Bliss School District #234
Minutes of Regular Meeting
January 11, 2016
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Roll Call: Steve Goolsby, Lauresa Schoessler, Stan Hoskovec, Glenda Gibson,
Absent: Cindy Elliott
Others Present: Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; Michele Elliott, Clerk.
Agenda: Motion (Schoessler/Gibson) Carried to approve the agenda with additions.
Minutes: Motion (Gibson/Schoessler) Carried to approve minutes of December 14, 2016 as presented.
Visitors: Patron Concern – Students parking to close to the gymnasium door and gymnasium and concern of lack of snow removal.
Superintendent Report:
Combined Classes – Due to small class sizes and a need to ad pre-school, Mr. Lancaster asked how the board felt about the idea of combing some classes in order to ad pre-school.
Pre-school Class – Discussion of starting a preschool class next school year pending additional funding.
Elementary Music Program – The board would like to continue our elementary music program next year pending finding a staff member to continue the program.
Policy on Evaluation – Discussion Only.
Leadership Premiums – Mr. Lancaster asked the board permission to continue paying leadership premiums as decided by Administration. Board consensus to continue as planned.
Instructional Management System IMS – This is the system used for response to intervention. Currently similar to mile post. It appears that the state may considering using mile post at the state level. Discussion Only.
Greenhouse Heater – Mr. Lancaster reported that we will need a new heater for the greenhouse and would like permission to purchase the new heater for the greenhouse and one-half of the cost will come from Professional Technical Funds and one-half from Plant Facility. Board granted request.
Bills and Payroll – Motion (Hoskovec/Gibson) Carried to pay bills and payroll.
Adjournment: Motion (Hoskovec/Gibson) Carried to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Michele Elliott Steve Goolsby
Clerk of Board Chairman of Board
Bliss School District #234
Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 8, 2016
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Roll Call: Steve Goolsby, Cindy Elliott, Stan Hoskovec, Glenda Gibson.
Absent: Lauresa Schoessler
Others Present: Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; Michele Elliott, Clerk.
Agenda: Motion (Goolsby/Hoskovec) Carried to approve the agenda as presented.
Minutes: Motion (Gibson/Hoskovec) Carried to approve minutes of January 11, 2016 as presented.
Visitors: None
Superintendent Evaluation: Motion (Elliott/Hoskovec) Carried to re-hire Kevin Lancaster as Superintendent with an extension of one year to the end of his contract making it a three year contract to June 30, 2019.
Superintendent Report:
Senior Trip – Consensus of board to follow the handbook for the 2016 senior trip.
Valedictorian/Salutatorian – Consensus of board to follow the handbook for choosing the valedictorian and Salutatorian for the class of 2016.
Senior Projects – Mr. Lancaster reported that there is a possibility of two of our seniors that have projects that could be done here at the school. Board stated that the school in these two situations could pay for the materials needed to complete the projects.
Track – Board consensus to NOT have track.
Soccer – The Glenns Ferry School District is considering eliminating the soccer co-op with our school district. Dicussion Only.
Budget Priorities –
· Refinish Gym Floor – approximately $2,500
· Gym Roof Repair – Obtain bids
· Main Building Roof Repair – Obtain current bid
· Heating System – Obtain bid for automating the Coal furnace system.
Calendar – Discussion to have only one week at Christmas. Mr. Lancaster will gather input from his staff to see what their thoughts are on the calendar schedule.
Bills and Payroll – Motion (Hoskovec/Elliott) Carried to pay bills and payroll.
Executive Session:
Upon motion duly made by Stan Hoskovec and seconded by Cindy Elliott, the following resolution was presented:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the board of Trustees of Bliss School District #234 recess from a public meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 74-206 (1) (b) Idaho Code to discuss personnel.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT following the executive session conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting. Vote being had on the above and foregoing resolution, and the same having been counted and found to be as follows:
Steve Goolsby Yes
San Hoskovec Yes
Cindy Elliott Yes
Glenda Gibson Yes
Minutes of February 8, 2016 Continued ...... Page (2)
and no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the membership in favor thereof, the chairperson declared said resolution adopted. (Members adjourned into executive session). The following board members were in attendance: Steve Goolsby, Stan Hoskovec, Cindy Elliott, Glenda Gibson and Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; and Clerk Michele Elliott. The Board, having met in executive session and reconvened into regular session motion was made by Cindy Elliott and seconded by Glenda Gibson. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Michele Elliott Steve Goolsby
Clerk of Board Chairman of Board
Bliss School District #234
Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 25, 2016
Time: 7:03 P.M.
