Friday, September 21, 2012 - 10 am

Bloomfield College – Shelby Room (Bloomfield Library)


1)Welcome and Introductions

a)Commissioner Dan Mara got the meeting started by welcoming the SAAC representatives and Advisors and thanking them for attended the meeting. Dan emphasized the importance of SAAC and how their ideas, thoughts, and opinions are instrumental.

b)Associate Commissioner Ellen O’Brien asked the group to introduce themselves by giving their name, school, sport, major, and number of years served on CACC SAAC.

(i)VinnyTrotta– Wilmington University – Cross-Country – Criminal Justice – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(ii)Brittany Biddle – Wilmington University – Volleyball – Special Education- 1st year on CACC SAAC

(iii)CoryQuimby – Dominican College - Men’s Basketball – Criminal Justice – 3rd year on CACC SAAC

(iv)MichelleFiorvanti – Dominican College – Volleyball and W. Lacrosse – Elementary and Special Education – 3rd year on CACC SAAC

(v)Olivia Brown – University of Sciences – Rifle – Physical Therapy – 4th year on CACC SAAC

(vi)Rocco Constantio – Bloomfield College – Head Softball Coach – 4th year as SAAC Advisor

(vii)Kaila Dugger – Bloomfield College – Softball – Nursing - 3rd year on CACC SAAC

(viii)Joe Burbridge – Dominican College – Head Softball Coach – 5th year as SAAC Advisor

(ix)Dan Koehler – Concordia College – Cross-Country –Psychology - 2nd year on CACC SAAC

(x)Brian Snow – Concordia College – 2nd year as SAAC Advisor

(xi)Shaana Headley – Goldey-Beacom College – Women’s Soccer – Business Administration – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xii) JacindaJones – Goldey-Beacom College – Women’s Basketball – Business Administration – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xiii)CarolyneHeston – Holy Family University – Women’s Basketball – Biology – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xiv)Miranda Polaski – Post University – Women’s Lacrosse – Biology – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xv)Josh Delva – Felician College – Men’s Soccer - Business Administration – 4th year on CACC SAAC

(xvi)Emily Gleason – Felician College – Women’s Soccer – Business Administration – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xvii)Ivan Lewis –FelicianCollege – 4th year as SAAC Advisor

(xviii) TravisLobb – Philadelphia University – Men’s Soccer – Marketing - 2nd year on CACC SAAC

(xix)Dino Raso – Georgian Court University – Head Men’s Soccer Coach – 1st year as SAAC Advisor

(xx)Christine Gorczyca – Georgian Court University – Track Field – Math and Education – 4th year on CACC SAAC

(xxi)Torey Jones – Caldwell College – Women’s Basketball – Psychology – 3rd year on CACC SAAC

(xxii)Emily Caswell – Caldwell College – Women’s Basketball and Track & Field – Criminal Justice – 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xxiii) Bobbly Stocklin – Chestnut Hill College – Men’s Soccer – Psychology – 2nd year on CACC SAAC

(xxiv) Tristan Johns – Chestnut Hill College – Men’s Soccer – Criminal Justice - 1st year on CACC SAAC

(xxv)Felix Horn – Nyack College – Men’s Soccer – Finance – 2nd year on CACC SAAC

(xxvi) Sydney McIntosh – Nyack College – Volleyball and Women’s Basketball – Communications – 2nd year on CACC SAAC

(xxvii)Amy Berry – Georgian Court University – Volleyball and Track & Field – Exercise Science – 2nd year on CACC SAAC

2)Election – (Supplement 1)

a)Due to the lack of time in the April meeting, elections never took place. Associate Commissioner O’Brien asked if anyone was interested in running for Secretary and could take minutes for the meeting. The Secretary’s responsibilities include taking meeting minutes and disseminating necessary materials. Brittany Biddle from Wilmington University was the only volunteer.

i) Brittany Biddle was named the new CACC SAAC Secretary for the 2012-13 academic year.

