Warwick Northgate Methodist Church

Mid-Warwickshire Circuit (5/13)

Tuesday 20thMarch 2018

9.30amArrivals & refreshments

10 amWorship & Holy Communion

Presiderpreacher : Ian Howarth

Service to include presbyter recommitment:‘Does each of us continue faithfully to discharge the obligations laid upon us by the ministry which we have received from the Lord Jesus to testify to theGospel of the grace of God? Do we continue to believe and preach our Doctrines and observe and administer our discipline?’

11 amMatters for information and decision

  1. Apologies & Letters of Greetings
  2. Obituaries-What is our testimony of their ministry?
  3. Supernumeraries - Testimonies from those applying to become supernumerary
  4. Candidates Committee-Anne Smith
  5. Probationers Committee-Peter Bates

(Testimony service:24th May, 7.00 pm at Solihull Methodist Church)

  1. Permission to attend Presbyteral Session of Conference

Note: Those wishing to attend under their own arrangements/expense should pass their names to Caz Hague (/07979 278949) before 20 March. Conference Agenda costs approx. £30+ pp and can be ordered directly from .

  1. Matters from Connexion
  2. Mission and ministry in Covenant Discussion – Jo Thornton
  3. Code of practice
  4. Memorials or Resolutions to Conference
  5. Any Other Business (please notify Caz Hague of items in advance of the meeting)
  6. Farewell to those who are moving out of the District
  7. Next meeting: Wednesday 20th March 2019

12:45 pm Lunch (please bring your own packed lunch, drinks will be provided)

1.30 pmThe Future of PresbyteralMinistry in the Methodist Church withJonathan Hustler, Assistant Secretary of Conference

3 pmClosing Devotions

Getting to Synod

Note: the church has no car parking facilities. It is suggested that people either travel by public transport or park at Warwick Racecourse car park which is 20minutes walk from the church. (see map below). If anyone is not able to walk this distance then please contact the senior steward, Richard Ratcliffe, who will be able to give details of the limited local disabled parking, on 01926 491563 or .