Thursday26January 2012 7.30pm – 9.30pm

St Matthew Academy

St Joseph’s Vale, London SE3

Record of Meeting

Item / Actions
1 / Welcome, Introduction & Format of meeting
Cllr Chris Maines, welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through the format of the meeting.
2 / Report back on Grants given by the Assembly
Blackheath Community Library at the Age Exchange Centre
The meeting heard from Sir Ian Mills chair of the Blackheath Age Exchange Centre about the funding provided by the Assemblyto open the alternative Library in Blackheath following the closure of the Council run Library. A summary of what has been happening at the library since its opening at the Age Exchange Centre was provided. Information on the opening times, number of visitors to the library as well as the various activities taking were highlighted. A point of view was raised about the entrance to the Library which has no visible access directly from the village. It was mentioned that this may have contributed to the decline in numbers of visitors.
An outline of how the funding secured form the Assembly was used was provided. The fund was used for several improvement works including the adaptation of the Bakehouse Theatre and reception to accommodate library facilities, upgrade the toilets and staircase to make the area safe for use by children.
The plans for the propose building of a new local community centre incorporating a library facility were unveiled. The amount of £800,000 has be raised to rebuild and upgrade a new local community centre in Blackheath. The project is due to commence in March with completion date estimated for December 2014. The new building will comprise of an improved Reminiscence facilities, an improved Library and a modern community café.
3 / Changes to Bus Service in Blackheath during the Olympic
The plans for traffic management and local parking facilities during the Olympic games was unveiled. It was explained that because of the number of visitors expected to go through Blackheath en route to the events taking place in GreenwichPark, plans are being developed to manage traffic and public transport in the area. It was mentioned that greater consideration will be given to resident and businesses parking needs. For the safety of visitors alike a temporary measure will be imposed with the closure of some roads around the Blackheath Live Site venue. Information was provided to the meeting about the traffic and transport management consultation events taking place at the Clarendon Hotel. Organisers of the consultation are asking Blackheath residents and businesses to contribute to plans for traffic management during the Olympic games. Public drop in sessions will be held over two days, Friday 3 February from 12pm to 8pm and on Saturday 4 February from 10am to 4pm.
Lewisham’s Olympic Community Live Site update
A brief update was provided on progress made on the delivery of a community live site in Blackheath during the Olympic in the summer. A large television screen will be positioned in the Church fields by Tranquil Vale. The site will be unfenced with access free at all times. It was mentioned that the screen will only show BBC Olympic coverage including the opening and closing ceremony. A temporary decorative tent containing a bar and food stall will supply food and drinks to visitors. This venue will also provide various entertainment including sporting and cultural activities to complement the Olympic coverage. It was mentioned that this area with a capacity of up to 500 people will require a license and feature some activities which will be ticketed. Activities for children and young people e.g. climbing wall and ice rink will be managed by a fairground contractor.
Concern was raised about noise disturbance to nearby homes. It was explained that every efforts will be made by the organiser of the event (LOCOG) to minimise disturbance in the area. A further concern was raised about the state that the grass will be left after the event and whether the Council will be making profits from this event. It was explained that the Council parks and open space contractors will continue to maintain the grass as usual. Although the overall cost of the event is estimated in the region of £150,000, some of the income will be derived from charges acquired from some activities and the rest mainly from partnership sponsorship. It was explained that the live site itself is not expected to make any profit and plus the event organisers has laid strict rules against any commercial activities near any Olympic venues.
The meeting received information about the Council Licensing meeting where the application for the live site is to be decided.
4 / Break
5 / The Localism Act 2011
The member of parliament for the area supported by a senior Council policy officer, provided a general overview of the new Act to the meeting. It was mentioned that the new Localism Act provides new powers to enable citizen to have a say over what happens in their community. It was explained that the Act comes with a range of clauses on various subjects including council tax bill, air pollution targets e.t.c. The section of the Act’s of particular relevant to the assembly process was explained. These are community empowerment and neighbourhood planning sections.
Community Empowerment
