Bittersweet Lakes Association, Inc.
Annual Meeting
April 27, 2014
Karen Peak called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Introduction of Board of Directors:
Karen Peak, President
Korky Drum, Treasurer
Eldon Chilcote
Mark Futter
Karen Peters, Vice President/Secretary (absent)
Introduction of homeowners in attendance:
Bob and Linda Hall
Joe & Maria Sciole
Eric Adair
Brad Keinsley
Jennifer Chaffee
Greg Bell
Willie Belcher
Craig Smith
David Flapan
Ned & Darlene Sarkisian
Dave Bauer
Marti Harrington
Doug Abramowski
Charles Morrison
Sanjay Jain
Dave Nadeau
Secretary's Report:
Karen Peak read the minutes from last years annual meeting. It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes as read and all in attendance were in agreement
Treasurer's Report:
Korky Drum reported the following:
Expenses were greater than 2012 due to the following:
-New pump for pool
-Replacing pool drinking fountain
-Entrance beautification
-New trees on Liberty Mills
-Tree removal on Homestead Road
Pond costs were down but snow removal cost was up. Expenses were under budget in 2013.
For 2014, snow removal costs are high and we had a broken pipe in the clubhouse. We should recover the cost excluding our insurance deductible. We are forecast to use a considerable amount of cash in 2014, primarily due to raising the mounds along Homestead Road and replacing the trees that were removed in 2013. Please refer to the financials that were mailed to you in January for specific details.
Grounds/Maintenance Report:
Mark Futter requested that if anyone had complaints regarding snow removal or mowing to let him know. There was a suggestion to mark street drains for next winter in case we have a repeat of this years snowfall. Also, the Bittersweet Lakes sign at the Liberty Mills entrance is in danger of falling over. Doug Abramowski owns a sign company and will give us an estimate to secure the sign.
Pond Update:
Darlene Sarkisian reported that the ponds are in good shape. Six geese eggs were oiled and 15 muskrats were removed.
Pool Update:
The pool is set to open May 23rd. Pool rules are posted on the web site (
Garage Sale Update:
Marti Harrington is planning the annual garage sale for June 20 - 21. Let Marti know if you want to participate.
Turn the Town Pink Update:
Residents can participate in Turn the Town Pink. Ribbons are supposed to go up on May 10th & taken down promptly on June 2nd. Please do not leave them up longer.
Greg says he has received several calls about decks, hot tubs, and play equipment. He reminded residents to always check with the Architecture Committee and get their approval on any new projects.
Homestead Road Project Update:
Karen reported that the willow trees planted by Joe Sullivan at the inception of the neighborhood had reached the end of their life span. The board made the decision to remove the dead and dying trees all at once and to increase the height of that area to match the existing mounds along Homestead Road. Two of our residents, Jerry Bailey and Jarrod Lee offered to bring in free dirt to accomplish this. Our additional cost was in the sculpting of the mounds and planting grass, which will be done mid-May.
The decision was made to do this all as one project as it was less expensive to do it all at once.
Old Business:
Ground breaking for construction of the new Grief Center at the Hospice is set for June 4th. AEP has forced Hospice to remove some existing trees to clear the power lines. Some of these were memorial trees. The plans for the new building and landscaping are available for review on their website.
The Wayne Chemical request for an expansion may be back on the table. We need to check if the property has been rezoned by the City.
New Business:
The area along Liberty Mills Road have newer willow trees that will soon come to the end of their life cycle. We will need to come up with a plan for this area.
Liberty Mills common area has dandelions. Mark/Greg will discuss with Pro-Grass to see what they are doing to prevent this.
AEP removed trees under the power lines along Beaver Creek Court causing erosion. Need to look at this to see if any action is required.
The retaining wall at the creek is deteriorating close to the Jain property. Mark has details on this. Need to contact the DNR to see what can be done.
Tennis courts need work. Posts are pulling away and surface is crumbling. Courts may have to be resurfaced. Brad Keinsley will check with Devils Hollow as they have recently redone their courts. Nets will need to be replaced in a few years.
Furnace, air conditioner and water heater in the clubhouse are now 19 years old and will need replacing in the next few years as they deteriorate.
Social Committee:
Residents commented that Nikki Shaw and Renae Kollen did a wonderful job with the Easter egg hunt again this year.
Marti Harrington made the following nominations for two open board positions: Greg Bell to replace Mark Futter for grounds maintenance and Eldon Chilcote to continue as clubhouse maintenance. The motions was carried. All in attendance were in favor, no one was opposed.
Karen thanked Mark Futter for his service on the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Submitted by:
Korky Drum