101 Hamburg Turnpike

Bloomingdale, NJ 07403


March 10, 2016

Regular Meeting 7:30pm




This is a Regular Meeting of the Bloomingdale Planning Board of March 10, 2016 adequate advance notice of this meeting has been provided by publication in the Herald and News and also posted on the bulletin board at the Council Chamber entrance in the Municipal Hall of the Borough of Bloomingdale, Passaic County, in compliance with the New Jersey Open Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 seq.


Per State Fire Code, I am required to acknowledge that there are two “Emergency Exits” in this Council Chamber. The main entrance through which you entered and a secondary exit to the right of where you are seated. If there is an emergency, walk orderly to the exits, exit through the door, down the stairs and out of the building. If there are any questions, please raise your hand now.

MEMBERS/ALTERNATE MEMBERS PRESENT (*denotes alternate) Edward Simoni James W Croop Robert Lippi*

Mark Crum Bill Graf Ray Yazdi (7:50pm) Craig A Ollenschleger Barry Greenberg*

Bill Steenstra


Ken Fioretti ex

Kevin Luccio ex

Mayor Dunleavy ex

Brian Guinan* ex


Motion made by Comm. Graf, 2nd by Comm. Croop to approve minutes 0f 2-18-16 as amended. Voice vote shows all in favor with one abstention by Comm. Greenberg.


– Speaker, Ken Nelson of Nelson Consulting Group

Mr. Nelson brings the Board up to date on the status of the addendum to the “Housing Element and Fair Share Plan”, which is still in its draft form. This report was sent to the Special Master within the time frame given and he is awaiting their response.

Board Attorney, Rich Brigliadoro states that there will be a meeting on April 8th with the Judge and Special Master. Comments will be discussed at that time.


Darmofalski – Review & Mtg. Attend COAH $250

Rich Brigliadoro- #662 Osmani $208, #663 Bloodgood $400, Meeting Attendance 1/7/16 $500, Meeting Attendance 1/21/16 $500, Meeting Attendance 2/18/16 $500

Motion made by Comm. Greenberg, 2nd by Comm. Steenstra to approve bills as listed. Roll call shows 8-0 in favor.

Motion is made by Comm. Greenberg, 2nd by Comm. Crum to open meeting to public for questions of Mr. Nelson. Voice vote shows all in favor.


Ellen Gerber – 3 East Shore Road

Stephen Gerber – 3 East Shore Road

-Mr. & Mrs. Gerber had questions of Mr. Nelson pertaining to the Borough petition to the Highlands Council submitted by Bloomingdale in 2011 and as to the status of that petition.

Mayor Dunleavy explains the conditions and the status of the petition which was filed in 2008 and approved in 2011.

Linda Huntley - 86/88 Van Dam Avenue

-Ms. Huntley asked how many COAH units would be in approved Meer Tract plans.

Mr. Nelson states that there are 72.

Suzanne Osborne – 26 Maple Avenue

-Ms. Osborne asked Mr. Nelson what would happen if the judge/special master asks for 70 more units? Where would the town look and how much time would they have? Have we looked in to accessory apts?

Mr. Nelson responded that in his experience accessory apartments haven’t been very successful in providing affordable housing. Bloomingdale has a lot of land in open space and there’s not a lot of areas that are buildable. So he’s not sure where they would look should 70 more units be requested.


-Review of Ordinance #5-2016

Motion made by Comm. Graf, 2nd by Comm. Steenstra to propose modifications to Ordinance

5-2016 as forwarded to the Planning Board by the Mayor and Council. The Board proposes that the conditional use be stated as “(7) Dwelling units above permitted business uses.” The Board suggests the addition of two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit to Section 1. The Board suggests the addition of Dwelling Unit Development Regulations as a paragraph L. The first regulation proposed is “Number of Bedrooms. No dwelling unit shall have over two (2) bedrooms.” The second regulation proposed is “Minimum Habitable Floor Space.

Efficiency- 0 bedrooms- 550 sq ft; 1 bedroom – 650 sq ft; 2 bedrooms – 800 sq ft.” The third regulation proposed is “Efficiency units shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total number of dwelling units.”

Roll call shows 8-0 in favor.

-Review of Ordinance #10-2016

Motion made by Comm. Croop, 2nd by Comm. Ollenschleger to accept changes to Ordinance

10-2016 amending Chapter 92 “Zoning” 92-22 “Parking, Loading and Automotive Services” and send to Mayor and Council for adoption.


Motion made by Comm. Steenstra, 2nd by Comm. Graf to open meeting for public comment. Voice vote shows all in favor.

Motion made by Comm. Croop, 2nd by Comm. Crum to close meeting to public comment. Voice vote shows all in favor.


Motion made by Comm. Steenstra, 2nd by Comm. Croop to adjourn meeting at 9:25pm. Voice vote shows all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Neinstedt, Secretary

Bloomingdale Planning Board