3)Review of last meeting – Amy Berry, Georgian Court

a)Amy reviewed the agenda items from the April 2012 meeting; Items discussed included:

i)Possibility of a joint retreat/program with the East Coast Conference

ii)Make-A-Wish updates

iii)Suggestions for CACC website changes

iv)Utilizing Twitter and Instagram in conjunction with the CACC SAAC Facebook page and Snoopy Initiative

v)Producing a Snoopy schedule – Pass him off at specific conference games

4)“CACC SAAC” Facebook Page

a)Please join us by “liking” or “friending” the page (Only 50 “likes” so far)

b)Suggestions: Use of hashtags and Twitter; CACC “like” campaign; must try to spur interest; Good forum to highlight fundraising initiatives; Use poll questions (who will raise the most money for Make-A-Wish) – Make it competitive.

c)Discussion of a Snoopy schedule: Chestnut Hill took one Snoopy and Dominican College took the other – Monitor the conference schedules and rotate Snoopy as much as possible. If you don’t have Snoopy, take a picture of Snoopy and use that as a substitute at your events.

5)Campus Updates (14 Institutions)

a)Each of the 14 Institutions shared an update regarding the events currently taking place on their campus and events planned for the future.

i)Georgian Court University

(1)They are now Coed

(2)Gatorade Pong for Make-A-Wish

(3)Homecoming – recruits, fans = big event

ii)Caldwell College

(1)Title IX event – panel discussion – free and open to everyone

(2)Senior Prom

(3)Athletes helping athletes

(4)Kids night out

(5)Community night

iii)Chestnut Hill

(1)White out basketball game; raffle tickets; food

(2)Spaghetti dinner night


(1)Make-A-Wish blackout basketball games (3 double headers); t-shirts for Make-A-Wish


(1)Silly Olympics

(2)Christmas exchange – white elephant

(3)Elementary school – community outreach

(4)Snack packs for Make-A-Wish

(5)Christmas cards – Missionaries in residence


(1)Freshman ice-breaker/orientation

(2)Silent auction at basketball games


(4)Bowling night and other spirit nights

vii)Holy Family

(1)Oktoberfest – pumpkin carving and bobbing for apples

(a)Pack the house at basketball games

(b)Build a library – donate books to elementary school

(c)5k for Make-A-Wish

viii) Dominican

(1)Coin drops

(2)50-50 raffles for basketball games

(3)Adopting a family for Christmas


(1)Penny wars (loser has to do training session)

(2)Midnight madness and Homecoming

(a)Pizza contest (who makes best pie in town?)

(3)Can food drives

(4)Veterans Breakfast

(5)50-50 raffle

(6)Think Pink

(7)Free clinic for women’s soccer


(1)Alumni golf tournament

(2)Flames for Make-A-Wish

(3)Half-time events

(4)Think Pink


(1)Basketball clinic

(2)Think Pink

(3)Raffles and drawings at half-time


(1)Make-A-Wish star sale

(2)Spring run

(3)Garage sale in November

xiii) Philadelphia

(1)Access sports whiffle ball tournament

(2)ING run for Something Better

(3)First Tee

(4)Community Service softball tournament to raise money to keep Philadelphia schools open

(5)Breast Cancer awareness in basketball season

(6)Youth group engagement

xiv) Felician

(1)Walk for wishes

(2)Candy grams

(3)Midnight Madness

(4)Tomorrow’s children toy drive

(5)Make-A-Wish stars

(6)SAAC game show – minute to win it; price is right; who wants to be a millionaire

(7)Think Pink

(8)Make-A-Wish dance

(9)3-on-3 basketball tournament

6)National SAAC Update – Amy Berry (Georgian Court)

a)Amy Berry attended the National SAAC Summit in July in Indianapolis and shared her experience with the group:

i)Model SAAC – Campus Handbook

(1)“Model Campus:” The NCAA is developing a handbook for SAAC members to use to help them run their SAAC on campus. The manual is still in draft form but will be finalized soon. Includes helpful information regarding parliamentary procedure; officer duties; committee information (Make-A-Wish); how to run a meeting; purpose of SAAC; history of SAAC; flow chart, etc.

