Bleeding the Brake System

Keep the brake fluid reservoir level just above the "MIN" line at this time. Monitor the fluid level during this procedure to ensure it does not reach below the "MIN" line. If a large quantity of brake fluid is drained during the bleeding procedure, the accumulator pressure will decrease abnormally. Do not bleed more than 0.1 dm3 (0.11quart) from each wheel at a time. Confirm that the pump motor stops after each air-bleeding step.
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Bleed the rear brake system as follows:

o  Attach the clear hose to the RH caliper to monitor air/fluid flow.

o  Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.

o  Open bleeder valve 1/4 turn.

o  With the bleeder valve open, pump the brake pedal 3 times and hold.

o  Close the bleeder valve.

o  Pump the brake pedal 3 times and hold.

o  Open the bleeder valve 1/8 turn briefly to allow any remaining air to escape, then close the bleeder valve.

o  Repeat as many times as necessary to eliminate all air in the line.

o  Repeat at the LH caliper.

§  Bleed the front brake system as follows:

o  Attach the clear hose to the RH caliper to monitor air/fluid flow.

o  Turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position.

o  Open bleeder valve 1/4 turn.

o  With the bleeder valve open, pump the brake pedal 3 times and hold.

o  Close the bleeder valve.

o  Pump the brake pedal 3 times and hold.

o  Open the bleeder valve 1/8 turn briefly to allow any remaining air to escape, then close the bleeder valve.

o  Repeat as many times as necessary to eliminate all air in the line.

o  Repeat at the LH caliper.

§  Adjust the brake fluid level as follows:

o  Turn the ignition switch to the "LOCK" (OFF) position.

o  Depress the brake pedal repeatedly (up to 40 times or more) until its depressing force suddenly feels very heavy (no pedal travel).

o  Release the brake pedal.

o  Adjust the brake fluid level between the "MIN" and "MAX" lines on the reservoir.

PATH:BrakesDisc BrakesBrake PadsRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Remove1/2 of the brake fluid from the master cylinder.
  3. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  4. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Lower caliper guide pin bolt

o  Caliper from the caliper support

o  Disc brake pads, shims, and the clips from the caliper support

To install:

  1. Clean the exposed portion of the caliper piston, then press the piston back into the caliper bore using the old inner brake pad and a C-clamp.
  2. Install or connect the following:

o  Disc brake pads, shims, and the clips. Make sure the shims and clips are properly positioned.

o  Caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly

o  Mounting pin(s) and tighten the front caliper to 54 ft. lbs. (74 Nm) and the rear caliper to 32 ft. lbs. (44 Nm).

o  Wheel and tire assembly and lower the vehicle

§  Apply the brake pedal several times until a firm pedal is obtained. Check the fluid level in the master cylinder and add fluid, as necessary.

PATH:BrakesFront Disc BrakesBrake CalipersRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  3. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Brake hose from the caliper brake line and remove the retaining clip

o  Caliper guide pin bolts

o  Caliper, by lifting it from the caliper support

Exploded view of the front disc brake assembly-Montero and Montero Sport
Click to Enlarge

To install:

  1. Make sure the disc brake pad shims and clips are properly positioned.
  2. Position the caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly
  3. Install or connect the following:

o  Mounting pins and tighten to 54 ft. lbs. (74 Nm)

o  Brake hose to the caliper brake line

o  Retaining clip

§  Bleed the brake system.

o  Wheel and tire assembly

Front disc brake caliper and related components—Montero
Click to Enlarge
Front disc brake caliper and related components—Montero Sport
Click to Enlarge
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section.
  2. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  3. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Brake hose from the caliper brake line and remove the retaining clip

o  Caliper guide pin bolts

o  Caliper, by lifting it from the caliper support

To install:

  1. Make sure the disc brake pad shims and clips are properly positioned.
  2. Position the caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly
  3. Install or connect the following:

o  Mounting pins

o  Brake hose to the caliper brake line

o  Retaining clip

§  Bleed the brake system.

o  Wheel and tire assembly

PATH:BrakesFront Disc BrakesBrake PadsRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section.
  2. Remove1/2 of the brake fluid from the master cylinder.
  3. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  4. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Lower caliper guide pin bolt

o  Caliper from the caliper support

o  Disc brake pads, shims, and the clips from the caliper support

To install:

  1. Clean the exposed portion of the caliper piston, then press the piston back into the caliper bore using the old inner brake pad and a C-clamp.
  2. Install or connect the following:

o  Disc brake pads, shims, and the clips. Make sure the shims and clips are properly positioned.

o  Caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly

o  Mounting pin(s) and the rear caliper.

o  Wheel and tire assembly and lower the vehicle

§  Apply the brake pedal several times until a firm pedal is obtained. Check the fluid level in the master cylinder and add fluid, as necessary

PATH:BrakesParking BrakeAdjustmentsCable Adjustment

Cable Adjustment

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Pull the parking brake lever with a force of approximately 200 N (45 pounds) and count the number of notches. Standard value: 5 - 7 notches
  3. If the parking brake lever stroke is not within the standard value, adjust as described below.

o  Remove the cup holder, and then loosen the adjusting nut to move it to the cable rod end so that the cable will be free.

o  Remove the rear wheels.

o  Remove the adjustment hole plug on the rear brake backing plate, and then use a flat-tip screwdriver to turn the adjuster in the direction of the arrow (the direction which expands the shoe) so that the disc will not rotate. Return the adjuster three or four notches in the direction opposite to the direction of the arrow.

