Bishop Carroll Catholic High School

Christian Morality

Fall Semester 2015

Instructor: Mr. Ryan Schwarz


Textbook: The Moral Life in Christ

Room: 302

Wiki Page:

Course Description

This course will examine the human person’s concrete choices and actions in order to shape them in the image of Jesus Christ so as to fulfill our purpose to know, love and serve God. It will introduce students to the essential elements of the moral life, the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Precepts of the Church, conscience, virtue and the life of Grace. Dear Parent/Guardian, thank you for reviewing this with your child, please draw a star in the top right hand corner of the student contract sheet for an extra point.

Course Goals

Humbly realize that each of us is a unique individual called to know, love and serve God.

Achieve mastery over what is truly right and wrong while understanding why.

Study and practice virtue and recognize vice and how to defeat it.

Learn the precepts and teaching of the Church.

Have fun! Learning should be a fulfilling and meaningful experience.

Behavior Expectations/Classroom Etiquette

RESPECT- All students will respect the instructor, themselves, one another, the school and God. Luke 6:31

INVESTMENT- Every student is expected to work hard and try their best. Students will gain as much as they put into the class. Students are expected to pay attention to the instructor and be active learners. Success within this class depends on the effort put into it.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE- An optimistic, charitable and open disposition will not only make learning easier but will help support a fun and encouraging environment that both the instructor and other students will appreciate. Draw a smiley at the bottom of the page for another point.

Stewardship Hours

-Sophomore stewardship hours need to serve the parish. See website for details.

-All Stewardship hours need to be turned in by DECEMBER 4, 2015.

-Students that have incomplete hours, forge signatures, or fail to turn in any hours are subject to administrative repercussions and/or receive a failing grade for the class.

Absence/Tardy Policy

Presence within the classroom is the first step to ensure proper learning. Therefore it is of utmost importance for students to be in class at their respective seats by the time the bell rings. The absent and tardy policies of this class are in accordance with the policies established by Bishop Carroll Catholic High School. Please reference the Student Handbook for further information.

Late Work

Papers, projects and other assignments are to be punctually turned in at the established due dates. Ten percent of the assignment’s points will be deducted for every day an assignment is NOT turned in after the due date. Any assignments turned in after 1 week of the due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a 0 on that particular assignment. Excused absences will not incur lateness penalties and students will be given ample time to produce make up work upon their return to class. Students are responsible for finding out missed work and or assignments. Students are also responsible for setting a time to make up missed quizzes and or tests.

Course Materials

  • Pen and/or pencil
  • Spiral Notebook or loose leaf paper (for notes)
  • Textbook (provided)
  • Binder
  • Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
  • Index Cards


Students earn their own grades the instructor does not give them. All assignments, quizzes, participation and exams will determine the earned letter grade of each student.

Student grades will be based upon a Total Points system.

Grading Scale

100-99= A+

98-94= A


91-90= B+

89-85= B








Below 65= F

Classroom Policies

-Absolutely NO cell phone use.

-NO electronic devices including but not limited to: MP3 players, calculators, tablets, laptops, radios, CD players, and pagers.

-As respectable students of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School prudence is expected when asking permission to leave the classroom for a valid reason such as using the restroom.

-There is a ZERO tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism. Students will receive a grade of 0 on any work that is found to not be their own and will be referred to BCCHS Administration.

-All other policies and rules established by BCCHS will be adhered to.

Classroom Procedures

-Ask questions about assignments and getting make-up work before or after class

-Students need to be seated when the bell rings and materials must be out ready to go

-Students will stand for prayer which will begin promptly after the bell rings.

-Work is due at the beginning of class – last minute completion (stapling papers, filling in unfinished blanks) is considered late

-In class work: Individual, pair work, small group – low volume and on task.

-End of class: Even if the bell has rung, wait to pack up until you are excused. DO NOT get out of your seats until I have dismissed you, ladies will leave the room first!


-Please let me know of any special needs or accommodations that you may have.

-Always communicate your needs to me as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made.

-Examples of accommodations or special needs include: Preferential seating, reducing distractions during tests or quizzes and extra help before or after school.

-Use three adjectives to describe your child for a third point!

General Comments

I am very much looking forward to this upcoming school semester! I am committed to upholding the mission of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School and I promise my most concerted effort to impart knowledge, communicate effectively, and guide students towards success. I aim to make this Church History class an informative, enlightening and fun endeavor. Again I am extremely excited for what is in store. God bless!

Mr. Schwarz

Thank you for reviewing this syllabus with your child. For a final 2 points please write a short poem together!