Week 2 Monday Day 1 / Unit 3Week:4
Make-believe Giants / Materials / Activity
Building community / Frog Street (FS) cd’s
Various moving and learning cd’s /
  1. Journal writing
  2. Announcements and pledges
  3. Welcome to school song:
  4. calendar

Read-Aloud Time
(Story Time) / Story Folder: Jack & the beanstalk /
  1. Intro. characters
  2. Practice prediction

Letter of the Week:Kk / Frog Street Big Book:Katy Kangaroo
#11 on FS Cd /
  1. Sing story
  2. Alphabet cards

Literacy Lesson:
Small Groups / Story Folder: Jack and the beanstalk
Chart paper /
  1. Repeat rhyming chant
  2. Sub. Initial consonants to create new rhymes

Practice centers: /
  1. Letter page
  2. Play-doh (fine moter)
  3. Writing
  4. Literacy lesson

Math and Science: / Sequence cards: Giant dance 1
Giant dance 2 /
  1. Participate in movement patterns
  2. Compare two movement patterns
Math Practice
Centers: /
  1. connecting cubes
  2. unifix cubes
  3. pattern blocks
  4. attribute buttons


Week 2 Tuesday Day 2 / Unit 3 Week:4
Make-believe Giants / Materials / Activity
Building community / Frog Street (FS) cd’s
Various moving and learning cd’s / Journal writing
Announcements and pledges
Welcome to school song:
Journal writing
Read-Aloud Time
(Story Time) / Participation Story: Be a giant / Take on characteristics of a giant
Discuss exaggeration
Letter of the week: Kk / Frog Street Big Book: Katy Kangaroo
#11 on FS Cd / 1. Sing story
2.alphabet cards
Literacy Lesson:
Small group: / Story Folder: Jack & the beanstalk
Sequence cards: Jack & the bean stalk
Vocab. Cards: fairytale
Venn diagram on chart paper /
  1. compare real and make-believe elements of a story
  2. show data using a venn diagram

Practice centers: / 1.Letter page
MATH and Science: / Cd: Song of Little Creatures: All around my yard
Connecting cubes / Recognize a sequence of words
Represent word sequence with connecting cubes
Math Practice
Centers: /
  1. attribute blocks
  2. counters
  3. connecting cubes
  4. attributes buttons


Week 2 Wednesday Day 3 / Unit 3 Week:4
Make-believe Giants / Materials / Activity
Building community / Frog Street (FS) cd’s
Various moving and learning cd’s / Journal writing
Announcements and pledges
Welcome to school song:
Journal writing
Read-Aloud Time
(Story Time) / Listening Story: Oden the Giant / 1Intro. Story char.
Id attributes of each char.
Letter of the week:Kk / Frog Street Big Book: Katy Kangaroo
#11 on FS Cd / 1. alphabet cards
2. sing story
Literacy Lesson: / Sequence cards: Odon the giant
Story summary on chart paper: (p.199) /
  1. Notice new alliteration
  2. Discuss humor in the story

Practice centers: /
  1. letter page
  2. play-doh
  3. books
  4. small group

MATH and Science: / Sequence cards: Odon, the giant
Connecting cubes
Paper bag / Id. Stacks of 2 colored cubes as the same or different
Connect stacks that are the same in form a pattern
Math Practice
Centers: /
  1. unifix cubes
  2. counters
  3. chain Links
  4. pattern blocks


Week 2 Thursday Day 4 / Unit 3 Week:4
Make-believe Giants / Materials / Activity
Building community / Frog Street (FS) cd’s
Various moving and learning cd’s / Journal writing
Announcements and pledges
Welcome to school song:
Journal writing
Read-Aloud Time
(Story Time) / Big Book: Once upon a time in dragon land /
  1. compare make-believe dragons to real animals
  2. create new alliteration sentence

Letter of the week:Kk / Frog Street Big Book: Katy Kangaroo
#11 on FS Cd /
  1. Sing and read
  2. Flash cards
Literacy Lesson:
Small group: / Chart( with phrases: Bella, bella, bo bella and wella, wella wo wella /
  1. Work with alliterative sentences from the story
  2. Create new alliterative sentence

Practice centers: / 1. Letter page
3. smart board
4. small group
MATH and Science / Big book: Once upon a time in dragon land
Connecting cubes
Chart paper
Balls (to bounce) / Id. The patter sequence of bouncing a ball
Predict what comes nxt in a pattern
Math Practice
Centers: /
  1. linking cubes
  2. anglegs/sticks
  3. counters
  4. chain links


Week 2 Friday Day 5 / Unit 3 Week:4
Make-believe Giants / Materials / Activity
Building community / Frog Street (FS) cd’s
Various moving and learning cd’s / Journal writing
Announcements and pledges
Welcome to school song:
Journal writing
Read-Aloud Time
(Story Time) / Listening Story: Kilum / Discuss Kilum’s differences
Intro. Tolerant and courageous as they relate to characters
Letter of the week:Kk / Frog Street Big Book: Katy Kangaroo
#11 on FS Cd / 1. Each student shares home work
2. flash cards
Literacy Lesson: / Second Step Lesson
Big Book: Once upon a time in dragon land / Think about the attributes of a fairytale
Write a class fairytale
Practice centers: / Developmental play centers /
  1. Home
  2. Blocks
  3. Lego
  4. Catch-up
MATH and Science: / Big Book: Once upon a time in dragon land
Connecting cubes
Analog clock
Chart paper / Recognize a circular pattern of movements
Math Practice
Centers: / Review /
  1. pattern blocks
  2. unifix cubes
  3. Chain Links
  4. anglegs