Early Childhood Services - Early Education and Childcare Providers.
Published January 2015 / Page 1 of 2Dear Provider
This is the first, of what we hope will be many, newsletters to you, designed to give you the latest information from the council.
Early Education places
Take up by Two year olds….As of 19th December, we have 2067 two year olds accessing up to 15 hours of free childcare. Well done to everyone for rising to the challenge in 2014. With your support, we aim to increase on this number to ensure all those children eligible are able to take up their place - so let’s continue with the good work in 2015.
Publicity - We have had a fantastic response to our lamp-post banner campaign across the county – and have an opportunity to run it again in the spring term. We have refreshed the artwork and added a new message to promote the offer to families.
Any interested parents can apply online at or by calling 0300 500 8080.
‘Up to 15 hours’ - We’ve listened to feedback from some parents with eligible children, who have not yet taken up a place. The main reasons given seem to be that they feel their child is too young, or that 15 hours is too long. Providers that are having really good success are getting the message across that it’s “Up To” 15 hours a week, with many offering trial sessions, longer settling in periods and gradually building to the full 15 hours over the year.
Capital Funding - As we go to press, work is underway to open the next round of capital bids. This time it is likely to be targeted on the hotspots in the county, where we have high numbers of eligible children, but little or no provision. Watch out for further news!!
Three and Four Year Olds – Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). We are waiting for new statutory guidance around the process for awarding EYPP, aimed at raising educational attainment for disadvantaged children eligible to claim the funding. There are seven local authorities currently taking part in a pilot for EYPP and we will hear back from them in early spring. We will bring more information to the South, West and North Provider networks in February 2015.
Provider Agreement
Following consultation about proposed changes to the current ‘local conditions’ a revised document has been produced with effect from 1st April 2015. It will be emailed out to you in the Spring term for you to sign and return.
Tracking Children’s Progress
You will have already received a questionnaire from our data team asking for your views about the way in which you track children’s progress. This information will help us to better understand the support needed, to enable us to have a standard electronic system, so please return your questionnaire by the 9th January.
Review of support arrangements to the sector.
You will be aware of the review we have been undertaking about how we can best support you in future. Over 500 of you took part in the consultation we did earlier in the year which has really helped to shape what we need to do. Thegovernment has made it very clear, through the revised statutory guidance,and now requires us to focus primarily on those settings who have been rated less than good by Ofsted, are newly registered or have not met their registration requirements.
Our plan is to continue to offer targeted support to ensure such providers can meet the requirements of the EYFS, are able to meet the needs of children with SEND and that they are effective in their safeguarding practice.
The EarlyYears Teacher team will lead on this work, supported by Early Years Practitioners as well as our Business Support Officer.
The team will also continue to offer support to all EarlyEducation and Childcare providers through a range local networks that you may have already benefited from, such as SENCO, EYFS, etc.
Contact your EarlyYears Teacher for dates of up and coming events in your area:-
West (Ashfield and Mansfield) 01623 4333326
North (Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood)
South (Gedling, Broxtowe and Rushcliffe)
0115 854344
Workforce Development
Provisional dates for Provider networks (Owner/Manager/Leader briefings):
West (Ashfield and Mansfield)
9.30 24th February 2015
18.30 23rd February 2015
North (Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood)
9.30 25th February 2015
18.30 24TH February 2015
South (Gedling, Broxtowe and Rushcliffe)
9.30 23rd February 2015
18.30 25th February 2015
Please remember to book on via the TADO website and look regularly for updates on forthcoming training and development opportunities.
For more information, please ring 0115 977 2437 or email ey&
Safeguarding practice
We have received really positive feedback from you regarding the use of the Safeguarding self-evaluation tool. We are keen to offer more support in future and plan to create local networks for those practitioners fulfilling the role of Designated Person. These will aim to give you a chance to share good practice and support each other in safeguarding children. Further information will be available shortly.
In the meantime, please access the NSCB website to keep your knowledge and skills up-to-date. Attached is an additional newsletter to provide you with information about the preparations for the expected Ofsted inspection of the council, and its partners, for children in need of help and protection, and those looked after and care leavers.
Contact information:
If you wish to contact us please do so via the following methods-
Email –
Tel – 01159 772510
Text Number – 07800 000148 (New service). Please save this number in your contacts on your mobile as ‘NCC Early Years Team.’ Normal text rates apply.
Published January 2015 / Page 1 of 2