erstanden (II)
- Vita sanctorum
- In principio erat verbum
- Ad te clamant omnes
- Veni creator spiritus (Fulda)
- Veni redemptor gentium
- A solis ortus cardine
D59 / Gascongne, Mathieu
Anon / ‘Je suis d’Alemagne / Je suis trop jeunette’
- Je suis trop jeunette [4 part] (Anon)
- Je suis d’Alemagne [4 part] ( Stokhem)
- Je suis d’Alemagne [3 part] (Anon)
- Je suis trop jeunette [3 part] (Gascongne)
C34 / Ghiselin, Johannes / Five Instrumental pieces
- Een vrouelic wesen
- La Alfonsina
- Carmen in sol
- La mi lares vous donc
- De che te pasci amore
C35 / Ghizeghem, Hayne van / Two Famous Rondeaux
- De tous biens plaine
- Allez, regrets
C36 / Grant, Johannes le
Grenon, Nicolas
Haucourt, Johannes
Lantins, Hugo de / Four French Songs of the early 15th century
- Je demande ma bienvenue (Haucourt)
- Entre vos nouviaux maries (Grant)
- Je suy defait (Grenon)
- A ma dame playsant et belle (Lantins)
C37 / Halle, Adam de la / Four Rondeaux
- Or est Baiars
- Dieus soit en cheste maison
- Fines amourettes
- Tant con je vivrai
C36 / Haucourt, Johannes
Grant, Johannes le
Grenon, Nicolas
Lantins, Hugo de / Four French Songs of the early 15th century
- Je demande ma bienvenue (Haucourt)
- Entre vos nouviaux maries (Grant)
- Je suy defait (Grenon)
- A ma dame playsant et belle ( Lantins)
C38 / Henry VIII
Tyting / ‘T’Andernaken’: two instrumental settings
- T’Andernaken (Tyting)
- Taunder naken (King Henry VIII)
C25 / Henry VIII
Cornysh, William
Dunstable, John / Four Instrumental Pieces
- Fa la sol (Cornysh)
- [Catholicon] (Cornysh)
- Untitled (Dunstable)
- Untitled (Henry VIII)
C39 / Holborne, Anthony / Two Fantasias for instruments
C40 / Isaac, Heinrich
Martini, Johannes / ‘La Martinella’: four instrumental settings from the late 15th century
- La Martinella (Martini)
- La Martinella (Isaac)
- La Martinella [pittzulo] (Martini)
- La Martinella (vive, vive) (Martini
C41 / Isaac, Heinrich
Torre, Francisco de la / ‘La Spagna’: two instrumental settings of the late 15th century
- La Spagna [= Agnus Dei II] (Isaac)
- Alta (de la Torre)
C42 / Landini, Francesco / Four Ballate
- Amor, in te spera’
- Nessun ponga speranza
- Che pena e quest’ al cor
- Guard’ una volta
C43 / Landini, Francesco / ‘Musica son’
C44 / Landini, Francesco / Two Ballate
- Gram piant’ agli ochi
- Caro Singnor
C36 / Lantins, Hugo de
Grant, Johannes le
Grenon, Nicolas
Haucourt, Johannes / Four French songs of the early 15th century
- Je demande ma bienvenue (Haucourt)
- Entre vos nouviaux maries (le Grant)
- Je suy defait (Grenon)
- A ma dame playsant et belle (Lantins)
W1 / Locke, Matthew / Suites 2 & 3 from the ‘Little Consort’
(with optional continuo part)
C45 / Lupo, Thomas / Three Pavans for instruments
C46 / Machaut, Guillaume de / Four Ballades
- Je sui aussi
- Donnez, signeurs
- Gais et jolis
- Nes que on pourroit
C47 / Machaut, Guillaume de / Two Rondeaux
- Ma fin est mon commencement
- Vos doulx resgars
C40 / Martini, Johannes
Isaac, Heinrich / ‘La Martinella’: four instrumental settings from the late 15th century
- La Martinella (Martini)
- La Martinella (Isaac)
- La Martinella [pittzulo] (Martini)
- La Martinella (vive, vive) (Martini
C31 / Milarte, Jacobus de
Espinosa, Juan de
Anon / Six Villancicos from ‘Cancionero de Palacio’
- Tres morillas (Anon)
- Enemiga le soy, madre (I) (Anon)
- Enemiga le soy, madre (II) (Espinosa)
- Pensad ora ‘n al (Anon)
- Calabaza, no se (Anon)
- Vamos, vamos a cenar (Milarte)
C48 / Morley, Thomas / Five Canzonets (1593)
- See, mine own sweet jewel
- Farewell, disdainful
- Say, dear, will you not have me?
