The Zontiana
December 2014
Birthdays: Karen Dolce 2nd, Liz Frederick 18th
Upcoming events:
December 3 Board & Business Meeting
December 10: Holiday Party @ Warner Place
December 19th: Salvation Army Kettle Bell Ringing @ K Mart
Save The Dates:
February 18: New Member Recruitment
March 6: AAUW Collaborative Program
April 15: Women in Leadership
April 18 :Lunafest
May 9: Soup-er Saturday
May 20 Installation/awards
Come to the Christmas Party – December 10th
Join all your Zonta sisters on the 10th for a fun and festive Christmas Party at Warner Place. Come at 5 for wine and appetizers. At 6, get ready to enjoy a wonderful dinner provided, once again, by Chef Dave. Cost for dinner is $20.
Following dinner, we’ll exchange our gifts by playing the Amish Lift and Right Game. And, last but not least, join in making Christmas music with our bell choir.
Don’t forget to bring your exchange gift (item or items from plastic hanging store displays totaling $7 or less in value, wrapped). Also, please bring any items you have gathered for ANEW or the Boys and Girls Club and mark on the container which organization they are forSee you at the party!
Your Program Committee
President’s Message:
My message is short and simple for this month of December. I hope you all enjoyed the goods and services auction, the food, our guests, our auctioneer and all the wonderful “treasures” that were auctioned off. December will be busy with our holiday party, the YWCA TEAM Christmas party and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to share with family and friends. I am truly thankful to be part of our club and the friendships we have. Please keep all the women and children suffering at the hands of an abuser in your hearts and wear your “Orange” to spread the word that this must stop.
Peace to you,
Breast Cancer Support Group Donates to Lily’s Hope: L-R: Joyce Seekins, Ellen Munella, Bonnie DeJoy, BettyLouBlixt, Mary Anne McAuliffe
Theevening of November 12th wasclear andchilly.At Friendly's in Brooklynn Square in downtown Jamestownthe dinnertime rush was on!This was also the nighttheBreast Cancer Support Groupwasgatheredfor their regular Wednesday meeting. What was about to happen at this regular meeting however, was so far removed from the coolness of the coming winter outside. It was warm and loving. For also called to this meeting were representatives from the Zonta Club of Jamestown: The Zonta Club President, Bonnie DeJoy, and members Ellen Munella, BettyLouBlixt and Rosie Papalia were in attendance. TheBreast Cancer SupportGroup surprised Zontawith a$1,000 checkearmarked for"Lily's Hope."
"Through Lily's Hope, Zonta Club of Jamestown has been fortunate to be able to bring comfort to local women going through the trauma of cancer treatment. Support from individuals and groups such as the Breast Cancer Support group enables us to continue this program. We are now able to expand our efforts to new areas, and are most grateful for all who help us.", said Ellen Munella of the check.
"Lily's Hope" is aNO COSTresource to women who live in, or are being treated in Chautauqua County for any medical diagnosis in which they experience hair loss. Although Cancer is usually the medical condition where treatment results in hair loss, other conditions may also causethe side-effect,therefore women with suchissues are also welcome to seek wigs, caps, hats or other accessories. All items at "Lily's Hope" are provided by donation, or purchased by the club with raised and donated funds. "Lily's Hope" is a room donated by WCA Hospital at the Jones Memorial Health Center and is maintained through a partnership with WCA and Zonta members. Women may seek theseaccessoriesand serviceson appointment by calling the WCA Cancer Treatment Center at664-8670.
Pillows: Lily's Hope has been the fortunate recipient of another set of pillows created by Ms. Marcy Miller's FACs class at Persell Middle School. Learning to sew is just one of the skills taught in the class. This is the second donation of pillows to "Lily's Hope" in the past year. The students elected to have the donation of pillow to Lily's Hope to help comfort women going through cancer treatment.
Lily's Hope is located at the WCA Cancer Treatment Center at Jones Memorial Hospital in Jamestown. It is a resource for women living, or being treated, in Chautauqua County for a medical diagnosis where hair loss is evident with treatment. Women can come for a fitting by appointment to receive a wig, hat, cap or scarf FREE OF CHARGE.
Lily’s Hope
If you are going through cancer treatments, you've already had enough. The big C is capital S-C-A-R-Y. And no one knows that more than those who have gone through it, are going through it, or watched someone battle it head on. All the pokes and prods, all the blood work and tests.The sick feelings, the worry and time spent wondering. Time from work.Time from family.And then there's the physical issues. Not feeling well. Not knowing what to expect next. Then, loss of hair with chemotherapy.
Lily Olson, a past President of the Zonta Club of Jamestown, breached the topic at a regular business meeting a little over 5 years ago this month. A friend of hers was a nurse who drove patients to cancer treatment appointments and remarked to Lily that on top of all they are dealing with, they have to drive to Buffalo or Erie to get a wig so they could feel better about how they looked. Lily came up with a great idea to help those women so they wouldn't have to do that extra drive. A room, locally, where women could get a wig or hat.She asked the club if we could do something - that we SHOULD do something. The club set to work. A few months later, and with a collaboration with WCA Hospital's wellness program, "Lily's Hope" was born.
At the Cancer Treatment Center at Jones Memorial Hospital, there is now a room called "Lily's Hope." It is stocked with donated and new wigs, caps, hats, scarves, bags, pillows and other fine accessories. Lily's Hope has really taken on a life of it's own, garnering monetary donations of 100's and up to several $1,000's of dollars from the club's fundraising efforts and the community. Knitting clubs have donated knitted items. Quilters have formed guilds and quilted items for patients. Children in a local middle school have made pillows. There've been fundraisers by companies, community groups and individuals. There is even a soup contest each year in May!
Meeting with a cancer patient and looking at their face as they try on wigs and are fit for hats for their journey is truly an amazing experience. The range of emotion is there. The excitement of something new and fun.The sadness of the illness.The patience of trying multiple wigs to find the right one.But then the delight and thankfulness of receiving this piece of hope for free.... breath-taking.
In just 4 years, Lily's Hope has helped well over 300 women in the area. More people have yet to hear about it. The Zonta Club is working to spread the word with articles, posters, cards and a Facebook page. And although the club's ultimate hope is that the demand will decrease as cancer research seeks to find cures, there is THIS perpetual Hope: That this free resource will be available to help those going through their cancer journey to have a more pleasant one. That's "Lily's Hope."
Of Interest:16 Days Of Activism
Dear Zontians,
Zonta's advocacy campaign "Zonta says NO to Violence Against Women" unites the Zonta world inthe global appeal to all Governments to end violence against women and girls once and for all.
As the 16 Days of Activism start today, the 25th of November, I encourage all Zontians to participateactively in the campaign and to contribute with our activities to the strongly needed sustainablechange.
Let our voice be loud and clear:
Maria Jose LandeiraOestergaard
Zonta International & Zonta International Foundation President
Zonta Club of Jamestown
P.O. Box 913
Jamestown, New York 14701