Blanco River Estates Owners Association

Minutes January 28, 2012

Board of Directors Meeting – Jan. 28, Saturday, 9:30AM

Place = Herb Espinosa, Blanco River Estates, Wimberley

Attending: Melody Kuhns, John Freeman, Bob Chamberlain, Renee Pepin, John Prentice, and Herb Espinosa

Absent: Joe Richards

I. Greetings and Call to Order – 9:30 AM

Approval of minutes from previous Nov. 19 meeting. Minutes were approved.

Additions to the Agenda. None

II. General Information: None

III. Old Business

Access Roads: John Freeman reported plans to organize with Blanco River Rapids (Bob Kelly in Paula Amaon’s absence) and Dallas Laumbach to determine the type and extent of road work to be done. The feeling is to make a concerted effort on the section between the bridge and the BRE and BRR gate with enough base and grading to ditch the edges and crown the roadway so rainfall drains off quickly and avoids standing water, thereby decreasing pot-holes. For the section between Fischer Road and the bridge the effort might be more simple with adding base and smoothing without grading as was done in the last repair. In the meantime it is hoped that Dallas can approach residents in that stretch and inform them of plans to grade for ditches and crowning during the next repair, thereby removing any worry or objections from those residents. Suggestion was made that in light of Hays Co. assisting with flood debris clearing on Haschke Bridge, ask to see if they can help in any way with road repairs.

The cost for ditching and road base might be more expensive than was spent last year and discussion led to John Prentice making the motion to allow up to $5,000 to be spent by BRE and matched by BRR with what amounts that can be collected from Haschke Road residents outside of the two subdivisions to be added as well. Motion was seconded by Renee Pepin and the motion passed. John Freeman is to commence road efforts asap.

Web site –Joe and Ange will post minutes on the web site.

Finances - Renee Pipen reported most 2012 assessments are paid and our total account balance is $14,802. Association income in the future, if assessments remain at $200 per owner, will be $5,900 with $5,800 from assessments of the now 29 owners and $100 from a lease with Mr. Derr for garage location within the roadway. A budget for 2012 was discussed with the outcome of a total budget set at $9,200 due to increased road expenditures. The budget will be presented to the members at the annual meeting.

Gate/Camera- Mr. Whiten has inspected the gate operations for why the infrequent gate malfunctions and has reported a support pipe has a broken weld that causes the gate to swing improperly and that the remote control panel for keying in codes is apparently malfunctioning. Steve Kuhns and Mr. Whiten are researching a new key-pad to replace the existing and then the pipe will be welded and the new key-pad installed. Expense is expected to be $500 or less.

Park – John Prentice reported bids to get a landscape company to move and install donated rocks to create a retaining wall at the parking area were too high ($3,430) and that the retaining wall is at this time shelved. Concrete forms to cover the steps with concrete are complete and will be installed for pouring soon. The road culvert left by past road repair has been restored and is ready for installation in the park to stop washouts on the west side of the parking area. Expenses up to $700 for steps concrete and culvert work are approved and work will be done in the next 4 to 6 weeks. A web-site and email flyer will be posted setting a date and asking for anyone interested in volunteering to help to contact John.

Architectural Control Committee- Bob Derr lease agreement is approved by attorney. Melody Kuhns reported a lease from our attorney has been delivered to Mr. Derr for his signing. The signed lease is expected soon along with documentation of Mr. Derr’s power of attorney. Mr. Chamberlain agreed to make an announcement at the annual meeting about the property line issue discovered when park improvements were planned and a survey was made. This leads to the conclusion that everyone needs to be careful of where lot lines are located when planning any building project.

ISO Rating for BREOA: Joe Richards was absent and made no report, but discussion centered on having Mr. Richards and Mr. Rohan prepare a summary statement for consideration by BRR subdivision and others along Haschke Road to see if they want to share costs and benefits in creating a water reservoir tank for home fire fighting that would augment the Wimberley Fire Department’s abilities in our immediate area. Having interest expressed by our neighbors should help BRE members consider this project when presented to them.

Planning and assignments for Annual Meeting: Annual meeting date was set at April 28, 2012, at 1:30PM. John Prentice will contact the Fischer Store Community School to reserve the meeting room. Also, John will prepare a request for nominations to fill vacating board positions (2 needed this year), and send this out to members by email, mail, and web-site in mid-February. A meeting announcement and member invitation will be prepared for review and mailout later in late march.


IV. Next Meeting Date and Location – March 10 at 9:30am at Chamberlains’ BRE residence.