(a)Amy has presented the handbook to GCU SAAC and has found it to be very helpful

(2)Amy will meet with National SAAC in November and the manual will be discussed more at that time.

ii)Met with Management Council – Opportunity unique to Division II SAAC


(1)Be aware that there are certain rules when it comes to Make-A-Wish events - must get approval. Supplement 6 highlights pre-approved Make-A-Wish fundraising activities and defines them as, “easy, medium, or hard." If you are not sure about the activity, then contact Make-A-Wish or ask Amy or Ellen.

(a)Must also be careful when using “Make-A-Wish” logo. Must use the exact logo and not change it (ie. “Make-A-Basket”)

(2)Statistics: Division II made $419,000 in 11-12; $2.4 million in 9 years; 220,000 wishes granted.

(3)Amy had the opportunity to meet a Make-A-Wish recipient who got to attend the Pro Bowl in Hawaii with his family; He now hasa 95% chance of survival – Very moving experience.

(4)Good idea to contact local chapters of Make-A-Wish and bring actual kids on campus so everyone can see who the money is going to.

(5)Week of Wishes

(a)10 days dedicated to focused Make-A-Wish fundraising; Only 57% of Division II schools participated last year; If each of the schools who did not participate had raised just $100, then 3 more wishes would have been granted

(b)Week of wishes this year is October 5-15

(c)Associate Commissioner O’Brien provided statistics regarding Make-A-Wish: CACC had 100% participation; Holy Family raised the most money with $2,000, followed by Wilmington and Sciences who each raised over $1,300.

(d)Other successful fundraising ideas: garage sale; pie in the face; rival games (Supplement 7)

iv)Summits and festivals/programming – open to all SAAC members to apply for – Amy will distribute information regarding these opportunities to everyone, as they become available.

v)Amy asked everyone to “like” the DII Facebook page

7)Elections – (Supplement 1)

a)Chair – Presides over the meetings; liaison to Executive council of CACC; can request a special meeting outside of the bi-annual meetings.

i)Associate Commissioner O’Brien asked for those interested in running for Chair of CACC SAAC to speak on their own behalves:

(1)MichelleFiorvanti (Dominican) – “Likes getting involved and has two perspectives since she is a two sport athlete.”

(2)Vincent Trotter (Wilmington)–“Commuter school perspective.”

(3)Cory Quimby (Dominican) – “Honest guy who can bring something different to the table.”

(4)Voting results: Michelle Fiorvanti will serve as the 2012-13 CACC SAAC Chair.

ii)Vice Chair – Assists the Chair and represents the Chair at meetings when the Chair cannot attend

(1)Shaana Headley (Goldey-Beacom) – “This is her second school so she is well-rounded in her experiences. She is team captain for women’s basketball team and feels she is a good candidate for the position.”

(2)Josh Delva (Felician) – “Wants to get more involved in SAAC, as he has been on SAAC since his freshman year; He has been soccer captain since his freshman year, as well.”

(3)Vincent Trotta (Wilmington)

(4)Cory Quimby (Dominican)

(5)Voting Results: Josh Delva will serve as the 2012-13 CACC SAAC Vice Chair.

iii)Treasurer – Tracks fundraising initiatives and amounts for the Conference (no money actually handled); Keeps meeting minutes and disseminates materials in absence of the Secretary.

(1)Voting Results: Shaana Headley will serve as the 2012-13 CACC SAAC Treasurer.

8)Legislation – Amy Berry

a)Discussed various proposals during her time at the SAAC Summit


(1)Permit S-A to contribute to the purchase of an award as long as it does not exceed limitations.

