Requirement / Timeline / Activity / Evaluation Measure(s)
1. / Development of the district Parent and Family Engagement policy / Annually in May / Involve parents in the development of the LEA plan as submitted inthe application for Federal Funds. Convene a representative group of parents:
- Parent fromeach Title I campus, campus staff, and district staff
- Roles and responsibilitiestraining(e.g.,policy development,evaluation,revision)
- Policyevaluationdesignanddissemination
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Plan outlined in federal application
2. / ProvidecoordinationandtechnicalassistanceinimplementingParent and Family Engagement policiesatthecampuses / Asearlyinthe yearasis practicable (e.g.,basedon receipt of reports) / Providetestresults to parents:
- Annual State Reports
- SchoolReportCards
- Individual student performance data for each of the State exams
- Distributionrecords
- Annual parent survey
1stsix weeksof
school / Support annual Title I meetingsandongoingparentmeetings
by providing the following:
- Technology(PowerPointpresentation,simultaneous translation equipment)
- Communication (website, marquees,newsletter,email)
- Translators
- Child care
- Printing
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
- Annual parent survey
1stsix weeksof
school / Provide teacher qualifications information:
- “Right to Know” notification
- Campus Annual Title 1 Meetings
- Student Handbooks
BirdvilleISD Parent and Family EngagementStrategies
Requirement / Timeline / Activity / Evaluation Measure(s)
3. / Build capacities of parentsandstaffto promote meaningful parent involvement partnerships / September -
May / Utilize the district’s parent liaisons to provide the following:
- Training inunderstandingassessment results
- Homevisitstoaddressissues(studentbehavior,achievement)
- Linkstoexternalagencyresources,asneeded
- Organizeanddeliverparenttraining,asneedsareidentifiedandasparentsrequest
- ActivitiesfundedthroughdistrictreservationofTitleIfunds
- Annual parent survey
- Parentliaisoncontact reports
- Trainingevaluations
- Trainingschedules
- Districtimprovementplan
- District Title I budget
September- October / Conductoutreach to parents as equal partners through annual
meeting at TitleI schools /
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
- Annual parent survey
September –
May / Provide a series of parenting classes /
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
- Annual parent survey
September –
May / Provide written translation toschools and all departments in the
district /
- Copies of translations
- Emails of requests
September – May / InterpretinARD,LPAC,PPCDevaluations,Counseling,
Psychological evaluations, teacher or principal conference
withparentsofTitle I schools, district meetings, PTA, and
others /
- Scheduleinwritingatthe Parent Connection Center
- Calendar and schedule
- Meeting evaluation
BirdvilleISD Parent and Family EngagementStrategies
Requirement / Timeline / Activity / Evaluation Measure(s)
Build capacities of parentsandstaffto promote meaningful parent involvement partnerships(cont) / September –
May / Provide ESL classes for parents /
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
- Annual parent survey
September -
May / Provide Homework Help trainingsoparentscanhelp their
students in reading,writing, math, and science.
- Translate homework documents
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
- Annual parent survey
May / Provide classes to interpret results of state tests:
- RtI Universal Screeners
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
September -
May / Provide staff training regarding contributions parents makein their children's education. /
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
September -
May / Provide School-Parent compacts that outline how parents, staff and students share the responsibility for improved student achievement. /
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- School-Parent compact
BirdvilleISD Parent and Family EngagementStrategies
Requirement / Timeline / Activity / Evaluation Measure(s)
4. / Coordination of Title I with other programs / September / Coordinateparentinvolvementunder Title I with other federalandgrantprograms(TitleIII,ASPIRE) /
- Parenttrainingschedules
- Meeting evaluations
- Budget records
- District Funding Summary
5. / Policy development and revision / May / Conduct parent involvement evaluation:
- Design evaluation
- Collect data
- Analyze data
- Identify barriers to parentparticipation (e.g., special student groups; Limited English Proficient, economically disadvantaged, migrant)
- Revisethecurrentpolicy, as appropriate
- Invitation
- Agendas
- Sign-in sheets
- Handouts
- Minutes
- Meeting evaluations
- Annual parent survey
- Revised Parent Involvement Policy
6. / Involve parents in the activities of the schools / September – May / Promote the following:
- Volunteerism on the campuses (certificates, awards ceremonies, etc.)
- Home/schoolcommunication(electronicandprint newsletters)
- Coordination with district and campus personnel
- Volunteer hours
- On-line volunteer registration