The Biwabik Public Utilities Commission met for their Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers.

Commissioner Sherek called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Roll call:

Present: Commissioners Larson, and Sherek

Absent: Commissioner Niemi

Others present: Administrator J. Jacobson, Administrative Assistant S. Maki

Audience: City Engineer Matt Reid, Councilor Dave Ekern, Jim Gentilini

Commissioner Sherek discussed allowing guests to talk first. They will start with agenda item number 9, New Business, City of Biwabik Comprehensive Plan Update and the meeting with Voyageurs Retreat HOA Board by Councilor Ekern.

Councilor Ekern opened by thanking the PUC for continued partnership with the city council. The action taken by the city council on Monday night’s council meeting was to approve the comprehensive plan which is the blueprint for Biwabik, Councilor Ekern gave a copy to the Commissioners to review. This plan is to certify to the IRRRB we have a certified comprehensive plan in place. This plan development is intended to capitalize on and supplement the work and products currently being developed for the Biwabik Infrastructure Renewal Program by SEH.

Councilor Ekern discussed a conference call that just occurred between Voyageurs Retreat HOA Board, Administrator Jacobson and himself discussing concerns Voyageurs Retreat has with impending construction of a new pumping station at Lake Mine Pit when the City of Biwabik changes their water source to Lake Mine Pit. 1) People are concerned with the location of the pump station relative to the entrance to Voyageurs Retreat off of Lake Mine road. Barr Engineering has not tied down yet where it will be and the residents up there would like to have a say where it goes. 2) The board is concerned with how much noise the pump will make. Commissioner Sherek responded with he already sent an e-mail out stating you can stand next to Barge and you can’t hear it. 3) Safety concern regarding installation of the pump in the pit and how it would operate there. The lake will be drawn down at least 5 feet and as far as 30 feet when everything is done. 4) What happens when pump building is put in, is landscaping going to be done? Commissioner Sherek will include it in meeting with Arcelor Mittal so it will be attractive if by the road. The HOA has a meeting in May and we will try to have the information by that time on the building.

City Engineer, Matt Reid gave an update on Barr engineering. Next week or week after for the final draft of plans regarding pipe only. Intake there are two alternatives. Barge or drilling intake, once we get plans we will set up a meeting with Arcelor Mittal and Barr by the end of the month. Intake structure will be next summer in 2016. Commissioner Sherek commented on the barge needs to move by May this year. Matt discussed needing to start moving steps along for joint water supply. We need to check out potential sites for treatment facility. Good place to start will be with Minnesota Rural Water on joint water project. There is four communities all together that will be involved.

City Engineer, Matt Reid discussed that the lift station at the depot is at a standstill until March/April possibly May depending on weather.

City Engineer, Matt Reid discussed getting together soon with City of Aurora and look at lift station, water plant, and booster station to get a better handle on what needs to be done with them.

Moved by Commissioner Larson, supported by Commissioner Sherek to approve the January 2015 City of Aurora invoice. Motion carried.

Moved by Commissioner Larson, supported by Commissioner Sherek to approve the December 2015 MP Monthly Maintenance Agreement. Motion carried.

Moved by Commissioner Sherek, supported by Commissioner Larson to approve the January 2015 MP Invoice. Motion carried

Moved by Commissioner Larson, supported by Commissioner Sherek to approve the regular meeting minutes from January 15, 2015. Motion carried.

Moved by Commissioner Sherek, supported by Commissioner Larson to approve the financial reports from December 2014. Motion carried. Storm water will get discussed and figured out when big project gets going. Jim Gentilini discussed the City of Aurora just hired Minnesota Rural Water to come out to re-budget water, sewer, and storm water to see where they are at with budget and what they need to raise. Commissioner Sherek said they would set something up with the city council and mayor to see if they want to start something like this.

Moved by Commissioner Sherek, supported by Commissioner Larson to approve the Morgan Stanley report from December 2014 and January 2015. Motion carried.

Moved by Commissioner Larson, supported by Commissioner Sherek to approve Bills & Payroll: Electric, Water, Sewer 1/09/2015 - $23,885.18 – Electric, Water, and Sewer 1/23/2015 - $104,404.29. Motion carried.

Communications: A. Roger’s online quote for water plant for $1906.00. Roger ordered the computer and will begin set up next Thursday. B. Tonka Water quote for water plant filter panel. The quote received does not even cover the hook up. Commissioner Larson would like to get another quote from another vendor. Moved by Commissioner Sherek, supported by Commissioner Larson to table quote for water plant filter until next month when we have another quote. Motion carried.

New Business: Jim Gentilini discussed the barge and how something needs to get done with the ramp, it is very steep and unsafe. Commissioner Sherek discussed the barge will be moved as soon as it thaws and a brand new landing will need to be made. A meeting will take place with Arcelor Mittal and Barr Engineering before they move the barge in spring he will set up a meeting in March to get timeline, plans and state concerns. Jim Gentilini discussed splitting an intern between City of Aurora and Biwabik this summer for extra help, or each town could have their own. Commissioners Larson and Sherek both agreed to share one intern with the City of Aurora.

Commissioner Sherek adjourned the meeting at 6:23 PM.

Dave Sherek, President


Jeff Jacobson, City Administrator