BJPII Administrative Finance Meeting Minutes 12/7/11

Approved 10-11-2016 St. John Paul II Parish Pastoral Council Minutes – Tuesday – 09-13-2016

Members Present: Fr. Mike Ignaszak, Fr. Mike Wolfe, Beth Eichman, Chris Gramling, Herman Guzman, Roger Hagen, Vicki Kegel, Bob Lynch, Maggie Lynch, Janice Patrowsky, Dean Pluskota and Anita Wucherer.

Excused: Alice Palacio-Gomez.

Absent: Maria Josefina Ruiz Martinez.

Chairman Bob Lynch called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

Council Officers Discernment led by Fr. Mike:

The following were nominated and accepted the nomination for the 2016 – 2017 Pastoral Council Year: Robert Lynch – Chairman

Herman Guzman – Vice Chairman

Anita Wucherer – Secretary

Approval of June 14th Pastoral Council Minutes

The minutes of 06/14/2016 were reviewed and no additions or changes were made. Herman moved to approve the minutes and Vicki seconded the motion. All present approved the minutes.

Pastoral Staff Ministry Report: No Report this Month

Council Chair Report: Bob Lynch

·  Bob had the committee review the Sub-Committee Liaison Report and asked if there were any changes. The committee members who give reports on the committees said NO changes and that they would remain liaisons.

·  Bob mentioned the Leadership Conference coming up at the archdiocese on either Friday, September 30th or Saturday, October 1st. We can sign up for either date. He asked who would be going from the Pastoral Council. Fr. Mike Wolfe said that he would be attending. Fr. Mike Ignaszak mentioned that the staff would be attending on Friday, September 30th.

·  I attended the fall Deanery meeting on Monday 9-12-16 and I will have information about the meeting at our next Council meeting.

·  The APC meeting will be done as a webinar.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

Synod Implementation Update: Bob Lynch

·  Bob said that there will be monthly inserts in the bulletin about the Synod.

Pastor’s Report: Fr. Mike Ignaszak

·  Welcome Back and thank you for your leadership!

·  Filing in Open positions on the Council Discernment or Invitation? Fr. Mike asked the committee for suggestions and the committee gave their suggestions. The committee members said we should invite these people as guests to come and see what happens at a Pastoral Council meeting.

·  Welcome to Fr. Michael Wolfe: Párroco Asociado.

·  St. John Kanty Rectory: Demolished.

·  Our 109th Birthday is September 19th!

o  Celebrating with the “Welcome Back Mass on September 21st which includes an open Invitation to alumni (through Facebook). Fr. Carl Kazmierczak was invited but is unable to attend.

o  Also celebrating in some way yet to be determined on the weekend of Sept. 24th and 25th.

o  Some alumni are also talking about having an all-class reunion with a dance of sorts and open house of the school…Nothing definite yet.

·  Interfaith Picnic, Sunday, Sept. 18th at Humboldt Park, Picnic Area #4. This is an effort of the Southeast Interfaith Clergy Association of which Fr. Mike Wolfe and I are a part. It is an effort to promote understanding, friendship and peace between neighbors. Please come and bring either a side dish or a dessert to share. Other food and drink will be provided.

·  Personnel Letters have arrived: Next June my first term of six years as pastor expires. I am asking for a renewal of my term as pastor. There may be a process that involves the Pastoral Council but the first step is my response to the Personnel board.

·  Leadership Gatherings at the Archdiocese, either September 30th or October 1st. Please sign up for one. I unfortunately will not be present due to a calendaring conflict.

Associate Pastor’s Report: Fr. Mike Wolfe

·  Hello again. I am still getting situated. I feel very comfortable. I continue to be humbled and blessed.

·  I am a native of Wisconsin. I attended Waukesha West High School and UW-Madison.

·  I went to a meeting on Stewardship on Thursday 9-7-16 which was a discussion about a greater mission, a greater concept in a Bi-lingual and Bi-cultural community. Barbara Vite from the Stewardship Office said a sensitivity that she cannot offer. Doesn’t use Stewardship but instead “Being Disciples.” Sharing financial resources is being a good disciple. Prayer comes first. Promote unity. With all our Heart, Heart to Pray, Serve, Witness.

Schools Report: Beth Eichman, Director of Education

·  School has begun and is in full swing.

·  HWA (246) students) had a back to school Family Fun Night last Friday.

·  SJK (193 students) is planning a back to school Mass to kick off the 110 year celebration of the school. Alumni have been invited to attend and share their memories on the Facebook page St. John Kanty Alumni Milwaukee.

You are all welcome to come and share the excitement. Wednesday, September 21st. Tours begin at 5:00 PM, Mass at 6:30 PM, reception and tours following the Mass.

·  Collaboration

Learning Communities have been set up in grade levels. Teachers K4-2, 3-5 6-8 will work together to improve our instruction in the classrooms.

We will begin with the Data collected from our testing last year. We will develop strategies that will help our students grow further and faster.

We will begin to look at the new WCSA Standards. (NCEA standards). We will be working on ways to document our Catholic Identity in each subject taught at the schools.

The Archdiocese is developing a new Teacher Evaluation Tool. We will be looking at the changes in teacher performance expectations.

·  Next month the Principals will have a report about their schools.


Finance Council Report: Vicki

·  SJP II Amended Parish Budget for 2015-2016 was reviewed by the committee and approved by all who could approve this amended budget on Tuesday 9-6-16. The debt was ($40,599.09), a lot less than last year at this time.

·  SJK School budget is very healthy.

·  SJK continues to pay down on the old Pension debt. It is now less than ($85,000.00). SJK is staying current in making payments to the Pension Fund.

·  Funds have been moved to cover upcoming payroll and projects recently done until the Choice checks are received at the end of September.

Committee Reports:

Lifelong Faith Formation: Dean and Beth

·  No Report.

Human Concerns: Janice

·  We met Monday 9-12-16.

·  Our new Pastoral Associate Idalia Nieves dived in with both feet. She has made a few changes with the Food Pantry. Idalia is also ordering more food for the Food Panty from Monterrey Market.

Prayer and Worship: Herman

·  Our meeting is Tuesday 9-20-16. Fr. Mike Wolfe said he would be there.

Stewardship: Janice

·  Our Stewardship meetings will be moving from Thursdays to the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Our first meeting is Tuesday 9-20-16.

New Business:

·  Nothing to report.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. with a closing prayer (the “Our Father”) said by all.

Respectfully submitted by,

Anita L. Wucherer, Parish Pastoral Council Secretary