With regards to community empowerment, it was explained that one of the clause in the Act relating to planning can empower communities to have a bigger stake in local assets. From pubs to iconic buildings, every local area will have land and building that add value to the local area. The Localism Act will provide communities with a new route to have their say about the future of those assets they care about which are not maintained properly. Through the Community Right to Bid, local community groups, neighbourhood forums and parish councils will be able to list assets of community value and get extra time to prepare a bid to buy them. What the Act does not do is to give the community the fund to purchase the assets.
The second aspect of the community empowerment refers to the Community Right to Challenge. This may enable communities to challenge public sector landowners to sell land or building that are unused or underused to provide a local authority service. The recent take over of the delivery of council run library in Lewisham by the community was cited as an example where this was already taking place. The respective local authority will be under a legal duty to consider such request which will need to go through a procurement exercise to look at how the service is currently delivered.
Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood Planning gives the community the right to form a neighbourhood forum to decide the future of places where they live. An explanation on how it will work in practice was provided. First the local area will have to decide how they will work together and which organisation will lead on coordinating a debate. The respective local authority on the other hand will need to decide on all request to do neighbourhood planning in their area to see that it confirms with their local strategic plan. The second stage will be where the community establish general planning policies for the use of land i.e. where the new development should be built and what they should look like.
Once a neighbourhood plan has been prepared, an independent examiner will check that it meets the standard required by the local authority. A community referendum on plans that meets its standard will be organised by the local Council. This is to ensure that the community supports the plan and wants it to come into force. People who are registered and eligible to vote in local elections will be entitled to vote in the referendum. If more than 50 percent of people voting supports the plan, then the local planning authority must bring it into force. A question arose with regards to where an area cross boundary with another local authority such as the situation in Blackheath where part of the area falls into Greenwich borough. It was explained that a new clause has been built into the Act recognising such situation after it was raised by the area member of parliament. The Town Planning Act 1990 also sets out the process by which local authorities can support such forum.
6 / Councillors update – Issues relevant to Blackheath ward
Blackheath Fireworks
The meeting were informed that the Blackheath Councillors have received a commitment from Lewisham Council that the Blackheath Firework will take place again this year. The funding raised from last year event towards the event was mentioned.
Update on Recycling
The meeting received information about the new items that can now be recycled in addition to the usual items. Information on recyclable items can be found on the Council webpage.
Blackheath Station Car Park
The lease to Lewisham Council for the Blackheath Station car park expired last year. Since then various negotiations that has taken place between the Council and Network Rail to renew the lease has been rejected. A notice has been issued by Network Rail of their intended take back of the car park on 28 February. There are ongoing discussion about other regular users of the car park such as the operators of the Farmers Market and business permit holders.
Safer Neighbourhood Team Update
Early December Blackheath and Lee Green Safer Neighbourhoods Team conducted a successful drugs operation. This resulted in one arrest for possession of class A drugs, 5 cannabis warnings were issues and a total of 22 stop and searches were conducted. The operation was part of ongoing work taking place to crack down on drugs offences during the lead up to Christmas and into the new year and for the foreseeable future. Blackheath SNT's ward Priorities at present are Burglary, Personal Safety, and Theft from Motor Vehicle. Several premises search warrants have been obtained and carried out by Blackheath SNT around the Blackheath Ward over the last 6 months. Crime figures for Blackheath Ward are considerably lower than neighbouring wards in regards to Burglary and Theft from motor vehicle (both ward priorities). Anyone who has any policing issues are asked to contact the team.
Controlled Parking
It was reported that the Mayor of Lewisham has agreed to look into one hour parking restriction request raised by the Blackheath Councillors, hopefully before the end of March ahead of a wider parki8ng review.
7 / Community Updates and any other business
There were no updates under this item.
8 / Declaration of interest
There were no declaration of interest declared at this meeting.