Roll Call: Lauresa Schoessler, Cindy Elliott, Stan Hoskovec, Glenda Gibson.
Absent: Steve Goolsby
Others Present: Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent.
Attendance and Credit appeal:
Executive Session:
Upon motion duly made by Glenda Gibson and seconded by Cindy Elliott, the following resolution was presented:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the board of Trustees of Bliss School District #234 recess from a public meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 74-206 (1) (b) Idaho Code to discuss student matters.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT following the executive session conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting. Vote being had on the above and foregoing resolution, and the same having been counted and found to be as follows:
Lauresa Schoessler Yes
San Hoskovec Yes
Cindy Elliott Yes
Glenda Gibson Yes
and no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the membership in favor thereof, the chairperson declared said resolution adopted. (Members adjourned into executive session). The following board members were in attendance: Lauresa Schoessler, Stan Hoskovec, Cindy Elliott, Glenda Gibson and Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent.. The Board, having met in executive session and reconvened into regular session motion was made by Cindy Elliott and seconded by Glenda Gibson. Motion carried.
Out-of-District Applications: Motion (Gibson/Elliott) Carried to accept the following out-of-district applications: Jorge Ramirez, Alyssa Bell, Ethan Bell.
Adjournment: Motion (Elliott/Hoskovec) Carried to adjourn at 8:33 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Michele Elliott Steve Goolsby
Clerk of Board Chairman of Board
Bliss School District #234
Minutes of Regular Meeting
March 14, 2016
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Roll Call: Steve Goolsby, Cindy Elliott, Glenda Gibson.
Absent: Lauresa Schoessler, Stan Hoskovec.
Others Present: Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; Michele Elliott, Clerk.
Agenda: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to approve the agenda with the addition of track discussion.
Minutes: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to approve minutes of February 8, 2016 and February 25, 2016 as presented.
Visitors: None
Superintendent Report:
Senior Trip – Board consensus to allow a $300 scholarship per senior if they choose to cancel the senior trip. This scholarship will only be given if they will be attending college this fall and made out directly to the college.
Calendar – Motion (Gibson/Elliott) Carried to approve the calendar as presented for the 2016/2017 school year.
Position Openings - Mr. Lancaster reported we will be opening an elementary teaching position and will be posting the position soon.
Curtains – We are currently obtaining bids on new stage curtains for the gymnasium. A bid should be brought to the April regular board meeting.
Pre-School Furniture – Currently there have been approximately six to eight four year old students identified for this upcoming fall new pre-school program. Also discussed was purchasing chairs and a few other items for the new room. We will be holding pre-school in the modular east of the elementary building.
Soccer Co-op – Glenns Ferry High School approved at their last board meeting to continue the co-op with Bliss for another two years pending enough students to fill a boys and girl soccer team.
Track – Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to hire Amy Boyer as the High School Track Girls and Boys coach at a stipend of $500 and allow Amy to drive the School Van to the track meets.
Bills and Payroll – Motion (Gibson/Elliott) Carried to pay bills and payroll.
Out-of-District Student – Motion (Gibson/Elliott) Carried to approve Carson Easton.
Adjournment: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Michele Elliott Steve Goolsby
Clerk of Board Chairman of Board
Bliss School District #234
Minutes of Regular Meeting
April 11, 2016
Time: 7:05 P.M.
Roll Call: Steve Goolsby, Lauresa Schoessler, Cindy Elliott, Glenda Gibson.
Absent: Stan Hoskovec
Others Present: Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; Michele Elliott, Clerk.
Agenda: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to approve the agenda as amended.
Minutes: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to approve minutes of March 14, 2016 as presented.
Visitors: None
Superintendent Report:
Curtains – Currently we are still attempting to get bids. There are not too many vendors selling stage curtains in our area.
Credit Card – Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to approve raising our credit card limit to $5,000 and adding Matt Valadao as an additional card holder.
Roof Repair – Motion (Gibson/Schoessler) Carried to approve the TP45 Shingles at a bid for $22,860 with Archibald Roofing.
Modular Remodel – Motion (Schoessler/Gibson) Carried to approve Aaron Beutler for $2,403.63 and additional $200 if needed for the wall and door addition.
Senior Projects – Mr. Lancaster reported that our group of 4 out of the 6 seniors failed their senior project and will have to re-do their projects until they pass or they will not walk at graduation.