(2)This would allow student-athletes to pay for their own award when Institution or Conference resources are limited. This contradicts the current regulations which do not allow student-athletes to fundraise money and earmark those dollars when they go into the team account

(3)This could put pressure on student-athletes and cause problems when one S-A can afford to pay for the award and others cannot. All team members must get the same award, meaning if one S-A cannot contribute enough money to pay for the expensive award, then no one on the team can.

(4)Amy asked for the group to weigh in on the legislation: 2 in favor; 17 against

(5)Legislative grids will be distributed soon, including instructions for grid completion (refer to Supplement 5 for last year’s instructions)


9)Commissioner’s Update – Dan Mara

a)New staff: Ellen O’Brien – Associate Commissioner; David Smith – Internal Operations (4 total staff members in CACC office) – Continued growth – better service for CACC schools

b)New website – redesigned this summer and launched in last August; Some changes to the site were based on responses from the SAAC group; Asked for the group to give feedback on the new site

c)Conference business: Membership is stable – 14 private schools with enrollment within certain parameters; Presidents have a rule that no school in the CACC can be further from 4 hours apart, which keeps travel distances under control and limits missed class time

i)ECC is adding two schools: one in Washington, DC and one in Buffalo, making their footprint very large (about 8 hours in travel time from one school to another) – This will not happen to the CACC

ii)We have 13 championship sports; working on women’s outdoor track and field (need 6 schools to sponsor a sport before it can reach championship status); we have added men’s tennis and women’s lacrosse

iii)Georgian Court going coed balances out many of our schedules on the men’s side – makes conference scheduling much easier

(1)2013-14 scheduling is already done and approved – Always done two years in advance

iv)CACC is at a very solid right now – overcome “growing pains” and are competitive in the region

v) CACC is looking into educational programming

(1)East region compliance seminar in October

(2)Financial aid and EADA seminar possibly in the Winter

(3)In 2012, CACC had Title IX programing for individuals from all campus departments

(4)SAAC retreat? Need funding

(5)Felix (Nyack) asked if there was programming for referees or officials

(a)Commissioner Mara explained that we have changed assignors in Men’s Soccer

(i)These officials are MLS officials – so they should be solid

(ii)Coaches can rate officials after every game

(iii)Center Officials rate game, facility, teams, coaches, administrators, type of play, behavior, and they rate the ARs.

(b)CACC volleyball, soccer, and women’s basketball have all had assignor changes within the last few years

(i)Concern for women’s basketball assignor was not over assignor, but over pool of officials – New assignor also assigns for Ivy League

(ii)Felix (Nyack) feels that officials from regional games treat CACC players with more respect

  1. Commissioner Mara explains that we have the same assignor as the ECC, therefore it should be the same officials


(1)Championships committee – currently only 8 members – proposal to add a representative from each DII conference – will probably be pulled

(2)Season of eligibility – currently (in DII), if an SA participates in a scrimmage (during first year of enrollment), then SA gets cut, he/shehasstill used a season of eligibility – Proposal is to allow SAs to participate in these exhibition games without using a season of eligibility

vii)Commissioner Mara shares a story about how SAAC members really can make a difference:

(1)DII participation in Make-A-Wish came from one student-athlete (2003) and SAAC rep from Bentley in NE-10, who had a family member involved with Make-A-Wish. She brought the idea to Bentley, then to NE-10 and then to National SAAC. Involvement has grown and spread throughout DII and now, DII has raised over $2.4 million in total for Make-A-Wish.

(a)Don’t be afraid to speak up and make your ideas heard!

(b)National SAAC takes a stance on the floor at the Convention – National SAAC carries a lot of weight – Amy is important because she can carry CACC thoughts to the National Level

(c)At-large vacancy on National SAAC – application forms due October 5th (ask your SAAC advisors for the information)

(i)Adam (CHC – XC) is applying for the position