Thursday20October 2011 7.30pm – 9.30pm
St Matthew Academy
St Joseph’s Vale, London SE3
Record of Meeting
Item / Actions1 / Welcome, Introduction & Format of meeting
Cllr Chris Maines, welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through the format of the meeting.
2 / Report back on Grants given by the Assembly
Ethan from the XLP youth Project informed the meeting about how assembly funding for the organisation was used. The fund had enabled young people across 4 housing estates in Blackheath to learn about music, lyrics writing and production. The aim of the project was to provide a positive diversionary activity for young people from Blackheath ward, particularly those around the estates that have been identified as having high levels of anti-social behaviour.
Most of the sessions were conducted on the XLP mobile bus.Young people participating,recorded music using positive lyrics and messages to share their thoughts and stories, offering a positive message about young people to the wider community. Most of the initial engagement work to publicise the project and recruit participants was done in collaboration with Lewisham Homes along with key people from the local tenant and residents association.
The meeting heard feedback about the experience of one of the young people from Lawn Terrace Estate who had benefited from the scheme.
3 / Olympic Live Site in Blackheath
b / Colin King from the Lewisham Council Sports and Leisure unit provided an introduction to London 2012 Olympic events programme. He explained the routes for the Olympic touch relays and touch bearers including funding opportunities available to encourage active participation in sports. The direct impact of the Olympics on Blackheath was explained. It was also mentioned that Blackheath has been chosen to host the Olympic Live Site to encourage community participation during the games.
A large number of spectators are expected to pass through Blackheath to attend events taking place at the equestrian venue in GreenwichPark. It is envisaged that some of the spectators will use the local bars and restaurants in Blackheath. A section of the heath has been earmarked for coach parking. To alleviate traffic congestion, a temporary pedestrian bridge will be constructed across the A2 from Talbot Place. The intention of the organisers is to contain spectators in the village to minimise spillage of crowd into residential areas. The organisers have also identified key areas in Blackheath which will take part in the City dressing scheme. The areas identified will include, BlackheathVillage, Tranquil Vale, Goffers Road, Blackheath train station, Prince Charles Road, JohnBallSchool and the Heath.
Lewisham Olympic Legacy
A summary of the opportunities the borough could derive from the Olympic events was explained to the meeting as follows:
•Increased participation in cultural and sport and physical activities for all ages.
•More residents of all ages volunteering on a regular basis.
•Increased awareness of local sports / cultural opportunities.
•More clubs will have the capacity to develop and provide
regular structured sessions for residents of all ages.
•There will be opportunities for some residents to access free tickets for Olympic andParalympics Games .
Lewisham’s Olympic Community Live Site
The meeting heard from Kellie Blake from the Council events team who provided an overview of how the live-site will work in practice. She told the meeting that the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOGOC) are encouraging the development of community live-sites and Lewisham with its excellent track record had express interest to deliver such a site. The site will provide a venue for sporting, cultural and community activities, offering a diverse mix of high quality activities and entertainment. It was explained that the main site will be unfenced and access will be free at all times and that the large screen will only show the BBC Olympic coverage.The big screen will be positioned in Church Field.
The set up of the live-site will take place during the week commencing 23 July 2012. The site will be open throughout the Olympic games beginning with the opening ceremony on 27July through to the closing event on 12 August. The cost of running the live site will primarily be covered by the Council with additional funds sought from partners and income generated from activities.Lewisham People’s Day will not be taking place in 2012. Funding normally used for the festival will be diverted to the celebration at the live site.
With regards to whether a licence will be required to set up the live site, it was explained that a licence is not required for a live feed onto the big screen and all the other associated outdoor sports activities apart from a TV license. However, a time limited premises licence for up to four thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine visitors will be sought for the adjacent area which will include the two tents incorporating the sale of alcohol and entertainment.The site will be managed by the Council events team supported by the Police and site security.
4 / Break
5 / Report back on grants given by the Assembly
B / Wash House Youth Club
Simon Riley from the Wash House group gave the feedback on how the money received from the assembly has been spent. The summer programme at Wash House youth club offers young people aged 8 – 13 year olds an opportunity to try out things they have never done before, combining fun, activity and play with work skills in a positive and safe environment.The Wash House is the only youth club operating within Blackheath ward that specifically caters for this age group. The fund received from the assembly enabled the provision of a comprehensive range of educational and recreational activities including drama workshops, arts & crafts, cookery, sports (including football coaching), and music.
In addition, the scheme also offered local outings, and a day trip to an adventure park which the young people have little opportunity to experience in their normal lives. Simon expressed the group’s gratitude for the funding award from the assembly which enabled the continuation of the summer programme for another year running.
The representative from this project was not present at the meeting to provide feedback on the funding received from the assembly.
6 / Lewisham Community Safety scheme
A brief overview of the new community safety initiative was provided to the meeting. The scheme created in April 2011, replaced the Council’s anti-social behaviour and community warden services. There are three teams covering all the wards across the borough, which are responsible for tackling cases of noise nuisance, anti social behaviour and other low level crimes. The team works closely with the Police Safer Neighbourhood Team to ensure peace and order are kept in the community. A multi-agency approach is mainly used to tackle problems arising in the community.
7 / BetterBlackheathVillage Project
A brief introduction to the BetterBlackheathVillage project report was presented to the meeting by the chair of the Blackheath Society. The report was first produced in 2001 and a recent review of progress achieved against the recommendations has taken place. The report have been put in public domain and can be viewed on the Blackheath Society webpage for views and comments.
Some of the top priorities for the society identified in the report include:
- The removal of clutters from the Village
- Promoting best practice with regards to shop fronts
- A policy adopted for street lighting maintenance and improvements
- Promoting a pedestrian friendly environment
- Examining possibilities for limited tree planting
In pursuing the project, the Society would be following closely current discussion in Parliament on the Localism Bill with a view to seeing how the objectives of the reports could be furthered through a Neighbourhood Plan.
8 / Councillors update – Issues relevant to Blackheath ward
Information was received about the proposed changes to reduce Members of Parliament and the boundaries of constituency that they currently cover. Two choicesare being considered. One would involve being split across two constituencies and other would mean that the whole ward was in one constituency. The general consensus expressed by the people presentwas that the latter would be more beneficial.The meeting was told about a meeting taking place on Monday 24 October where views on this issues can be expressed.
9 / Community Updates and any other business
Blackheath Library at the Age Exchange Centre
Information was provided about the community library set up at the Age Exchange Centre following the closure of the Council Library. Around 6,000 book has been moved into the ground floor of the Bake House behind the Reminiscence Centre. The library will remain there until the refurbishment work to upgrade the Reminiscence Centre to accommodate a library is completed. The library opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 2pm to 7pm, Friday from 10am to 1.30pm and Sunday from 10am to 3pm. The library is closed on Saturdays.
10 / Declaration of interest
There were no declaration of interest declared at this meeting.