Idaho Power Project – Idaho power will be changing out lights to replace with LED lights at no cost to the district.
Soccer Co-op – Motion (Schoessler/Gibson) Carried to approve the soccer co-op with Boys and Girls from Shoshone for the 2016/2017 school year.
Lisa Marie – Mr. Lancaster reported that she would like to come and speak to the students of Bliss. Board consensus to not allow speakers at this time.
Transfer $17,232 from M & O Fund Code 100 to Plant Facility Fund Code 420 for Bus Depreciation.
Transfer $12,954.50 Windmill funds from M & O Fund Code 100 to Plant Facility Fund Code 420 for the Extra Bus payment made in 2015/2016 fiscal year.
Transfer $11,691 from M & O Fund Code 420 for Excess Facility Match Funds
Transfer $7,852 from M & O Fund Code 100 to Plant Facility Lottery Account Fund Code 420.
Bills and Payroll – Motion (Elliott/Schoessler) Carried to pay bills and payroll.
Adjournment: Motion (Elliott/Schoessler) Carried to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Michele Elliott Steve Goolsby
Clerk of Board Chairman of Board
Bliss School District #234
Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 9, 2016
Time: 7:10 P.M.
Roll Call: Steve Goolsby, Stan Hoskovec, Cindy Elliott, Glenda Gibson.
Absent: Lauresa Schoessler
Others Present: Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; Michele Elliott, Clerk.
Agenda: Motion (Gibson/Elliott) Carried to approve the agenda as presented.
Minutes: Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to approve the minutes of April 11, 2016 as presented.
Visitors: Tony & Rita Ramirez and Daughter Morgan Ramirez visited with the board about having Destiny Rameriz recognized as Co-Valedictorian even though she did not meet the policy handbook for a full-time student. No decision was made.
Superintendent Report:
Curtains – The curtains will be here hopefully before graduation. The final cost will be $5,139 plus shipping & handling of approximately $650.
Flag Pole Relocation – One of the Junior students would like to do their 2016-2017 senior project on relocating the flag pole near the patio so that it will be seen by staff , patrons, and students when entering our school. Board consensus to allow the relocation of the flag pole.
Insurance Increase – Select Health Care came in at a 20 percent increase taking our premium from $424 per month to $513 per month per employee. The board authorized Clerk Michele Elliott to post a special meeting on May 24, 2016 to discuss our options for budget purposes and insurance decisions prior to negotiating with the certified staff.
Budget/Negotiations – Michele Elliott outlined a preliminary 2016 – 2017 budget with the board and would like them to review prior to the Special Meeting scheduled on May 23, 2016.
Bills and Payroll – Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to pay bills and payroll.
Upon motion duly made by Cindy Elliott and seconded by Glenda Gibson, the following resolution was presented:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the board of Trustees of Bliss School District #234 recess from a public meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 74-206 (1) (b) Idaho Code to discuss personnel matters.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT following the executive session conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting. Vote being had on the above and foregoing resolution, and the same having been counted and found to be as follows:
Steve Goolsby Yes
San Hoskovec Yes
Cindy Elliott Yes
Glenda Gibson Yes
and no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the membership in favor thereof, the chairperson declared said resolution adopted. (Members adjourned into executive session). The following board members were in attendance: Steve Goolsby, Stan Hoskovec, Cindy Elliott, Glenda Gibson and Kevin Lancaster, Superintendent; Michele Elliott, Clerk.. The Board, having met in executive session and reconvened into regular session motion was made by Cindy Elliott and seconded by Glenda Gibson. Motion carried.
Certified Rehire – Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to hire the following Certified staff:
PK – Laren Erkins
K – Angela Overfurf
1st – Suzanne Perrson
2nd – Kathy Johnson
4th – Angela Beutler
5th – Stephanie Taylor
6th – Stephanie Caudill
Business - Brent Bjornn
Math - Diana Butler
Home Ec – Tracy Dalin
Social Studies – Jack Lancaster
Vo-Ag – Sarah Helmick
Science – Vernon Sorenson
English – Matt Valadao
Resource – Tina Roseborough
Classified Rehire – Motion (Elliott/Gibson) Carried to hire the following Classified Staff:
Devin Brown
Mindy Comstock
Julie Gough
Brandy Etchart
Laura Pulse
Amanda Scheer
Illana King
Shawnna Knott
Destra Thompson
Bob Elliott
Debra Featherston