- Thirsis, let pity move thee
- Love learns by laughing
C49 / Praetorius, Michael / Five Christmas settings
- Vom Himmel hoch I
- Vom Himmel Hoch II
- In dulci jubilo
- Puer natus in Bethlehem I
- Puer natus in Bethlehem II
C50 / Richafort, Jean / Five Chansons rustiques
- L’amour de moy
- Gentilz gallans
- Tru tru trut avant, il fault boire
- N’aves point veul mal assenee
- Or vray Dieu
C32 / Servi, Fra Andrea dei
Firenze, Giovanni da / Three Canonic Songs of the 14th century
- Dal traditor (Servi)
- Chon bracchi assai (Firenze)
- Nel boscho senza folglie (Firenze)
C41 / Torre, Francisco de la
Isaac, Heinrich / ‘La Spagna’: two instrumental settings of the late 15th century
- La Spagna [= Agnus Dei II] (Isaac)
- Alta (de la Torre)
C38 / Tyting
Henry VIII / ‘T’Andernaken’: two instrumental settings
- T’Andernaken (Tyting)
- Taunder naken (King Henry VIII)
C51 / Vaillant, Johannes / ‘Par maintes fois’
C52 / Weelkes, Thomas / Seven Airs or Fantastic Spirits (1608)
- Tan ra ra ran tan, cries Mars (VII)
- The Ape, the Monkey and Baboon (X)
- Strike it up, Tabor (XVIII)
- O now weep, now sing (XXI)
- As deadly serpents lurking (XXIII)
- The Nightingale, the Organ of Delight (XXV)
- Donna, il vostro bel viso (XXIIII)
C53 / Weerbecke, Gaspar van / Two Instrumental Pieces
- La Stangetta
- O Venus bant
D1 / Agricola, AlexanderAnon
Hofhaimer, Paul / ‘Ave maris stella’: five settings from German sources c. 1500
- (Anon)
- (Anon)
- (Anon)
- (Agricola)
- (Hofhaimer)
D2 / Ammerbach, Elias Nikolaus / Four Dances (1583) for instruments
- Hertzog Moritz Dantz
- Gut Gsell, du must wandern
- Des Kaysers Dantz
- Ein pollnischer Dantz
D73 / Anerio / Two Gagliarde for instruments
D3 / Anon / ‘Ave vera caro Christi’ (c.1500)
D4 / Anon / Four Pieces from the Mulliner Book
for instruments
- La bounette
- La doune cella
- La shy myze
- (Untitled)
D5 / Anon / Six Dances from the Court of Henry VIII
for instruments
- The Emperor’s Pavyn
- Galyard
- The Kyng’s Pavyn
- The Crocke
- The Kyng’s Maske
- Galyard
D6 / Anon / ‘Ave regina coelorum / O decus innocentie’
(Petrucci: Motetti C, 1504)
D7 / Anon / Five Italian Dances from keyboard collections
for instruments
- Fusi pavana piana
- Gagliarda: Gonella
- Gagliarda: Cathaccio
- [Gagliarda:] La Violetta
- Aria Francese
D8 / Anon / Two ‘Canzoni da sonar’ from the Pelplin Tablature for instruments
D9 / Anon / Four Scottish Songs c.1545
- O lusty May
- Wo worth the tyme
- How suld my febill body fure
- Depairte, depairte
D10 / Anon / Seven Venetian Dances of the early 16th century for instruments
- La barcha del mio amore
- El marchexe de Saluzzo
- Pavana in passa e mezzo
- Vegnando da Bologna
- De che la morta la mia signora
- Occelino, bel occelino
- Tuo la straza furfante
D11 / Anon / Five anonymous Villancicos from the ‘Cancionero de Palacio’
- Zagaleja del casar
- Tristeza, quien a mi vos dio
- Entra Mayo
- Deh! fosse la qui meco
- A los banos del amor
D13 / Anon / Seven Lieder from the Leopold Codex for instruments with optional tenor voice
- Gespiele, liebe Gespiele gut (four-part)
- So steh ich hie (four-part)
- Ich sachs eins mals (four-part)
- Tannhauser, Ihr seid mir lieb (three- part)
- Jesu corona Virginum / Ein frischen Buelen (four-part)
- Es saszen hold in einer Stuben (three- part: instrumental)
- [untitled] (four-part instrumental)
D12 / Anon / Two Villotte c. 1500
- O dolce farfarela
- O vaghe montanine
E1 / Anon / ‘Assumpta est Maria’: instrumental setting for four instruments with optional fifth part
E2 / Anon / Hoftanz ‘Benzenhauer’: two instrumental settings for four instruments with optional fifth part
D14 / Ansalone, Andrea
d’Arpa, Leonardo
Gesualdo, Don Carlo
Marra, Hettore della
Spiardo, Giacomo / Eight Neapolitan Dances c.1620
for instruments
- Spagnoletta (Marra)
- Suono del Ballo de’ Selvaggi (Spiardo)
- Il suona dell scesa de’ Pastori (Ansalone)
- Ballo de’ Cigni (Spiardo)
- Sinfonia antica
- Gagliarda (Gesualdo)
- Gagliarda (d’Arpa)
- Gagliarda Terza (Anon)
D15 / Banchiere, Adriano / Two ‘canzoni da sonar’ (1596) for instruments
- Canzon decima: La Feliciana
- Canzon sesta: L’Alcenagina sopra Vestiva i colli
C17 / Barbingnant
Barbireau, Jacques / Five Secular Pieces
- Scon lief (three-part)
- Der Pfoben Swancz (four-part)
- Gracieulx et biaulx (three-part)
- Esperant que mon bien vendra (three-part)
- L’omme banni (three-part)
C18 / Binchois, Gilles / Eight Chansons
- De plus en plus (three-part)
- Se j’eusse un seul peu s’esperanche (three-part)
- L’ami de ma dame (three-part)
- Triste plaisir (three-part)
- Pour prison (three-part)
- Filles a marier (four-part)
- Joyeux penser (three-part)
- Seule esgaree (three-part)
D69 / Biumi, Giacomo Filippo / ‘Arie di corente’ for instruments
- Aria di corenta prima: La Salentina
- Aria da corenta seconda
- Aria da corenta terza
- Aria da corenta Quarta
D16 / Broda, Paulus de / ‘Der Pfauen Schwanz’ for instruments
D17 / Byrd, William / Two In Nomines for instruments