If the parking brake lever stroke is below the standard value and the braking is too firm, the rear brakes may drag.

o  Turn the adjusting nut to adjust the parking brake lever stroke to the standard value. After adjusting, check that there is no space between the adjusting nut and the parking brake lever.

o  Release the parking brake and turn the rear wheels to check that the rear brakes are not dragging.

PATH:BrakesParking BrakeParking Brake Shoes

Parking Brake Shoes

Parking brake and related parts exploded view
Click to Enlarge

PATH:BrakesRear Disc BrakesBrake CalipersRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
  2. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  3. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Brake hose from the caliper brake line and remove the retaining clip

o  Caliper guide pin bolts

o  Caliper by lifting it from the caliper support

To install:

  1. Make sure the disc brake pad shims and clips are properly positioned.
  2. Position the caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly.
  3. Install or connect the following:

o  Mounting pins and tighten them to 32 ft. lbs. (44 Nm)

o  Brake hose to the caliper brake line

o  Retaining clip

§  Bleed the brake system.

o  Wheel and tire assembly

Exploded view of the rear disc brake assembly-Montero
Click to Enlarge
Exploded view of the rear disc brake assembly-Montero Sport
Click to Enlarge
Rear disc brake caliper and related components—Montero
Click to Enlarge
Rear disc brake caliper and related components—Montero Sport
Click to Enlarge
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section.
  2. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  3. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Brake hose from the caliper brake line and remove the retaining clip

o  Caliper guide pin bolts

o  Caliper by lifting it from the caliper support

To install:

  1. Make sure the disc brake pad shims and clips are properly positioned.
  2. Position the caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly.
  3. Install or connect the following:

o  Mounting pins

o  Brake hose to the caliper brake line

o  Retaining clip

§  Bleed the brake system.

o  Wheel and tire assembly

PATH:BrakesRear Disc BrakesBrake PadsRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section.
  2. Remove1/2 of the brake fluid from the master cylinder.
  3. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  4. Remove or disconnect the following:

o  Wheel and tire assembly

o  Lower caliper guide pin bolt

o  Caliper from the caliper support

o  Disc brake pads, shims, and the clips from the caliper support

To install:

  1. Clean the exposed portion of the caliper piston, then press the piston back into the caliper bore using the old inner brake pad and a C-clamp.
  2. Install or connect the following:

o  Disc brake pads, shims, and the clips. Make sure the shims and clips are properly positioned.

o  Caliper over the rotor so the caliper engages the adapter correctly

o  Mounting pin(s) and the rear caliper.

o  Wheel and tire assembly and lower the vehicle

§  Apply the brake pedal several times until a firm pedal is obtained. Check the fluid level in the master cylinder and add fluid, as necessary.

PATH:BrakesRear Drum BrakesBrake DrumsRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation

  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section.
  2. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  3. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
  4. loosen the parking brake cable adjusting nut.
  5. Remove the brake drum from the vehicle.

To install:

  1. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.

PATH:BrakesRear Drum BrakesBrake ShoesRemoval & Installation

Removal & Installation


Click to view: Inspection and removal of the brake drums
Click to view: Assembly and installation of the brake drums

[Get the Flash Player]

Rear drum brake and related components—Montero Sport
Click to Enlarge
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions Section.
  2. Remove1/2 of the brake fluid from the master cylinder.
  3. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  4. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
  5. loosen the parking brake cable adjusting nut.
  6. Remove the brake drum.
  7. Remove the shoe to lever spring, adjuster lever and auto adjuster assembly.
  8. Remove the retainer spring. Remove the shoe hold down cup, spring, and cup.
  9. Remove the shoe to shoe spring.
  10. Remove the shoe and lining assembly.

To install:

  1. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.
  2. Be sure to check and adjust the brake fluid level, as required.




all measurements in inches unless noted

Year / Model / Brake Disc
Original Thickness
/ Minimum Thickness
/ Maximum Runout
/ Brake Drum Diameter
Original Inside Diameter
/ Max. Wear Limit
/ Maximum Machine Diameter
/ Minimum Lining Thickness
/ Rear
/ Brake Caliper
Bracket Bolts (ft. lbs.)
/ Mounting Bolts (ft. lbs.)
2002 / Montero / F / 1.023 / 0.960 / 0.002
/ 0.079
/ 65 / 54
R / 0.866 / 0.803 / 0.003
/ 0.079
/ 65 / 32
Montero Sport / F / 0.940 / 0.880 / 0.001
/ 0.079
/ 65 / 55
R / 0.710 / 0.650 / 0.003
/ 10.63 / 10.71
/ ①
/ 94 / 32
① disc pad: 0.79
brake shoe: 0.04
② 76-90
③ 63-69
④ 67-81
④ 30-36