Selected Readings

Benzoni G and Casarotti C. Performance of Lead-Rubber and Sliding Bearings under Different Axial Load and Velocity Conditions.Report submitted to California Department of

Transportation under contract No 59A0437, May 2008.

Bloom, BS.Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956).Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.

Bloom MS1, Palumbo J1, Saiyed N2, Lauper U1, Lin S1. Food and Waterborne Disease in the Greater New York City Area Following Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2016 Jun;10(3):503-11. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2016.85. Epub 2016 May 16. PMID: 27181600

Chan NW1. Choice and constraints in floodplain occupation: the influence of structural factors on residential location in peninsular Malaysia. Disasters. 1995 Dec;19(4):287-307. PMID: 8564454

Christoplos I1, Mitchell J, Liljelund A. Re-framing risk: the changing context of disaster mitigation and preparedness. Disasters. 2001 Sep;25(3):185-98. PMID: 11570333

Goniewicz K1, Goniewicz M2, Pawłowski W3, Fiedor P4. Road accident rates: strategies and programmes for improving road traffic safety. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2016 Aug;42(4):433-8. doi: 10.1007/s00068-015-0544-6. Epub 2015 Jul 11. PMID: 26162937

Hou SK1, Lv Q1, Ding H1, Zhang YZ1, Yu BG1, Liu ZQ1, Su B1, Liu JY1, Yu MY1, Sun ZG1, Fan HJ1.Disaster Medicine in China: Present and Future.

Disaster Med Public Health Prep.2016 Jun 28:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27349809

KellyJM.A Tested, Inexpensive Way to Protect Buildings from



13 Nov 2013.

Krug SE, Chung S, Fagbuyi DB, Fisher MC, Needle SM, Schonfeld DJ. Medical Countermeasures for Children in Public Health Emergencies, Disasters, or Terrorism.Pediatrics. 2016 Feb;137(2):e20154273. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-4273. Epub 2016 Jan 4. PMID: 26729737

Malogolowkin MH, Horowitz RS, Ortega JA, Siegel SE, Hammond GD

AndWeiner JM. Tracing expert thinking in clinical trial design.

Comput BiomedRes 22:190208, 1989

Martel C. [Psychosocial intervention in civil security in Québec.].SanteMent Que. 2000 Spring;25(1):45-73. PMID: 18253571

Mesa G, Ortiz P, Gorry C. Approaches to Climate Change & Health in Cuba: Guillermo Mesa MD MPhil, Director, Disasters & Health, National School of Public Health. Paulo Ortiz MS PhD, Senior Researcher, Climate Center, Cuban Meteorology Institute. MEDICC Rev. 2015 Apr;17(2):6-9. PMID: 260275

Millegan J1, Delaney EM2, Klam W1. Responding to Trauma at Sea: A Case Study in Psychological First Aid, Unique Occupational Stressors, and Resiliency Self-Care.Mil Med. 2016 Nov;181(11):e1692-e1695. PMID: 27849509

Rattien S1. The role of the media in hazard mitigation and disaster management.Disasters. 1990 Mar;14(1):36-45. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7717.1990.tb00970.x. PMID: 20958692

Robinson W. H., Lead-Rubber Hysteretic Bear Suitablefor Protecting Structures During Earthquakes. EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, VOL. 10, 593-604 (1982.

Seplaki CL1, Goldman N, Weinstein M, Lin YH. Before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: traumatic events and depressive symptoms in an older population. SocSci Med. 2006 Jun;62(12):3121-32. Epub 2006 Jan 19. PMID: 16423437

Stowe SM, Hammond GD, Chard R, Hornberger JA, Honour RC, Sposto

R, and Weiner JM. Monitoring clinical research A report from the

Childrens Cancer Study Group. Am J ClinOncol 7:557566, 1984

Walsh, J., Weiner, JM. Disaster eBook 2016

Walsh, J., Weiner, JM, McAfoos, Wm. Disaster Idea Database 2016

Weiner, J.M.: Issues in the Design and Evaluation of Medical Trials.

G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, 1979.

Weiner JM, Stowe SM, Honour RC, and Hammond GD. Assessing

scientific performance. InforProc Manage 20:575582, 1984

Weiner, JM. Knowledge Utilization: Paths to Creativity. 2005, XXIV

Century Press, Gallatin, TN.

Weiner, JM. Epidemiology and Conceptual Architecture, 2006, XXIV

Century Press, Gallatin, TN.

Weiner, JM, Piniewski-Bond, J. Pass That Test, 2006, XXIV Century

Press, Gallatin, TN.

Weiner, JM. How to Succeed in Graduate Training and Enjoy the

Journey, 2006, XXIV Century Press, Gallatin, TN.

Weiner JM. Effective Creativity in the Workplace (2011). Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany,

Weiner JM, Is There a Difference Between Critical Thinking and

Information Literacy? Journal of Information Literacy, December 2011.

Vol 5, No 2 (2011).

Weiner JM, Bartoo DS. Literature Analysis: A Version of Formalized

Crowd Sourcing.International Journal Business, Humanities,

Technology. Vol 4, No. 4, July 2014.

Weiner JM, Walsh JJ. Community Resilience Assessment and

Literature Analysis.J. BusinessContinuity & Emergency Planning. Vol

9, No 1.Autumn/Fall 2015.

Weiner JM. eBook, 2017

Weiner JM, McAfoos Wm. Idea Database. 2017

Yamaguchi N, Latinwo L, Horowitz RS, and Weiner JM. Quantitatively expressed ideas in lymphoma: Text versus numerical displays. Med Inform 12:273279, 1987

Yamaguchi-Sekino S1, Machida Y, Tsuchihashi T, Isoda H, Noguchi T, Nakai T. Effectiveness of Disaster-prevention Technologies against Quake-induced Damage of MR Scanners during the Great East Japan Earthquake.MagnReson Med Sci. 2016;15(2):246-7. doi: 10.2463/mrms.bc.2015-0025. Epub 2015 Nov 20. PMID: 26597429