Blaine Basketball Volunteer
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2014
Brad Barthels, President, opened the meeting at 6:40 p.m.
Approval of January Minutes:
Correction to minutes:
Change Chipotle fundraiser to: $245 “expected proceeds”.
January minutes were reviewed and approved with the noted correction.
Treasurer’s Report (Brad):
- $23,252.25 Balance (January 31, 2014) -- $4,778.70 in outstanding checks
- BBCC Tournament profit was $4626.31 (better than expected)
- Waiting on LIDS bill (uniform, travel gear)
- Program profits were $1,746 (better than expected)
- $300 check from BBCC for Youth Night (and yearly donation will be coming)
- All checks for program ads have been submitted and deposited
- Motion made and carried to accept the Treasurer’s report.
- Fundraising Night at Buffalo Wild Wings – Wed., Feb. 12 ALL DAY
- 10% of all non-discounted food sales accompanying coupon will be donated to our organization
- At New Blaine Location (109th Ave by Target)
- BBCC Tournament
- Next year provide ice to trainers (and bags)and food/drink to refs.
- Motion made and second to pay for the parking ticket for the concession runner.
- Worked well:
- Site Leaders for rotating Saturday or Sunday
- Ordering through Sam’s Club went well
- Dunn Brother coffee was well received—Roosevelt just needs ½ order compared to other sites
- On-line Volunteer Registration should be used again
- Considerations:
- Increase hot dog meal to $4.00 and taco in a bag to $5.00
- Have hotdog rollers at Oakview and High School and do pizza at Roosevelt;
- Order more blue Gatorade
- Ask parents to donate baked goods (cookies, bars) to be sold
- Volunteer shifts—eliminatie the overlapping shifts
- Charging an amount for the travel gear (a portion of the cost) if signing up for volunteering or having Parent Night a week before BBCC tournament to get parents signed up for volunteering at tournament.
- We used twice as much ice on Saturday
Event Dates:
- Youth Night –Friday, Feb. 7th vs. Wayzata (Dave, Julie and Paula)
- Check In Table – Lisa Newberger
- Prize Table – Lisa Neppl
- Lightening (10 kids grades 2-5 and 10 kids grades 6-8) – Rob, Wymond and Dave Leo (Selected by random drawing, prizes are autographed retired balls – Lisa Newberger)
- Autograph Table of posters– Board Members (200 posters)
- Tables and 18 chairs will need to be set up.
- Free pizza for best 2 attending teams
- Raffle prizes
- Senior Night – Friday, Feb. 21 vs. Maple Grove (Dave Leo)
- Picture boards have been distributed to each senior (made by parents)
- Younger players will introduce and say something about the senior players.
- $400 budget
- Senior pictures to be about $300 plus poster frames
- Tables and easels needed to display posters and pictures
- Julie has plastic table cloths (blue and white)
- Reception after the game--Brownies, cookies, water, Caribou coffee
- Year End Banquet – Sun. March 23 at Majestic Oaks (Chair???)
- Julie to check on cost.
- Committee Meeting next Thursday, Feb. 13th at 6:30 at Dunn Bros (109th/Northdale/Foley)
- Committee needed(Anna Cappard, John McClendan, Wayne Doe, Heidi Steinmetz, Wymand Vang – signed up)
- Coach Arzdorf to check with Coach Drewlo on making a DVD (and shown during dinner)
- Program Stats will be easier this year as an IPad was used for keeping game stats.
- Alumni t-shirts will be given to seniors
- $265 was spent on 53 banquet programs last year
- Consider Harvest Grill for next year (similar food fees)
- A Banquet invite is needed and sent out by before Feb. 21st.
- Wymand to get email and address lists from parents at Friday’s game.
- Fan/Sponsor Appreciation Night – Tuesday, Jan. 14 (Lisa and Tony Neppl and Lisa Newberger)
- Good sponsorship attendance
- 3-point shot contest worked well.
- Parent Night – Tuesday, Jan 28th (Kelly and Scott Scherer)
- Caribou Coffee a hit
- Suggested providing a meat and cheese tray next year
Other Business
- Pep Band
- Two dates coming up
- Next year ask early on to get them scheduled.
- Photographer – Steve
- A $250 thank you will be given for all the game/parent/event photos he has taken this year.
- Question about youth pricing to attend game and concession proceeds
- Could we sell “Bengal Basketball Fan” t-shirt at beginning of the season to students to give them “free admission” to home games for $10? Donate the proceeds for the t-shirt toward admission. (talk about during the off-season)
- Proposal purchasing 3-4 igloo wheeled/handled coolers
- To be discussed at future meeting
- Proposal for purchasing our own mascot
- Paula has a friend with a “deep discount” for Amazon
- To be discussed at a future meeting
- Feed My Starving Children – Monday, February 17th 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- Accurate number of participants need to be submitted.
Next Meeting Dates:
- Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30 PM at Majestic.
Adjournment at 8:40